QMX Star Trek General discussion thread

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If there was just one character for me to have Picard would be it and I’m happy having him. That said though I really hope we get a couple more characters at least. I’d be happy with Data, Riker, Worf, and Geordi. Troi and Crusher would be welcome too but if a couple had to be cut they’d be it for me.

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On the toys playing with toys thing, I just wanted to point out that the old Innerspace figures are roughly the same size in the hands of the QMX ones as the playmates are in a human's hand.

Sooo. I remember this time last year we kept getting teases of upcoming product, and release of figures. Now it feels like I hear nothing but crickets. With QmX selling the Firefly Malcolm Signature series figure for 99.00, is it possible that we might see similar sales for the Star trek line? Is QmX done with 1/6?
It does seem unusually quiet. By this time last year there were two figures out already. Kind of concerned about the future of the line.

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Yeah from following him on FB I get the impression he's a bit frustrated with the lack of action on QMX's part too, even though he's far too diplomatic to say so straight out.
The problem is that Nanjin is just a fan at the end of the day. As much passion as he has for Trek it doesn’t matter if QMX isn’t backing the line.

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Sad but true. The old cast is dying off and the original fans are approaching retirement. I think a Chris Pine figure is the best move for QMX now, even though I'm hoping for those Wrath of Khan figures.

These days, no matter the manufacturer, Trek ends up clearanced. Mezco bailed, QMX will, too.

It's no longer a viable license.
These days, no matter the manufacturer, Trek ends up clearanced. Mezco bailed, QMX will, too.

It's no longer a viable license.

I think that’s saying a bit much. Kirk and Spock sold out quickly, and I thought Picard and McCoy sold well (apart from some retailer controversy regarding QMX “exclusive” accessories and the Picard neck staining issue).

There is, however, a question of license stability as there are a number of factors at play.

As I understand it, the Trek license has been broken apart... though I’m not sure where the dividing lines are.

Discovery is moving ahead with a second season, so maybe CBS wants to focus on that or weigh their options on lisencing the franchise.

There’s also the rumors that the Kelvin timeline might get dumped in the next Trek movie.

For that matter, does anybody know when QMX’s license expires? Perhaps they’re negotiating renewal now?

I just hope I can get a Seven, Jadzia, and Sisko before QMX is done... but I’m not holding my breath.
I think ultimately there isn't interest out there for companies to take on all the crew members from the shows, outside of the very front and center characters.

I'm not even convinced reboot Trek would do well now - the best time to strike with that was after 2009, IMO. And I say this is as someone who would still be tempted by reboot Kirk, Spock, Uhura and McCoy.
I think the market is there the most for TOS and TNG. Beyond those I think it’s pretty iffy as to what sells. Even for the two shows that do sell I think it’s limited how many people want high end figures. It’s obvious why Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are always the go to characters. I’m surprised we even got Khan or the chair. Picard made sense too. I just wish we’d have gotten at least a couple more crew members like Data and Riker. Could still happen but I’m not holding my breath.

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Yeah I think the market is there at least for the bigger characters and more popular movies. But there probably aren't enough collectors out there willing to go much beyond that, especially with so many other cool figures coming out from other companies as well.

I mean I consider myself to be a pretty massive, diehard Trek fan, but I've never had an interest in getting the full TOS or TNG crew.
I’d consider the full TNG crew. If they were priced like Hot Toys probably not but given that QMX has kept them all under $200 so far I’d probably try for them all. I’d maybe cut out Crusher and Troi.

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I was once all in but the staggered news and indefinite releases and the fact that we've seen so many prototypes that have still not been released in any form...is worrying. I was once stoked about Khan but not if I'm not getting any other crew members. I don't blame Nanjin. I follow him on facebook too and his passion for the franchise and it's characters is quite obvious. These seems more like QMX not having faith in Trek than anything. You guys are right about the Kelvin timeline versions too. They won't sell now. They would've but not now that the sheen of those films has worn off. Safest thing to do is to release as many of the original crew as possible and maybe do a fan vote for 2-3 of the next gen crew to make it out. I hate that trek lines always seem to end like this(never seems to go beyond the trio for original and Picard and maybe Worf or Data on Next Gen) but here we are again seemingly. Let's hope something happens and we can start ordering characters again.