Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Love the film . All the Easter eggs from the ot and loved that they mentioned capitan syndula from rebels. I think some characters needed more background and really the only one who recieved some is jyn. Also didn't like the daredevil chirut I mean did he see through his other senses or thanks to the force? Didn't understand that part. Would like someone to enlighten me

Pd: I'm the only one who saw the tank troopers driving the at-at? I don't remember quite well

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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Saw this last night at a Disney screening here in DC (they brought in guys dressed as characters -- Vader, Boba Fett, Stormtrooper and a remote controlled R2D2 whcih was pretty cool).

Anyway, the movie was very, very good. It's not ESB good as some are saying, or even ANH, but would put it alongside ROJ and TFA. Pacing is a little off in places, and characters lacked backstory development (although hopefully there is some additional footage that will make it into later cuts). Some of the best lines in the trailers were also missing from the movie, but again maybe those will make it back in. There will be one big thing that folks are going to point out. Also while it's called a standalone movie, it's really more of an offshoot. Really nice outing and seems to be a smart strategy for Disney at least until folks get SW fatigue. The Star Trek franchise should really take a page out of this strategy.

Planning to see it again this weekend.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Oh man I would be stressing lol

meanwhile, in my neck of the woods...


consider yourself lucky, me and ol' grangie have to hike 5 miles to the movie house, with our 1976 12 inch Sampo TV set. (hey it's color!). Hopefully the wild cats don't get to us.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

No, you're not the only one. :wink1:
BTW they are AT-ACT not AT-AT. The difference? They now can be taken down easy with x-wing firepower. :slap

Thanks for explaining I thaught they were diferent but didn't know they had another name. So the tank troopers drive tanks and the at-act ? Or the at-at drivers are only for hoth?

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Really liked the film. I think some backstory stuff got left on the cutting room floor along with several scenes that were in the trailers. Would have been nice to see a couple scenes of a younger Jyn training with Saw. I'm assuming that is where the whole "what will you become" speech came from. Maybe those will make it into an extended edition. Also we know nothing about Cassian.
The Tarkin CGI actually pulled me out of the movie, especially that first time. It looked like an animatronic or something. I'm guessing it was performance capture, but just not smooth. Also, Peter Cushing was 6' tall and Mendlesohn is 5'11, so almost the same height, but Tarkin seemed to have at least 4"-5" on him, which was also weird when you then compare to the scenes with Vader.
I liked Chirrut and Baze, but again virtually no backstory.
This was definitely Vader at his most brutal
Leia also had that creepy digital mannequin performance capture look.
However despite the CGI, I really liked how they really brought the scene full circle to the beginning of ANH.

Were there "Bothan Spies"?
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Thanks for explaining I thaught they were diferent but didn't know they had another name. So the tank troopers drive tanks and the at-act ? Or the at-at drivers are only for hoth?

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Don't think there is an official explanation. In the AT-AT driver they were discussing about boots and gloves being the only Hoth-specific part of the driver suit. I personally think this is just one of the inevitable inconsistencies you got when you set a movie in a retro universe. Where did all the shoretroopers, deathtroopers and tankdrivers went in the OT? Why imperial facilities were crawling with K2-SO units and they disappears in the OT? Why the alliance stopped using the U-wings? And so on...
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Was anyone else a little bit gutted that Jyn died at the end? She didn't really know if anyone had received the message of the plans and I hated that she will never know that they actually manage to blow the DS up.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Was anyone else a little bit gutted that Jyn died at the end? She didn't really know if anyone had received the message of the plans and I hated that she will never know that they actually manage to blow the DS up.

Nope. Zero empathy for her and her boyfriend. All hail the Empire.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Were there "Bothan Spies"?

Wrong Death Star.

No, you're not the only one. :wink1:
BTW they are AT-ACT not AT-AT. The difference? They now can be taken down easy with x-wing firepower. :slap

I'm sure the AT-AT could aswell, but the snowspeeders they used in ESB had weaker blasters.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Well said Brainiac!
Saw this last night at a Disney screening here in DC (they brought in guys dressed as characters -- Vader, Boba Fett, Stormtrooper and a remote controlled R2D2 whcih was pretty cool).

Anyway, the movie was very, very good. It's not ESB good as some are saying, or even ANH, but would put it alongside ROJ and TFA. Pacing is a little off in places, and characters lacked backstory development (although hopefully there is some additional footage that will make it into later cuts). Some of the best lines in the trailers were also missing from the movie, but again maybe those will make it back in. There will be one big thing that folks are going to point out. Also while it's called a standalone movie, it's really more of an offshoot. Really nice outing and seems to be a smart strategy for Disney at least until folks get SW fatigue. The Star Trek franchise should really take a page out of this strategy.

Planning to see it again this weekend.

That is pretty cool :)

I'm glad you liked it and you're right theres not much backstory for the characters but I wasn't bothered by it, in fact these weren't important characters so I didn't think it was necessary and because its sort of a self contained story. You get more invested in the characters(at least I did) as the plot moves forward but I never wanted to know much about Bohdi's childhood or why Krennic is the way he is :lol
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I'm sure the AT-AT could aswell, but the snowspeeders they used in ESB had weaker blasters.

Not really. AT-AT armor is strong enough against almost everything, neck and joints being the weak parts. There are other similar inconsistencies in the movie, like the super-underpowered Star Destroyers.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I really liked the Rebels approach to the AT AT Walkers :lol

Hoth Rebels: Let's try wrap our tow cables around the legs, it will make the walkers fall over and they'll be unable to move, it will take some crazy piloting but we can do it and the walkers will fall forward and be disabled

Scarif Rebels: Blow it the **** up :rock

Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I felt Krennic suffered from the same problem Jyn did: both were kind of pushed around by their counterparts (Imperials and Rebels). Jyn just kind of went with it to see Dad I guess, and Krennic just stamped his feet and went to complain to his boss.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

After second viewing - review...

First viewing was the midnight session with lifelong fans - everyone was "shellshocked," for a lack of a better word, because it was sooooo different to what we've known for the last (nearly) 40 years.

Second viewing was with a friend who like SW, but not a super fan. He lost his mind, and absolutely loved it! It truly knocked him out of the park. We saw it at an amazing new cinema, so the sound and visuals were stunning and a lot more immersive than the midnight screening.

For me, seeing it again and knowing what was coming, was a LOT better. I had not expectations or preconditioned ideas, and just let the experience happen - and it was awesome!

The (genuinely) happiest moment I've experienced of being a SW fan since the OT.

I thought TFA was okay, but there was as much I didn't like about it, as I did like about it. My issues with RO are all minor quips that wouldn't make me hit the "fast-forward" button at any stage.

Saying all that, I feel like we're in a parallel universe, because I still can't believe Disney had the balls to release this film. Hopefully it does really well and they continue to take chances like this.