1/6 Sideshow 1:6 Indiana Jones - Temple of Doom

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He looks awesome in all these pictures! Ash should be a great figure if this is what we can expect
Just got this figure...just a quick, right out of the box at work....

...and I think this figure is fantastic! Been enjoying the shots folks have been posting in here, but to finally have a good look for myself...and, man o man...just terrific.

Love the box art, the figure looks great. I'll post more thoughts and a couple more shots when I get home but...if you're a big Indy fan, don't pass up this one!

Great job, Sideshow! Now....where's Mola Ram? :)
My Indy arrived yesterday. The hat doesn't bother me. The sculpt doesn't bother me. The paint doesn't bother me. What bothers me that I did not expect is the pin head. His head looks too small for the body. It's bothering me to the point I'm thinking of selling on ebay. Since I used a ton of rewards points from Sideshow to buy him, I'm thinking they won't refund those.

Anyone else feel like Indy has a pin head? Any easy body swaps out there to help with it? It's a shame to have to do that for such an expensive figure to begin with. I also would not want to lose the authentic looking chest and neck, although the neck seems a tad long and might be contributing to the pin head look.

I think the head proportions look fine, but that's just me.
A liitle closer look....

I don't get the carping in here. I thinks the proportions are fine. The outfit is outstanding...hangs on the figure really well, and that's without any real futzing or water treatment yet. The paint apps on the portrait are clean and strong, the body seems decent to me. The shoes with the "laces" look great. The tears and distress marks on the clothes aren't overplayed.

My (extremely) minor nits...I wish the stand had a bit of an environmental touch to it...slats from the bridge or some floor "stone" from Ram's sacrificial chamber...but it's not a deal-breaker. And yes, that hair line is a bit unsightly...but this Indy will be sporting the fedora most of the time anyway.

I hope this figure is successful enough for Sideshow so that they will consider producing more Indy figures. A figure of him with a "Last Crusade" vibe would be welcome, especially if it matched the quality shown here.

Gonna enjoy the heck out of this one....hope others do too so we can see some more cool pictures from folks....
It's too bad with this figure. He looks great until the hat goes on. Then it looks off.
I swapped the stock hat with the Hot toys fedora. Looks so much better on him.

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The head is looking a little small in these pics - really hard to judge though (how funny that SSC Indy heads were known for being oversized.) I remember thinking the HT fedora was on the small side and the SSC TOD head seems just a touch too small for it (angle and lens can change things a lot though.)

Just judging by pics, I'm actually quite liking the sculpt and to some degree the paint. The boots and body look pretty great, and the pants look decent. Even the belt/holster looks good.

The sword looks slightly too small - I remember it being maybe 20% bigger, but I guess that's not major The shirt collar seems totally out of control. SSC thought "it's all torn up" so didn't tailor it enough.

Really mulling this one. Tough choice - if it was $180/190 I would have grabbed it, but it's really a lot of money as-is. Hmmm:gah:
i think the ht fedora is perfect. it does sit differently on this head from the pics i have seen, but it seems to accidentally match closer to the tod fit more than the ss fedora. i have also noticed that cell phone pics tend to elongate and make the figures skinny. i know my phone is guilty of this. i think im gonna have to buy this as i do have a extra ht fedora :)
My Indy arrived yesterday. The hat doesn't bother me. The sculpt doesn't bother me. The paint doesn't bother me. What bothers me that I did not expect is the pin head. His head looks too small for the body. It's bothering me to the point I'm thinking of selling on ebay. Since I used a ton of rewards points from Sideshow to buy him, I'm thinking they won't refund those.

Anyone else feel like Indy has a pin head? Any easy body swaps out there to help with it? It's a shame to have to do that for such an expensive figure to begin with. I also would not want to lose the authentic looking chest and neck, although the neck seems a tad long and might be contributing to the pin head look.

Well if you are parting him out, how much you want for the sword?

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