Sideshow 1/6 Jabba and Throne

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I was excited to see this too. Not getting it. But it was a fun surprise... really would like an upgraded Jabba... just don't feel this is the one.

I was excited at first, I just saw the images and not who made it and my initial assumption was it was Hot Toys, never even imagined Sideshow would revisit this, but then at quicker glance, the flaws became obvious.

Overall form looks inferior to Hasbro’s most recent Jabba and more like Hasbro’s 2010 Jabba, 2007 Sideshow for the win. It’s like when Hasbro took 3 attempts starting in 2004 to finally make a Jabba to top the ‘83 Kenner.

I would honestly consider a Jabba upgrade, but I have no need for a new throne or Crumb set. I think this would be a great candidate for an ala carte offering if SS were thinking strategically... Sadly, they don't seem to do that much.

They are definitely missing out on people with the complete 2008 set-up but who may want to upgrade just Jabba.

Money lost.
I have old Jabba with no throne so I'll may be interested in the new one but if 800$ is the price for the bundle the throne alone should be 300-400$, and that's way too much. 825$ was Hulkbuster retail price....I can't justify myself buying a green turd on a concrete slab for that price.

I'm on the fence with this. I missed out on the previous version, but I think I'm going to join the holding out party until we see prod pics. It's cool, but I'm not convinced it's $800 cool. Yet.
Definitely. I really hope they do this (though I suspect they won't). I bought one used last year with both creature packs, Boushh, and Bib Fortuna for about the asking price for this. Creature packs are going for over $100 each now. I'm sure they'll reissue them as well with new paint probably for that amount.

Shouldn't be long before the Dewback and Tusken Raider are back in the lineup as well.

They are definitely missing out on people with the complete 2008 set-up but who may want to upgrade just Jabba.

Money lost.
I was very excited and couldn't believe this, then saw the price and my enthusiasm died. This seems overpriced for what I'm seeing, and I've rarely said that about releases unless its blatant.

Yeah, I think somewhere in the $550-600 range might have been a more realistic pricepoint. This has a big space commitment, a sky-high price and the distinct possibility that HT will do it working against it.

What the **** sideshow?!? I already have the old one. Why can’t they sell him separately?

I wouldn't rule that out a separate Jabba sale, though you may have to wait for the inevitable re-release. Usually that might have taken years, but this ships in October and SSC has been re-releasing stuff in only a year or so after it "sold out" so it may be as early as late next year they'll offer this "ala carte."

A Dewback ath these days SSC prices may come at 1000$. No thanks.

The other issue with the Dewback is that it's polystone so weighs a ton and needs a box the size of a small garage. The fact they seem to have made this new Jabba out of PVC is encouraging, though it's likely only the figure (which is what the old Jabba was made of,) not the throne.

I really hate polystone - it's fragile, it rules out articulation and has all the handling issues. It's the reason I passed on the Dewback before (that and the fact I wanted a Dewback figure with some limited articulation, not a 1/6 statue) so I'd pass on it again. If they did the original Kenner-style rhino legs/feet (instead of Special edition chicken style) however...
I got the original Sideshow Jabba on Ebay last year. At the time, part of me wondered about waiting to see if Hot Toys ever made their own version. But, I found a good deal online, and could't resist. It was just Jabba by himself though; no throne.

Then, about a month ago, I found an auction for a Sideshow IG-88 (the original one, not the new one) bundled with the Salacious Crumb creature pack. I had really wanted a Salacious Crumb, but the creature pack by itself sold for too much online. Fortunately I was the only bidder, and got an awesome price for the two (less than IG-88 goes for by himself).

So, it's kind of a bummer to see this new Jabba now. But it's also very pricey, so maybe I should just be content with what I have, and the fact that I paid far less for it (but, again, no throne). The older one has a really good sculpt (at first glance, perhaps better than the new one?), just not as good paint. I can't justify owning two Jabbas. I wonder though, had I known, would I have bought this new one instead?

If you list your old Jabba on EBay today you can probably still get $400 for it which would pay for half of your upgrade...if you wait until tomorrow when the news spreads that Jabba will net $130...
That price is nuts, I went from excited and optmistic to disappointed.

I'll pass for now.
If you list your old Jabba on EBay today you can probably still get $400 for it which would pay for half of your upgrade...if you wait until tomorrow when the news spreads that Jabba will net $130...

Yeah, I dunno why anyone would jump to sell the old one - it has meh paint but its a more accurate sculpt than this, and it doesn't have cracks running through his face where the mouth and eyes insert pieces go.

Judging by the way the seams worked on the Sideshow Taun's swap-out pieces (very visible gaps/cracks,) this one is going to look like Jabba's face has been hit by an earthquake.

This should have been two heads (eyes open/closed, mouth open/closed) with the seam hidden in the neck folds. The individual eyes/mouths was a really silly idea, but saved a few bucks - on an $800 product.:monkey3

This new one has far superior paint (looks gorgeous,) but everyone knows that Sideshow prototype paint and Sideshow production paint are 110% different things.
Yeah, I think somewhere in the $550-600 range might have been a more realistic pricepoint. This has a big space commitment, a sky-high price and the distinct possibility that HT will do it working against it.

Yeah, I hate to be the apples to oranges guy, but I ordered the new Gantry and Mk 4 for less than this a month ago. This just doesn't seem like it should be out-pricing that. The problem is, Jabba is a major hole in my collection that I've always ignored, now that hes going to be released, its going to grate on me. I'll just tell myself HT will get to it and try to push it out of my mind. :lol
I wouldn’t have space to display this anytime soon so I wasn’t going to order anyway, but $800 is ridiculous.
Fine with my original Jabba and throne combo. Could use a spare hookah pipe though as i broke mine recently. Not holding my breath for the throne to be parted out though.