S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Well...Ginyu was kind of expected given that Demoniacal Fit did quite well on their version. Kind of expected that Tamashii would fire back. I’m sure we might see a Vegetto 2.0 from them soon too.

Great Ape Vegeta is a surprise. I wonder if they’ll actually produce him? Tamashii either overproduced Shenron or he didn’t sell that well so I wonder if they’ll venture back into the big figure game. This is a big difference as the figure is much more poseable than Shenron.

If they do Ape Vegeta, I’d expect we’ll see a battle damage Goku to go with him. That’s an easy Frankenstein’ed figure for them to make with few new parts if any.
Great Ape Vegeta looks more like a prototype. Ginyu seems to be ready for sale and is apparently quite big (Can you imagine how masive Recoome or Burter could be?)

And I don't know what to say about Bulma's motorcycle... EXCEPT I WANT IT!

I need that bike

Giant Ape looks like it could do battle with the new Monsterarts King Ghidorah 2019 lol!
Seen these floating around facebook. It's said the pics were not taken at NYCC but it seems they did update the UI hair sculpt



Ok so two things...no three...no four...

1 - That Ginyu... I don't know why....but I want this. I have the DF one but I want that one...I don't know whyyyyyy

2 - That Great Ape....I'm interested in this. I might want it but uuuuurk it's gonna be super expensive.

3 - Gimme that bike.

4 - Heck, Tamashii ! That's more like it!
Looks like Tamashii did update the completed Ultra Instinct head. That's pretty dope!
Ok so two things...no three...no four...

1 - That Ginyu... I don't know why....but I want this. I have the DF one but I want that one...I don't know whyyyyyy

2 - That Great Ape....I'm interested in this. I might want it but uuuuurk it's gonna be super expensive.

3 - Gimme that bike.

4 - Heck, Tamashii ! That's more like it!

1. Official not bootleg that?s why
2. $100 maybe? Hopefully not too much
3. Want!!!
Consider me impressed that Tamashii fixed the Ultra Instinct hair. Great job Tamashii! It looks WAY better!