Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Disney and Nintendo kill me, they know what they sell is too good therefore we never see a price drop on anything they sell because people will buy it.

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Then... you hate to love them, in a way. I'm ok with that. ��
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

That's insane. Thanks to them we have AMAZING Star Wars movies coming for the rest of our lives.

Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I thought Saw Gerrera fell really flat after all the hype. His whole "What Will You Become" monologue was cut, his using the tentacle monster on Bodhi was ridiculous, and I CANNOT for the life of me figure out why he was just like "Peace out, time to die" instead of getting on the ship with Jyn. Made zero sense to me--I feel like Saw's scenes must have been hacked to bits.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I thought Saw Gerrera fell really flat after all the hype. His whole "What Will You Become" monologue was cut, his using the tentacle monster on Bodhi was ridiculous, and I CANNOT for the life of me figure out why he was just like "Peace out, time to die" instead of getting on the ship with Jyn. Made zero sense to me--I feel like Saw's scenes must have been hacked to bits.

Agreed. Waste of character especially after the trailers rocked. I thought he would be the elder leader of the Rogue One. Guess not...

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I thought Saw Gerrera fell really flat after all the hype. His whole "What Will You Become" monologue was cut, his using the tentacle monster on Bodhi was ridiculous, and I CANNOT for the life of me figure out why he was just like "Peace out, time to die" instead of getting on the ship with Jyn. Made zero sense to me--I feel like Saw's scenes must have been hacked to bits.

The man didn't look ready to run. He literally couldn't have made a run for it. He was toast. Vader could breathe better than him. He decided it was his time to go.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I don't really care for Forest so I was happy to see him go.

I did like Two-Tubes though.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Tarkin to me is my number one guy, of course i would buy him and palpatine day one HT. I could see why people thought he was distracting, only problem i saw was his accent was a bit off and that the motion capture mouth cgi was terrible it wasn't natural, the eyes, the hair everything was perfect

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It was... like seeing a ghost. Gave me goosebumps. Almost perfect, and narratively perfect to have him.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I also didn't like the deaths of Chirrut and Baze at all.

Chirrut can slowly walk thirty feet while a whole squad of Stormtroopers can't touch him, but then is randomly killed be an exploding console? Is this Star Trek?

And then Chirrut talking to Baze and being like "You can always find me in the Force... for the next two minutes before you gun down two Death Troopers and then get blown up by a grenade meaninglessly."
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Chirrut was a silly, pointless character. Guess they felt they needed a "Force" representative. But I don't see the point -- this movie had nothing to do with the force. The Force was forced in this one.

That said, Chirrut had the best comedic line.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

This movie was $#!%. That's coming from a huge ST fan.
Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I just read an interview of the Chirrut actor and he said there is a really long book of the backstory for his character and how he became blind. Like I said, I felt this movie was pieced together from a much longer version where they cut out subplots, expositions, character arcs, etc... and just kept the best snippets of each character that would pass Disney's test for a kid friendly movie. Somehow, I really think Disney said ok we will give you exactly 60 seconds of Vader kicking ass but not a second more! Because thats exactly how long he is on screen kicking ass. Lol.

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Ok, here goes....

Did their story need to be told, of course not it didn't and it also could've been told a million different ways.

But whatever, it's a new SW movie, i'm there, the OT era can't be alone forever.

I went into this spoiler free and this time it helped tremendously, seeing some scenes and cameos materialize absolutely floored me.

I was angry watching TFA opening night but I have since come to peace with it.

This movie created no anger in me, instead I watched a very Star Wars looking and feeling movie and that brought me great joy I have not felt since 1983.

If anything, the aliens and space battles in this really makes TFA pale in comparison.

This movie deserves the crawl, not TFA.

This is how I wanted to feel last year!

Ok, i'm going to jump all over the place here.

The first (slow) hour was its weakest, but not horrible either and the 3rd act more than made up for it.

Some non existent character building and some characters that were not even required.

Donnie Yen kicked ass but was his character really needed, funny line given to him though and his delivery of it was perfect.

Yeah the rebellion voting not to attack just to attack anyways later on felt forced just to create tension but you know what, whatever, it worked in the sense that it allowed for a great calvary fist pounding arrival excitement.

Unfortunately I did not think that the soundtrack was all that good.

Krennic was good, he looks amazing but I see some are saying he was a pushover bullied by Tarkin lol.

So here's the thing, maybe that's how it should be. I'm sure Disney had major discussions on if Krennic should be more evil and powerful than Tarkin or if he should be a pushover and I think they made the right decision keeping Tarkin the alpha Nazi. Even when Tarkin was giving praise to Krennic you just knew he was up to no good lol.

Krennic being taken out by a weapon that he said look beautiful while destroying a planet was truly proper justice done right.

Good job on Disney going dark with these character arcs, made Leia's hope comment all the more poignant.

Btw Tarking looked like Tarkin this time lol. Sorry Lucas your attempt failed.

Vader, while quirky in an way, was an absolute beast in that last scene, an absolute beast.

The WARS part was strong in this movie, brilliant for going there.

They all had to die, we all knew that going in but honestly it was still powerful seeing Jyn and her group being taken out, especially by a weapon her father created, killed his daughter..yikes..powerful stuff.

The aliens were absolutely fantastic in this, felt much more SW than TFA did. Great looking aliens and lots of them. Evazan's cameo had my jaw on the ground.

Gold leader's cameo floored me.

Leia's cameo absolutely knocked me out, mind = blown.

The X-Wing's were slowed down which is much more bad ass than their fast counter parts in TFA.

Yes I know some will hate seeing women in the squadron but what are you going to do, I didn't let it bother me.

Great call back to ROTJ with the Star Destroyer nose diving causing destruction.

Jesus H Christ seeing the rebel fleet coming in out of hyper drive just melted me lol.

I almost gave up on the non existent 3D until the 3rd act came in and made it very worthwhile, just gorgeous and I don't want to ever watch that 3rd act in non 3D!

Death Star was freaking gorgeous and menacing.

Vader's planet rocked!

Great heroic moments in this.

Planet destructions very well handled.

Rebellion was well handled, dirty and morally grey at times.

So in a way this is like ROTJ but does it have more or less weak parts than ROTJ is the question.

I need more viewings before I decide where it stands to ROTJ.

For me ROTJ > TFA.

This movie could've easily been a disaster, an absolute disaster.

Instead...I got a very good SW movie tonight and even with it being better than TFA, Disney has now earned my full trust.

As more comes to mind I will post, for now just understand that the 3rd act is going to blow you away!
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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

CGI was good, lots of ANH references, but I feel the first half was, let's go to this planet, oh let's go to that planet. The whole time I didn't care about any of it. There are some cool, shots like Vader's camber and him fighting. But I feel like they should have had Vader kill some of the main characters on the beach. This was the one chance we had with Vader in his prime and we get 5 mins of a fight with rebels.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I'm sure he has a backstory. I'm sure it will be elaborated on in the EU. But he just felt unnecessary, and the Force angle wasn't played through as a subplot for any pay-off (except for him). He should have represented something that helped Jyn, not himself. But it's OK -- I write him off as a sidekick. Expendable crewman type, like Baze and Saw.

I wanted to like Cassian better -- I loved when he killed that guy in the beginning -- but his character was so uptight and stiff most of the time it was hard to warm up to him. I had the same problem with Jyn though. 'Likeability' is a very intangible thing without the crutch of comedy.
Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

CGI was good, lots of ANH references, but I feel the first half was, let's go to this planet, oh let's go to that planet. The whole time I didn't care about any of it. There are some cool, shots like Vader's camber and him fighting. But I feel like they should have had Vader kill some of the main characters on the beach. This was the one chance we had with Vader in his prime and we get 5 mins of a fight with rebels.

No, you get just over a minute of Vader not 5 minutes. LOL. Wish it had been 5 minutes. I feel like there probably was a 5-10 minute cut.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

CGI was good, lots of ANH references, but I feel the first half was, let's go to this planet, oh let's go to that planet. The whole time I didn't care about any of it. There are some cool, shots like Vader's camber and him fighting. But I feel like they should have had Vader kill some of the main characters on the beach. This was the one chance we had with Vader in his prime and we get 5 mins of a fight with rebels.

I also envisioned Vader taking out main characters. Chirrut and Baze's deaths were especially totally random and lame. Getting killed valiantly trying to resist Vader would have been amazing.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

No, you get just over a minute of Vader not 5 minutes. LOL. Wish it had been 5 minutes. I feel like there probably was a minute cut.

I stand corrected. I'll watch it again, but I won't pay to see it in the movie theater. I'm trying to like this thing, I guess.