Red Sonja PF!!

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There is a second Lovecraft volume (titled Eldritch Tales) from the same company, and from what I can tell, everything that isn't included in the first is included in the second.

Good to hear. I looked into the Conan collections and the one recommended from this company indeed seems to be the best to go for, and it's just a little over twenty bucks! I'm sure their Lovecraft stuff should be good too. I'll be seventy years behind, but I'll finally catch up on pop culture :lol
Yeah I've wanted to read the novels for years, but I'm not sure where to go. What's the best collection of them? Stuff like this gets reprinted and collected in all sorts of different ways. It's hard to figure out what the ideal Conan purchase is.

It's like Lovecraft. I've wanted to get into Lovecraft for years, but I have absolutely no idea how to or where to start.

There is [ame=""]this collection[/ame] of Conan books which is supposed to be good.
I seem to recall though that someone said some illustrations could spoil a few things as they are before the stuff happens in writting. And that the binding was iffy.

I personally went with [ame=""]this edition[/ame] and you can see in the review for it a good comparison with the Del Rey edition I posted above.

As for Lovecraft I'm like you and I was debating getting the Barnes and Noble edition but I think I'll go for the better [ame=""]Penguin collection[/ame].
Good to hear. I looked into the Conan collections and the one recommended from this company indeed seems to be the best to go for, and it's just a little over twenty bucks! I'm sure their Lovecraft stuff should be good too. I'll be seventy years behind, but I'll finally catch up on pop culture :lol

I have that edition, along with the Conan's Brethren collection (which collects the Solomon Kane and Bran Mak Morn stories, along with a couple of Kull ones, and a good selection of Howard's individual fantasy tales), and they are great collections, nicely put together, and represent some fantastic reading. Hard to get better value for money too, pretty much a perfect 'starter' volume.

Just be warned, they are very large and heavy books, and some folks therefore find them a little inconvenient for easy reading in certain situations. Not a problem if you a reading around the house, but if you like to take your books with you when you're on the move, it's like carrying a house brick or two around.
As consumers we have the right to bash and critique them as we see fit. If they cannot handle the criticism, to which I don't blame them, then they shouldn't be here anyway.

Not on a private forum you don't. If you have constructive criticism to give then fine, otherwise show some respect.

From the Board Rules:

...many artists, both amateur and professional post here, criticism should be constructive and not "it looks like crap." Ignoring these rules will result in your posts being edited or deleted and your membership being banned.

This is not a democracy, and participating on this forum is a privilege, not a right. As such, that privilege can be revoked at any time.
There's a major difference between bashing and offering critique. Also, while you might not like it, it doesn't mean it's bad. This goes for everything (movies, sculpts, art, statues, books, etc).

I like what I see so far and are eagerly awaiting the full reveal. I do hope the exclusive is more interesting this time then it was with Black Widow...

If you don't like it, start your own forum.

:exactly: Where you can allow anyone can say whatever they want.

There's a major difference between bashing and offering critique. Also, while you might not like it, it doesn't mean it's bad. This goes for everything (movies, sculpts, art, statues, books, etc).

I like what I see so far and are eagerly awaiting the full reveal. I do hope the exclusive is more interesting this time then it was with Black Widow...

That's absolutely correct, sir.
I've had a long long long obsession with Sonja, and although I told myself no more large statues, I am intrigued enough and can't wait to order her. Pose looks amazing.
I am still amazed that some fail to realize this. If it's not your taste then there are nice ways to say it, without dissing all the hard work that artist put into it.

There's a major difference between bashing and offering critique. Also, while you might not like it, it doesn't mean it's bad. This goes for everything (movies, sculpts, art, statues, books, etc).

I like what I see so far and are eagerly awaiting the full reveal. I do hope the exclusive is more interesting this time then it was with Black Widow...
I've had a long long long obsession with Sonja, and although I told myself no more large statues, I am intrigued enough and can't wait to order her. Pose looks amazing.

Just when you think that you're out...Sideshow pulls you back in! :lol

I am still amazed that some fail to realize this. If it's not your taste then there are nice ways to say it, without dissing all the hard work that artist put into it.


Whether you agree or disagree with someone or like or dislike something...showing respect, or disrespect, says a lot about a person.
Looks great. Only nitpick is that she looks a little too soft. Like she has been pampered all her life. I would imagine Red Sonja to have a leaner/harder physique.
I did read Snadinator's post, Chris, otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned "pampered" girls. I still don't see how her not having a leaner/harder physique is anachronistic.
It's not like girls back then had the nutritional knowledge, and exercise methods and means to get into the kind of shape we see in our professional and elite women athletes of today anyway. I think she looks great.