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But Mr. Satan didn't even come anywhere close to being in the top 10 in Pwn's poll...

I guess we don't need kid buu in the poll because we just know he's gonna get here being the final major villain. They're also not gonna make both gogeta AND Vegito and gogeta OVER Vegito? I can't see that happening... That'd be massive riots in the streets.
But Mr. Satan didn't even come anywhere close to being in the top 10 in Pwn's poll...

I guess we don't need kid buu in the poll because we just know he's gonna get here being the final major villain. They're also not gonna make both gogeta AND Vegito and gogeta OVER Vegito? I can't see that happening... That'd be massive riots in the streets.

add him to the list, my fat buu needs him :tap
Hercule is way too minor a character. I can't see any justification in putting him on a 10choice poll. Fat buu himself doesn't even fit on there.

I will also just be angry if hercule is made within the next two years, thats ridiculous. Our entire poll line up deserves to be made before him and it doesn't even include fan favorites like vegito.

I'm sorry man, unless the board here is now flooded by hercule requests he aint anywhere near making the list.

There's also mathematical fairness at play here, I just realised, because a poll with 10 new options can be very unfair to those who find their top 2 wants within one poll. So I'm not doing that.

We can pit the winners of our current poll against a few najor faves that didn't mke it, plus a version differentiating for gohan and tien. And then we'll know wht the avarage top wants are.

Also, in pwns former poll where everybody had two choices, hercule was barely mentioned. And I'm also basing the line up somewhat on those results.

Let's not forget your top want is 2nd in our poll by far now.:p
id like to see in this line an accesory pack, kind of like the saint seiya busts that had updated faces and extra hands and whatnot, or the macfarlane packs that had extra weapons, dead bodies etc.

i mean, would t be out of the question for an accesory pack with a couple of dragon balls, some new faces/hands, and perhaps something like kinto-un or toddler gohan?
So in essence, as it stands, this will be the concluding poll in give or take a week or whatever, want to make sure the winners of the current poll remain as clear cut as they are now:

Majin Vegeta
Tien (Cell Games)
Tien (Saiyan/Android)
Armoured Trunks
Gohan Ultimate
Decide: Gohan Seiyaman or Blue Gi?
Decide: Vegito I would think
Decide: ... (I recommend adding Broly, just in case, he's WAY less sure than Kid Buu.)
Decide: ... (Last open spot)

So we gotta decide those last 4 things... And then I think we'll have a good idea on what few DBZ releases the readers of Sideshow want after Kid Buu, who we presume comes after 17 (I've posted too many lists today:lol). Based on Pwn's poll that I just looked at again it's hard to say a lot of stuff was mentioned once or twice. But that's not good enough... I don't know about that last spot or 2...

And then we can spam Tamashii about the results.

EDIT: we could also make a separate poll to establish which versions of tien and gohan people want so they don't both take up two slots...
If I had to choose between blue gi Gohan or Saiyajin-manboy Gohan, I'd go with Saiyajin-manboy. He would come with the most accessories, and imo is more of an eye-catcher. You could switch up his looks with ease, whereas blue gi Gohan is pretty much just that.
I'd prefer Blue Gi Gohan over all Boo saga versions, but I think Great Saiyaman is the best way to go. I'd prefer Future Gohan over any Gohan, but that ain't happening! Anyways, Ultimate Gohan and the Saiyaman were both in the SDCC poll, so there's probably a reason for that.

Maybe Goten/Trunks (represent Gotenks) and Captain Ginyu (represent Ginyu Force, Namek Saiyan armored characters, Freeza scouters, Namek Goku) as the final 2? They were both on Tamashii's poll. I'm trying to think!
Yeah they were, but I can't see people outvoting Ginyu over the other nine choices (different versions aside). Can you?

I looked over Pwn's Poll ("phrasing!") and with two options not a single person listed Ginyu or any ginyu force member. Not a single person...

There's a LOT of characters we all want, but none of us want them over anything else and that's what this is about. Not who do we want? Who do we want NEXT? Who do we need NOW?

Gotenks or goten/Trunks I could see but same problem as Gohan, which "version" split or fusion?

I guess I can make one poll that lists all these version issues for the five dominant characters: Gohan seaman/ultimate, Tien cell games/saiyan+android, Gotenks fusion/split, Trunks armoured/bojack and Vegito/Gogeta. And then I'll instigate multiple choice and we can all vote on which version we want most...

That would give us two more slots on our last poll... Maybe that's the best course of action. A deciding 'version-poll' so to speak.
I feel Great saiyaman would take more advantage of the articulation since he does all those weird dance moves(plus more accessories). As for the rest it's up to you guys because I'm too lazy to think haha.
You know what, I'll just make it and test it out, the mods can always delete the thread if it goes wrong. Gonna make a 'character version' poll to settle once and for all what the majority wants.