Prometheus Sequel (ALIEN: Covenant)

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Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

And to tie it in with another Lindoloff film....Khanberbatch was created to be the manager of the Wal-Mart. But that bastard Captain RoboCop had to **** it up.

Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

The biggest problem I see with a sequel is that they have painted themselves into a corner with the events from Prometheus. If the Engineer homeworld is intact, why didn't they send someone to investigate why they hadn't heard from LV for the last 2,000 years?

The script notes on the blu-ray state that Engineers live 100,000 years. So 2,000 years to them is only about two years to us. Probably one of those things where sooner or later an Engineer on the homeworld would say, "hey its been a couple years now, we should probably go check the status on that little Earth experiment. What outpost was responsible for shutting that down again?"
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

The script notes on the blu-ray state that Engineers live 100,000 years. So 2,000 years to them is only about two years to us. Probably one of those things where sooner or later an Engineer on the homeworld would say, "hey its been a couple years now, we should probably go check the status on that little Earth experiment. What outpost was responsible for shutting that down again?"

Thats plausible, but unless its spelled out in the sequel with crayons, basement dwellers will scream "plotholes". You know, kinda like you see them do with most movies they can't understand. :lol

Not saying movies don't have them, but some people just tend to see them around every corner. :panic:
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

Thats plausible, but unless its spelled out in the sequel with crayons, basement dwellers will scream "plotholes". You know, kinda like you see them do with most movies they can't understand. :lol

Not saying movies don't have them, but some people just tend to see them around every corner. :panic:


Sorry, that made me me laugh cause your absolutely right! Not only do the answers have to be obvious, but a character must spell them out to the audience via the movie's Dialogue. No hints or references. They have to literally spell it out. If they don't... PLOT HOLE! LOL

The latest thing I've noticed is when people review films (both professional critics and average movie goers) they appear to have no idea what a "plot" is. Therefore they don't know what a "Plot Hole" is. Specifically, they often confuse something they don't personally like about a story and immediately label it as a "Plot Hole". Just because you don't like a decision that was made by the scriptwriter (i.e. the character did something that you personally THINK you would not do in a given situation), does not constitute a "plot hole". Heck, it may be a plot devise, but not a hole.
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

I think the engineers created us in an effort to use our DNA to create the perfect species. It was never their intention to leave us be, they only allowed us to exist until they created that black ooze stuff. The black ooze was meant to blend with ours to create the perfect species. The engineer getting infected was not part of their plan and the side effects was the creation of the alien species we know now. That species is not the perfect creation because it kills its host so eventually it would die out. The deacon or whatever u want to call out could reproduce and was the species the engineers always intended to create.

I don't buy the "we killed Jesus who was one of them and they are punishing us" because a) Jesus didn't look like the engineers he looked like one of their creations, b) if they wanted to kill us why not just blow up the earth or release some toxin that kills us all and start over with a whole new creation. Why use some of our DNA to create a species, if they wanted to correct their mistake and start over?

well, i don't think you have it right here. The Black Ooze was meant to create Life. The beginning of Prometheus one of the Engineers drinks it to sacrifice himself to create life. To create our species as we know it took a long long time. the human as we know it took many evolutions to become what a human is today. What happened was what they created became us and we are flawed. and then we did something to them, most likely the murder of Jesus, as Ridley has hinted, and that was the last straw since theres a possibility Jesus was created by them to help us or he might have been an actual Engineer.

I always looked at it was like the story of sodom & gomorrah. humans just got so bad, god wiped them out. I feel like thats where Ridley is going with Prometheus. We did something so horrible to them, they see they made a mistake with us and we were not what we they thought we could be, so they have to destroy us. So the black goo David found out if we get infected by it, it will kill us. But it also actually makes us something worse, the alien lifeforms as we know them in the previous movies. Thats why the black goo is in those containers, they know its dangerous if mixed with the wrong biology. And Pretty sure thats what happened, the black goo must have gotten out of the canisters, created a new lifeform and killed all those engineers that we see in Prometheus holograms, and also what happened in Alien. The eggs we see in Alien, the way I took it, is that that is not what the Engineers had in mind. These eggs came from their black goo gone wrong and created this new lifeform that gave birth to these eggs. This is not what they had planned. It backfired on them.

thats they way I see it from reading a lot of stuff, like interviews with Ridley, Giger, combing through the Prometheus website, plus the Art of Prometheus book. And ill add also the name Prometheus and the mythology of what happened to Prometheus has a lot of what to do it, as he was credited with the creation of man from clay and the theft of fire for human use, an act that enabled progress and civilization. He is known for his intelligence, and as a champion of humanity. But was punished for stealing the fire to give to humans.
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Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

Things like this always crack me up..

The latest thing I've noticed is when people review films they appear to have no idea what a "plot" is. Therefore they don't know what a "Plot Hole" is.

So you assume if someone says that, they'd know themselves what a plot hole is. Right?

Just because you don't like a decision that was made by the scriptwriter (i.e. the character did something that you personally THINK you would not do in a given situation), does not constitute a "plot hole".

Guess not. :lol

FYI: that actually IS a plot hole.

A plot hole, or plothole, a play on the word "pothole," is a gap or inconsistency in a storyline that goes against the flow of logic established by the story's plot, or constitutes a blatant omission of relevant information regarding the plot sometimes even contradicting itself. These include such things as unlikely behavior or actions of characters, illogical or impossible events, events happening for no apparent reason, or statements/events that contradict earlier events in the storyline.

Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

Well, maybe those characters are that stupid in their day to day life...they did set that scene up in a deleted scene. As silly as it is.

He does go up and go 'OH WUSHY WUSHY YOU SUCH A COOOT LITTLE CREATURE" to another worm monster.
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

worm creature scene wasn't a plot hole, it was just poor dialogue. What they did, wanting to see the creature, wasn't out of context or illogical or unlikely behavior. They were technically scientists, and scientists explore, their curiosity got the best of them and they made a wrong decision to try to interact with the creature and it killed them. Happens in like every sci-fi movie. :lol
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

Things like this always crack me up..

So you assume if someone says that, they'd know themselves what a plot hole is. Right?

Guess not. :lol

FYI: that actually IS a plot hole.


Who decides if a character's decision is "unlikely". There's the problem. That just means that people can look at a scene and a character's reaction and say "that's not what I would have done, therefore its unlikely and is a plot hole". (Regardless of the fact that other people would have actually had that same reaction given the circumstances.) Sorry, but if that alone makes a plot hole than almost every movie made is absolutely full of them since different people react differently to a given situation. (Which was my original point of people continuously constantly pointing out "plot holes".)

Perhaps I was incorrectly taught (I admit), what a plot hole is. But to this day, I thought it was greater than merely a minor "unlikely decision" made by a character. I was under the impression (again, possibly misinformed) that the classification of a plot hole was only given when a huge story element was missing from the overall plot/backbone of a story.

This is also tied to suspension of disbelief. If you're not willing to suspend your disbelief = plot hole? Where is the line drawn? People seem to often forget that they are an audience and have knowledge that they're watching a (horror) movie. Where as the characters in said movie are not supposed to have said least not until the s*** hits the fan. (The characters aren't hearing the same creepy soundtrack the audience is. Nor do they know that awesome state-of the-art tech they're wearing isn't going to do s*** against a ridiculously aggressive and indestructible alien creature.)
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

worm creature scene wasn't a plot hole, it was just poor dialogue. What they did, wanting to see the creature, wasn't out of context or illogical or unlikely behavior. They were technically scientists, and scientists explore, their curiosity got the best of them and they made a wrong decision to try to interact with the creature and it killed them. Happens in like every sci-fi movie. :lol

Thank you. That's my point. Then again others say that THEY would not have made the same decision, thus its "unlikely" and therefore a plot hole. :lol
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

Thank you. That's my point. Then again others say that THEY would not have made the same decision, thus its "unlikely" and therefore a plot hole. :lol

plot holes can be character decisions if they make absolutely no sense at all, but the scene with the worm creature made sense. They had no idea it was some deadly creature that could break through their suits and burrow into their bodies. I mean a firefighter goes into a burning building to save people, he knows the dangers, he could be killed, but he made the decision to try and save people. Same with this, this could be a friendly creature or could be a killing machine, they didn't know, its not that hard to believe they were curious what it was. Its not really suspension of any disbelief...If you can't handle that decision then like I said, almost every sci-fi movie has that same thing happen. Someone always makes a wrong decision and they die because of it in every sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and really almost every movie.
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

plot holes can be character decisions if they make absolutely no sense at all, but the scene with the worm creature made sense. They had no idea it was some deadly creature that could break through their suits and burrow into their bodies. I mean a firefighter goes into a burning building to save people, he knows the dangers, he could be killed, but he made the decision to try and save people. Same with this, this could be a friendly creature or could be a killing machine, they didn't know, its not that hard to believe they were curious what it was. Its not really suspension of any disbelief...If you can't handle that decision then like I said, almost every sci-fi movie has that same thing happen. Someone always makes a wrong decision and they die because of it in every sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and really almost every movie.

Completely agree! :goodpost:
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

funny thing is I had far more plot hole problems with say IM3 than anything with Prometheus. But ill save that for the IM3 threads. :lol But all this is Sci-Fi so you have to be open to suspension of disbelief. :)
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

Except that Iron Man 3 didn't take itself seriously, and Prometheus did. Therefore, more open to plot hole discussion.
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

Except that Iron Man 3 didn't take itself seriously, and Prometheus did. Therefore, more open to plot hole discussion.

yah i guess. But your most likely going to find holes in lots of movies. There are blogs & websites dedicated to finding them. Thats why I am saying with Sci-Fi/Fantasy movies, you have to be a little more open about them. Even movies that are based on true stories or famous people have things that are not true in them. If you don't like it, thats fine, we all have their own opinions. My personal opinion the Fifield/Millburn scene is not that big of deal, i dont see it as a hole. Just weak dialogue.
Re: Prometheus Sequel : Paradise?

Except that Iron Man 3 didn't take itself seriously, and Prometheus did. Therefore, more open to plot hole discussion.

Yep, I agree. I believe, the "seriousness" or tone/mood of movies such as Prometheus open the door for more critical reviews. My opinion or argument was that Prometheus does not have plot holes to discuss. (But that doesn't mean I think the film is perfect.)

Well then "THOR" is a Sci-Fi movie too :dunno

Well technically (bear with me here) it is. Its a movie about extra-dimensional beings that are so powerful and beyond our comprehension that we see them as deities. In what most consider a throw away line, Thor explains to Jane that his world and the 9(?) realms are based in science, not magic. Granted, its a weak explanation, but I think that's also a reflection of its seriousness/tone.

yah i guess. But your most likely going to find holes in lots of movies. There are blogs & websites dedicated to finding them. Thats why I am saying with Sci-Fi/Fantasy movies, you have to be a little more open about them. Even movies that are based on true stories or famous people have things that are not true in them. If you don't like it, thats fine, we all have their own opinions. My personal opinion the Fifield/Millburn scene is not that big of deal, i dont see it as a hole. Just weak dialogue.

We're definitely on the same page here.