Sideshow 1/6 R2-D2

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Alright, it's 11:26pm on the West Coast and I would like to say something. I'm drunk (that's not what I want to say, though), but I have been more closely examining my R2 unit (how cool is that to say?), and every flaw, casting mark, paint chip, plastic sag, etc. that others have pointed out are present on mine.

I broke one side of my serving tray by trying to get the male ends to fit snugly in the female ends (no jokes, please).

I can't get the lightsaber hilt to REMOTELY fit into its intended cubby without fear that I'll never get it back out.

The additional tools are practically useless to me, since it would take one hell of a diorama to be able to showcase it to any appreciable degree.

Back into the box the tools go. Back into the box the serving tray goes. Actually, it's not back into the box. I keep cute little labeled Ziploc baggies for my extra figure parts.

The additional arms are definitely overkill, but hey, I'd rather have them and complain that they don't serve a purpose than to not have them and complain that the figure didn't have any accessories.

The point of my rant is that despite the fact that this is a FLAWED 'figure,' if you take two (small) steps back, it's absolutely wonderful. The lights function well (chicks dig them lol), regardless of the fact that it's asinine to have to remove the dome to flip the switch, and knowing that batteries will drain faster using the touch-sensitive pad. But there's just something about R2-D2 (more so than even C-3PO) that belongs in a Star Wars collection (and I'm not one of those that's been pining for an R2 release). When I saw that Sideshow had announced their R2, at first I had the attitude of 'meh'. But then I saw some pics and figured, 'He'd look pretty good with my Bespin Luke. What the hell. -Pre-Order-.'

The figure looks absolutely fantastic.

Captain Britain's initial reaction was valid (even though he refused to take any pics to share with his fellow collectors).

Rory's points are valid.

Pixel's points and observations are valid.

But I really don't like the trend of breaking out rulers and hyper-close photos to show a smudge or indentation and asking if you have a defective figure. If you're an active participant in this game (and if you spend $150-$500 on dolls, you most definitely are), you know what's acceptable and what's not. There's no need to post those photos on the board and ask 'Is my figure messed up?' Even if you seriously feel like it is messed up, a quick glance through the back pages would answer the question.*

FACT: Sideshow Collectibles delivered an awesome R2-D2 for the price they charged. That CANNOT be disputed. Hot Toys may (and probably will) trump Sideshow's figure, but on its own merits, this is a great figure. For those that are totally nitpicking about minor details, remember, R2-D2 had many details that varied from prop to prop, film to film, scene to scene. Slight variances from your favorite screen grab are acceptable.

Sidenote: I am a voracious Boba Fett fan. As such, I am HYPER sensitive to aspects of his costume that are correctly/incorrectly presented in any kind of reproduction or facsimile. If you are the same as me (substituting R2-D2 for Boba Fett, of course), and there are glaring inaccuracies on this figure versus the actual props, please know that this message wasn't directed towards you, but rather the casual collectors, et all.

*Except for that silver smudge on the eye. Mother **** that ****.
"Rulers and hyper close photos"??

Nice well considered post Rubio, although I'm afraid your Fett OCD pretty much takes the biscuit in regards to being pernickety with their SW toys. So this is only different to you because it's not a Fett? It's all subjective. Some of that **** you did to improve your Boba was not only amazingly impressive but also bat**** crazy!
:lol love the sincerity of your post though man. :duff
People are welcome to seek confirmation regarding suspected defective figures by posting pics as far as I'm concerned. A surveying of posted pics doesn't always reveal an obvious answer. If a collector knows that they have a surface blemish or what not that's typical of a release, they're unlikely to waste their time - and the seller's time - requesting a replacement. They'll just lump it. If others can confirm atypical issues then they'll feel more confident that they have a case, and that their replacement won't have those same issues. No big deal.
People are welcome to seek confirmation regarding suspected defective figures by posting pics as far as I'm concerned. A surveying of posted pics doesn't always reveal an obvious answer. If a collector knows that they have a surface blemish or what not that's typical of a release, they're unlikely to waste their time - and the seller's time - requesting a replacement. They'll just lump it. If others can confirm atypical issues then they'll feel more confident that they have a case, and that their replacement won't have those same issues. No big deal.

Great post Lejuan. Uncharacteristically serious and mature, you haven't stopped drinking have you? :lol
You don't need to see my intoxication :lecture

I was excited when my tracking app informed me that my R2-D2 had arrived at my home yesterday. When I returned home from work I placed the box in front of one of the heater vents in the house as it had been sitting outside in 18 degree temp for a couple of hours.

So I took two big shots of Jägermeister to celebrate the coming weekend and the arrival of R2 and since I did not eat much all day it went straight to my head. At this point I was a bit too goofy to deal with my new toy so I had to lay down for an hour or so before opening the box. At least it had warmed up in the meantime.

I am pleased with my purchase. I can not find any paint problems and the weathering is consistent. Both the life scanner and periscope stay up without any problems and the legs and ankles are tight. I do see a slight seam in the dome and a small depression as others have noted. On the silver ring below the head there is one small bit of flashing that was painted over. Other then that I am very happy. This figure is going in my display case so I am not concerned with the possibility of breaking something on it. To be honest I was expecting the plastic to be egg shell thin after reading the comments here but for my tastes I do not find it to be too fragile.

I did discover one problem this morning however. When I attempted to assemble the drink tray I found the the right side end was the wrong bit. It does not have the pegs on it to attach the tray arm. I just informed Side Show. I think I'm the first to have this problem.

Well after seeing this thing up close at my local comic book shop, I just couldn't resist any longer, and had to buy him. Because he looks freakin amazing.

And I gotta say, all the talk about him being as "light and flimsy as a model kit" is way overblown. Yeah when you tilt him this way or that some of the doors might fly open, but overall he still has much more heft and feels much more solid than I was expecting. It might feel more like a (really nice) toy from Hasbro than a heavy diecast HT figure, but it's definitely no model kit.

The only real issues I have is with the blue paint on the dome not being filled in enough, and the life sensor being too damn short. Which is something I'm definitely going to have to replace with a separate, longer attachment someday. And it is slightly annoying that you can't actually store some of the tools within the compartments. Considering how well-engineered the rest of the figure is, you'd think doing that would have been easy enough.

I still need to improve the weathering with a sponge and rubbing alcohol like someone else did awhile back, but even straight out of the box I think it looks pretty damn great.

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Hi guys. I had to do an RMA return of R2D2. SSC says they would send a replacement 2 business days after they received the item. SSC received my defective R2D2 on Monday, but I haven't heard anything back from them. I replied back to the customer service person's email and the RMA email, but haven't received a response yet.

Has SSC been slow to handle replacements?
I've had warranty stuff from SSC just show up without any email to say it had been shipped, so it's possible it's already on the way.
I'm on my third coffee over here trying to get up the nerve to actually take a razor blade to the eye of my R2. On picking this guy up again I still really like him despite the build quality/flaws and sloppy paint. But it does make me very reluctant to buy into the idea of paying hot toys prices on future SS releases, which is too bad because there is a couple that I want.