-Scorpion Driver-

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So does anyone know the cost of the scorpion jacket and headsculpt. Would love to own the figure. I love the movie so much i have the scorpion jacket from it
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A quick update. Just tweaked the sculpt a bit more... mainly some detailing and a quick test paint job. Sorry for the wait guys life is hectic right now! :(


Great job! Really liked the expression you managed to capture!
Just found out about this figure. If it's not to late I'd love to get on the list. Great job!
What's the story on the jacket, is Jack doing that and the head? I'd love a set if it's not too late to get on board.
I havent start taking orders or any money from anyone so all slots are open at this stage...

Will be offering full figures and possibly some loose sets... havent decide what to do yet but Ive basically got everything ready here but just need to finalise and finish off sculpts and a bit of accessories.

Another small update...




Can someone guess what sculpt is this?? :D