Prequel viewings question

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Super Freak
Oct 27, 2007
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Twin Cities
I'm not sure if there's some kind of thread this can be merged with or not. But i was curious so...

I was wondering if there's any SW fans here that have not watched the prequels since their viewings in the theater. (or maybe once or so on DVD) I am one the sits and watches the OT every few years or so maybe. Mostly cause it's all in my head if i want to revisit it. But, i thought about throwing in one of the prequels cause i was bored with nothing to watch and the idea literally repulsed me. I could not do it, i have not seen ROTS since 2006, the last prequel i watched. Am i alone? Is there others that love SW as i do but can't even watch the new ones AT ALL? And do you care? (personally i kinda do cause i wish i had more than 3 films of SW to watch cause i love the universe. Then again the last 3 films were so bad IMO that i don't really care either.)

Let's not turn this into a bash thread outta respect for those that are fans. I'm just wondering how alone i am or if i am not so alone.

Maybe i will throw one of them in and force it so see how i really feel, despite my instincts.
Do you own them, but don't watch them?

I personally don't think (since you are the way you are) don't need to waist your time. Stick to the OT.
Yes i own them all on DVD, but never watch them. I gave them to my daughter but she has no interest either. But she will watch the OT with me.

I think you are far from alone on this. I never watch them, and I do own all three. IMO, the prequel trilogy sorely missed Gary Kurtz, Lawrence Kasdan, Joe Johnston and Ralph McQuarrie. There is not a single character design or arc in the new movies that I am drawn to. The storyline had the potential to be amazingly dramatic, but it fell so short. Although I think this topic is more about the youth of the 1970's maturing (including our taste in movies) and not so much about the prequel trilogy not fitting into the OT's lore. Aside from Empire, the other 5 films aren't that different in overall tone and style.
I would be shocked to hear that you weren't the only one. The idea that there could be more than one is ridiculous. It's so glaringly self-evident that I'm surprised that you even had to ask. Everyone loves the prequels, except for you.
I would be shocked to hear that you weren't the only one. The idea that there could be more than one is ridiculous. It's so glaringly self-evident that I'm surprised that you even had to ask. Everyone loves the prequels, except for you.


I love them, even if they are terrible movies...the stuff is still really cool, and there are still parts of both trilogies that I hate, like THOSE DAMN EWOKS...

I like the watch them once in a while, it's fun to watch!
I was wondering if there's any SW fans here that have not watched the prequels since their viewings in the theater.

This is what i really would like to know.

I think you are far from alone on this. I never watch them, and I do own all three..
Have you watched them much since your theater viewings? Do you watch the OT regularly?
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I don't think I've watched AOTC in it's entirety since the theater but I would chalk that up to me disliking AOTC more than TPM.
i watch them but i do rend to a/ prefer the ot
and b/ skip parts of the films- ie podrace- too long


I'm old school having watched all of the originals upon their original release dates in the theatre-- and obviously I loved them (and still do-- just ask my bank account). When the prequels were announced I was uber excited and I ended up seeing TPM eight times in the theatre-- I also saw the other two prequels multiple times and I own all of the dvd's. In fact, if there's nothing on and SPIKE tv are showing them I'll invariably leave it on. Now how can this be?... I didn't watch the PT (and I still don't) with the same eyes that I saw the OT with-- I left high expectations outside the theatre and watched them as a separate entity. Those that attempt to compare the PT to the OT are always going to find failure-- Stop being Sisyphus and choose to either enjoy or not to enjoy-- There is no try to enjoy. :cuckoo: :rotfl
I've watched them numerous times since I've seen them in the theater. I don't find them as great as the OT, but I agree with the previous poster that it has more to do with my age when the PT came out vs being younger when I watched the OT the first time. Although I will admit I tend to get pretty bored in the middle of AOTC.

I watch all the movies relatively frequently.
since the original theater viewings...I can probably count the number of times I've watched all 3 on one hand. I have no interest in them. None. Zero. The only scene that stands out, which I thought was great, was the end of AOTC when we see Anakin's robotic hand take Padme's hand and their shared look of fright/caution/hesitation. I thought that was a great and powerful visual.
I would be shocked to hear that you weren't the only one. The idea that there could be more than one is ridiculous. It's so glaringly self-evident that I'm surprised that you even had to ask. Everyone loves the prequels, except for you.

I love it when i warrant responses from wannabe intellectual board members that think they've mastered clever wordplay.:lol

It's not a dead horse when i am specifically asking about THEATER viewings and viewings thereafter. Or maybe it is, and i just don't pay enough attention to the SW threads.:monkey1 :dunno

since the original theater viewings...I can probably count the number of times I've watched all 3 on one hand.

Thanks again

Thanks to those that answered.
Interesting that I would run into this thread this morning as I watched Phantom Menace again just last night after quite a long hiatus.

Like many of you, I wasn't floored by the film when I first saw it. However, since it had been so long since I'd seen the film, I forgot so much of it. I decided to go into this next viewing with extremely low expectations. Well, I have to admit this... I actually enjoyed watching it this next time around. It's actually not that bad.
I haven't watched the prequels since seeing them in the theaters. The acting made me want to vomit, and I'm not one of these movie snobs that say they walk out of movies. I can usually sit through anything and half-way enjoy it, but I couldn't enjoy the movies because of the poor acting. Basically, Hayden ruined the whole experience for me.

That said, I'll pick them up on blu-ray and watch them all again... but the thought of watching the PT makes my skin crawl.
I watched them all, even this year in March I had a SW week watching OT, PT, CW and even some fan made movies (I.M.P.S.), but the Prequels or CW will NEVER be close to my heart as OT is. I grew up with OT and that changes everything for me. Is just that simple.
The prequels could have been so good...Lucas surrounded himself with yes-men who never challenged anything. I personally can't watch them very often because they make me embarrassed to be a Star Wars fan (sometimes).