Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "Driver"

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Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

At this point, i think us collectors and fans of rainman shouldnt let our emotions get ahold of ourselves and try to be subjective here. It seems as of late, theres too much bickering amongst us.

To most of us whos planning to buy it, the sculpt clearly could use some more tweaks. And to those that already like it as it is, ive never seen anyone complaining a refined and tweaked rainman sculpt, so you arent losing anything really.
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

If you buy the H&C set for the Mohawk and the H&C set for the haired version, you will get two sets of pants and two sets of boots, correct? You would then need to get sunglasses and two bodies.

If you get the full set, then you get one set of pants, one set of boots, sunglasses, and one body. You would need another set of pants, boots, and another body.

Which of the two scenarios makes more sense?

I think Fullset and Dx will have both outfits like how his Tyler Durden V2 had the orange outfit and the final scene outfit, I could be totally wrong though.

Edit: nevermind see what you're saying, the pants and boots, hmmm ya dont know
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

maringdesign....the pic of the RM bickle with glasses is a photoshoped pic....its not the real glasses....unless you were strictly talking about the scowl...?
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

Levit05 - Yes. I am looking at the overall 'look', as the glasses are the same. RM's is more soft in the face - more gentle. Seems to miss the 'crazed' look... Needs to dirty him up!
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

Levit05 - Yes. I am looking at the overall 'look', as the glasses are the same. RM's is more soft in the face - more gentle. Seems to miss the 'crazed' look... Needs to dirty him up!

Yes, the crazed look! Like when I tell one of my students that I want them to speak in full sentences :thwak
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

Tweaks need to be made or I will have to pass on the H&C Mohawk set. Especially since there will be no sunglasses. Hopefully RM reconsiders.
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

I think he is pretty close - just not 'mean enough' if that makes sense... But - YES... I think a final tweak may do the job.

I keep looking at the sculpt and Im convinced that it does need to be tweeked. The Mouth It looks so soft and doll like. It has no attitude to its likeness.

This really needs some tweaking and I think Rainman can do it I would even ask respectfully if he can attempt to sculp somthing entirely new with a diffrent expression.

If there are project deadlines that he needs to keep to I think the right thing to do is to postone it a bit until this is right. Judging from the sculpt it just doesnt feel right. Rainmans concern seems to be he wants to make his customers and fans happy, and I can understand that it may look like we're never satisfied, but overall the majority of us really want this to work but its good but its not great. We really need a lifeline on this one. I hope he reads this and sees its worth the time to fix it. It just doesnt capture Travis Bickle
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

You should forward him the list of those of us who are in support to tweak it, turbo. Maybe he might change his mind.
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

I emailed him, but I will send over the list too.

To be fair Rainman has heard our concerns and is working with us. We asked for glasses and gunsling and he is giving us that. Its just that we've spent.so much energy asking for stuff that should be included without question. It takes a lot of nerve to ask a sculptor to do-over somthing that he just made with his hands, especially when most of us do not have that skill.

But what Rainman needs to understand is that this is his catalogue of art we're fighting to protect. If a pivotal character like Travis Bickle is done to where at least an 80% approval from his fans love it, then we're good. But judging from where we are at now, this sculpt wont stand the test of time. People will get over it quick. I think he should zone out and do another one. He can do it.
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Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

Hard to tell from the photo's and lighting, but does the sculpt have the stubble that DeNiro shows? Is he clean shaven most of the Mohawk scenes? Just wondering.
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

I think the later pics may also suffer from lighting to be honest. The banner pic on RM's site looks a lot better.
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

Maybe ask him for final pics of the sculpt those photos are pretty washed out maybe making it look worse...the one with the glasses showed the sculpt a little better but still haven't seen a good profile shot of the nose to see if its vigour enough....need better pics of the sculpt before it gets changed I think?
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

Like karamazov, im one of the few that didnt see the de niro likeness right from the first teaser/pic of the sculpt. Its a good sculpt, but not a whole lot likeness there, with all due respect.
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

Old pic is old but I think this look a lot better than the pale face pic we got as of late.


Again, agreed that some tweaks as people described could go a long ways to making this even better. I don't question that it probably IS the best version of Travis bickle (looking at the overall package), but it could be even better.
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

All that fuss about the glasses and sling, when we should have been worrying about was the head sculpt. :slap

I hope this is lesson learned for some. :(
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

All that fuss about the glasses and sling, when we should have been worrying about was the head sculpt. :slap

I hope this is lesson learned for some. :(

Some of us have been pointing it out politely since the first reveal. Just some others are "LOUDER" and have direct lines of communication with Rainman. We didn't elect them to beg for the gun slide... they just have a loud mouth lol.
Re: Rainman Artwork 2013 NYC Cabbie "God's Lonely Man"

Is more than the lighting though. I just think that the expression is really boring and lifeless. Ill admit that some of us including myself were asking for numb which this seems like it was an attempt at, we also did ask for smirk which he said he wouldn't do out of respect for his friend and collegue Velvet Morning but eventually some us considered to be too scene specific, so this has flip flopped back and forth and the fault lies on both ends. But ultimately he's the sculptor, he's the professional that has to bring the sculpt to life. Thats the magic that we're paying for. The expression is just dull and there really isnt any Deniro facial characteristics that stand out strong enough to save it.