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Oh there were prequels

they all sucked :chew

virgin birth
baby greedo
nuff said

Oh you want more
Boba Jr.
freakish Yoda lightsaber duel
Jango chumped just like his son will be
Anakins wet dream sceen
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo! oh man that still gives me the shivers
Goofy dialog from droid fighters
the Mace Palpatine fight
and last but not least ......................
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To be frank, what I like most about the prequels is some character and creature designs, and of course, the props! The story isn't exactly what I had in mind when I first heard about the "clone wars" and the younger Anakin, back then.
usmcchet9296 said:

Oh there were prequels

they all sucked :chew

virgin birth
baby greedo
nuff said

Oh you want more
Boba Jr.
freakish Yoda lightsaber duel
Jango chumped just like his son will be
Anakins wet dream sceen
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo! oh man that still gives me the shivers
Goofy dialog from droid fighters
the Mace Palpatine fight
and last but not least ......................

Hmmm let me think...

Luke's "nooooooooooooooooooo"... I guess he got it from the father :D
Entire garrisons of Stormtroopers beat by ill-equiped teddy bears.
A planet sized space station that can only launch a few inept Tie-fighters to defend itself
Palpatine's death, need I say more?
A lightsaber that doesn't cauterize (sp?) wounds
"(...) your foul stench (...)" oh wait, I already mentioned that one!
Entire garrisons of Stormtroopers letting a dismembered droid, a bumbling wookie, and two hopelesly outgunned humans get away from under their noses, oh and they also manage not to send any ships after them or plant any bugs!
Harrison Ford during the entire length of ROTJ!
A Sith Lord who has to use a syringe to torture a helpless female instead of doing some really nasty things!
The frigging muppets at Jabba's Palace!

I love the OT, but c'mon guys...
abake said:
Entire garrisons of Stormtroopers letting a dismembered droid, a bumbling wookie, and two hopelesly outgunned humans get away from under their noses, oh and they also manage not to send any ships after them or plant any bugs!

I think you missed something. Weren't you paying attention to that? Leia even mentioned that they let them go easy. They did send TIE Fighters after them and they did plant a bug on the Millennium Falcon, that's how they found Yavin.
darthviper107 said:
I think you missed something. Weren't you paying attention to that? Leia even mentioned that they let them go easy. They did send TIE Fighters after them and they did plant a bug on the Millennium Falcon, that's how they found Yavin.

Uhm, actually... the dismembered droid was in ESB...
I know they planted a bug in the Falcon to lead the DS to the rebel base.
abake said:
Hmmm let me think...

Luke's "nooooooooooooooooooo"... I guess he got it from the father :D
Entire garrisons of Stormtroopers beat by ill-equiped teddy bears.
A planet sized space station that can only launch a few inept Tie-fighters to defend itself
Palpatine's death, need I say more?
A lightsaber that doesn't cauterize (sp?) wounds
"(...) your foul stench (...)" oh wait, I already mentioned that one!
Entire garrisons of Stormtroopers letting a dismembered droid, a bumbling wookie, and two hopelesly outgunned humans get away from under their noses, oh and they also manage not to send any ships after them or plant any bugs!
Harrison Ford during the entire length of ROTJ!
A Sith Lord who has to use a syringe to torture a helpless female instead of doing some really nasty things!
The frigging muppets at Jabba's Palace!

I love the OT, but c'mon guys...

Oh a prequel apologist
yeah the Ewoks were lame
yeah the storm troopers were enept (well they were government employees after all)
but Emp 1-2-3 was a bunch of stinkin ****
never in the history of movies did one man ruin a good thing and most kids my age childhood memories
hell even matrix 2-3 it to 2 Wachowski brothers to screw up
nope Emp 4-5-6 werent perfect but compared to that special effects laden POS they were oscar winners
Amanaman said:
Oh god, not this "Lucas is a rapist" thing again. :monkey4


Lyrics from an actual song (by Hot Waffles):

It was 1977
When the world became alive
A Sci-Fi Movie so profound
Then 20 long years later
It all became a lie
When they changed it all around.

Han steps on Jabba’s Tail
The Old versions aren’t for sale
I don’t know which is worse
They put in all that CGI
And I just wanted to die
When they made Greedo shoot first
That’s why we say…

George Lucas Raped Our Childhood
George Lucas Raped Our Childhood
George Lucas Raped Our Childhood (repeat)

But there was more to the story
Of Leia Han and Luke
So they went back many years
They made the prequel Movies
So excited I could puke
But then all that came were tears.

Episode I just stinks
Remember Jar Jar Binks
And how he stepped in poo
It’ll never be the same
Midiclorians are lame
And what up with Naboo?
That’s why we say…

George Lucas Raped Our Childhood
George Lucas Raped Our Childhood
George Lucas Raped Our Childhood (repeat)

George Lucas came down in the form of a giant Swamp bat to abduct my childhood from where it was innocently picking flowers by a stream.

And I swear as sure as the twin sunset on Tatooine that I will never give lucas another dollar of my money… at least until the Episode 3 Super Special Edition DVDs come out, I gotta get those.

I try to close my eyelids
He says the movies are for kids
But I can’t believe the hype.
Because it could be just me
The new characters seem to be
All racial stereotypes

That’s why we say...

George Lucas Raped Our Childhood
George Lucas Raped Our Childhood
George Lucas Raped Our Childhood

It's extreme and hyperbole-filled (like the internet itself) and I don't necessarily agree with all of it, but damn is it funny.

:rotfl :lol :rotfl
I love that IJ, and a LOT of it rings true for me. :lol :rotfl :lol

Honestly, I hated how synthetic the PT felt, and I do favor the OT. But to be fair I hate how synthetic the OT feels with all the additives put in -- good grief, it is like motor oil isn't it!?

After my disdain for shoddy CG, the continuity issues are my biggest gripe. Of course that lends itself to the OT, it came first. No matter what generation you are from, the story itself HAS to be fluid, and that is NOT what I/we got.

IrishJedi said:
Lyrics from an actual song (by Hot Waffles):

It was 1977
When the world became alive
A Sci-Fi Movie so profound
Then 20 long years later
It all became a lie
When they changed it all around.

Don't worry... Lucas will get his... when his kids "change it all around" again in 20 years.

I'm still burnt out on the PT, but not all of the OT was great, either. TESB is thrilling throughout the Hoth scenes, but then it drags along through the second half. The Falcon-chasing and Bespin are just boring. Endor is a bore - even the main actors themselves look like they just wanna wrap things up and go home. I don't blame the Ewoks for this.

ANH and ROTS change positions occasionally, but the others are locked in. AOTC is the only SW movie that has no GREAT scene(s) in it, IMO. There are some very good moments, like Kamino, but it is largely boring to me personally.


I haven't managed to make myself watch the whole ep1 in one go... I guess I have to brace myself one day...
IrishJedi said:
Lyrics from an actual song (by Hot Waffles):

It was 1977
When the world became alive
A Sci-Fi Movie so profound
Then 20 long years later
It all became a lie
When they changed it all around.

Han steps on Jabba’s Tail
The Old versions aren’t for sale
I don’t know which is worse
They put in all that CGI
And I just wanted to die
When they made Greedo shoot first
That’s why we say…

George Lucas Raped Our Childhood
George Lucas Raped Our Childhood
George Lucas Raped Our Childhood (repeat)

But there was more to the story
Of Leia Han and Luke
So they went back many years
They made the prequel Movies
So excited I could puke
But then all that came were tears.

Episode I just stinks
Remember Jar Jar Binks
And how he stepped in poo
It’ll never be the same
Midiclorians are lame
And what up with Naboo?
That’s why we say…

George Lucas Raped Our Childhood
George Lucas Raped Our Childhood
George Lucas Raped Our Childhood (repeat)

George Lucas came down in the form of a giant Swamp bat to abduct my childhood from where it was innocently picking flowers by a stream.

And I swear as sure as the twin sunset on Tatooine that I will never give lucas another dollar of my money… at least until the Episode 3 Super Special Edition DVDs come out, I gotta get those.

I try to close my eyelids
He says the movies are for kids
But I can’t believe the hype.
Because it could be just me
The new characters seem to be
All racial stereotypes

That’s why we say...

George Lucas Raped Our Childhood
George Lucas Raped Our Childhood
George Lucas Raped Our Childhood

It's extreme and hyperbole-filled (like the internet itself) and I don't necessarily agree with all of it, but damn is it funny.

:rotfl :lol :rotfl

Here is a video.
6. TPM

ANH and ESB are pretty much equals in my book. They get top billing and constantly edge each other out for the number one spot. ROTJ isn't far behind either because basically it was my favorite as a kid and the one that I watched over and over on VHS in those carefree days of 1984.

I like the prequels well enough, but all in all they never can compare to the feel of the originals; not even close for me. They look slick, and expand nicely on the universe and story, but something just isn't there (feeling, emotion, heart; any or all of these?).
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Pretty niffty how that worked out for me. I like last, second, and finally the first in both trilogys. :cool: