Playstation 4

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hence it needs to be precise...something we dont have now = innovation.

I heard a report awhile back on NPR saying that SONY hasn't been -- hasn't even tried to be -- innovative since the WalkMan. It's just not their corporate culture. Their MO is to improve on other people's ideas and offer the best product for what there is already a demand for. Not sure Microsoft has been much better, but then that's not what the console hardware market is about, it's not a driving factor for anyone but Nintendo. And Nintendo only ever gives us innovation without application.

(One could argue that the Kinetc was innovative, but it was born from the need to out wii the wii, just as the Move was. Without the wii, there would be no Kinetc.)
I like the improved hardware and the big improvements to download management and making it faster to get into a game, but I'm wondering if it's going to be more than just improved graphics with the same types of games that we're getting now. It doesn't seem like they're doing anything to change the game experience, just upgrade it. It looks like they're also sticking with the Move motion control stuff, but I doubt developers will do much with it. And I don't see a point in having that be a part of the controller, there's no reason to ever use that type of controller for motion control. Remember the Sixaxis had motion control in it and it got dropped really quickly.

I think it's a big advantage over the Wii U and it seems like developers want to create games for it, but I'm wondering what they're doing to try and give an experience that you can only have with a console. They kind of gave the impression that you don't really need a console, since you can stream games to the Vita and eventually PS1, PS2, and PS3 games as well--what's the point of having the console at all? I think if they were streaming PS3 games people would start wondering what the point of a PS4 is.

I don't think Microsoft can match the ability to stream games or do the instant play while the game is still downloading--since it seems those technologies are patented enough that they wouldn't get the opportunity. The graphical capability of the next Xbox should be pretty close to the PS4 and I think they can probably do something cool with the Kinect 2. But--I think the thing that could really turn things to Microsoft's favor is if the stuff in the leaked document from last year is true, that being the part about the VR/AR glasses--which would mean something similar to the Occulus Rift VR headset. If they did a cool demo integrating that type of technology with Kinect I think they could blow people away, though if the leaked doc is correct then the console won't initially ship with that stuff but instead the glasses would come a year later. But still, I think something like that would really get people to want to buy a console .
I agree with the VR aspect. From what iv seen and been reading, it is just round the corner and sony have been working on there own set.
I hope deep down wasnt a " this is what it could look like " demo like they did with motorstorm and killzone for the ps3 showcase.
Looks very promising tho.
I do wish they showed the unit but more importantly, the price and date.
They cant make the same mistake and let this slip a few months or so like they did with the ps3. All in all, a good day for new tech console users.
In the end it's all about the games, that's why simplistic and addictive pick up play games on the tablets and smart phones are selling so well. All this fancy stuff that these new consoles will have won't mean anything if the games don't back them up.
Stemming fears of the always-online requirement still rumored strongly for the next Xbox, a Sony PR rep confirmed to Kotaku that: "PS4 games will be playable without an Internet connection."

I'm still hearing from at least one very good source who hasn't failed me yet that the next Xbox, codenamed Durango, will require an online connection, though that source isn't sure whether the console would tolerate spotty, dropped connections.

In an interview with Eurogamer at yesterday's big PS4 unveiling in New York, Sony's head of worldwide game studios, Shuhei Yoshida said, of PS4 gaming, "Oh yes, yes, you can go offline totally. Social is big for us, but we understand there are some people who are anti-social! So if you don't want to connect to anyone else, you can do that."

Sony is hoping that you would keep your machine online, though, so they can keep quietly patching games, updating games, sending games to you and all sorts of other stuff. This is a company, mind you, that painted a vision yesterday of a "psychic" online store that would learn your tastes and have the next game you might want to buy already downloaded to your machine before you even knew it existed—just waiting for you to click to pay.

(Note: Last year, when we reported the PS4's codename—Orbis—we also reported that, while there probably wouldn't be an always-online connection for PS4, that we were hearing that users would need to register their games online. We're following up with Sony to see if that is at all part of the current PS4 plan. Even if it had been, things can change and we're trying to keep you as up to date as we can.)
Current PS3 and PSN games not compatible with PS4
21 Feb, 2013

We'd kind of guessed this already, but in a Q&A taking place this morning Shuhei Yoshida, President of Sony's Worldwide Studios for Sony Computer Entertainment has just confirmed that PS3 games and PSN titles won't be transferrable to the PlayStation 4.

This means that you'll probably want to keep your PS3 if you want to continue playing current titles or any of the PSN titles you currently own.

The main reason for this is because the architecture is so different between the PowerPC-based Cell processor used in the PS3 and the x86-based PlayStation 4, so only games that don't consume all of the consoles power with emulation will be brought across.

Sony is trying to use Gaikai in the future to provide streaming of PS1, PS2 and PS3 games to the new system, although any saves you have will probably not be compatible.

Expected this to be honest, very rarely has backwards compatibility been an issue for me as I keep all of my old consoles but at least game streaming may help those who have an issue with it.
It sounds like consoles are following the lead of PC gaming with registration and whatnot. Key codes and the like. If you buy a used game you might just have to buy a new key code. A bucks a buck.
My favourite thing i've heard about this console is that it'll be around £300!

this xmas too? yes, my body is ready
Expected this to be honest, very rarely has backwards compatibility been an issue for me as I keep all of my old consoles but at least game streaming may help those who have an issue with it.

I think what they should do is allow people to send in PS3 games in return for being able to stream those games on the PS4, kind of like how they did DVD to Blu-Ray exchanges.
I doubt the console will be out this Christmas.
As why release GTA i September when a new console is out a few
months later.
Does not seem realistic too me at all.

If it is true , it may be worth trading in my PS3 now while they offer ok
money for it.

I think some time in 2014 is more likely but we will see.
Just seems pointless too me.
As there are a few years of life left in the PS3 & XBOX.
Just like the old XBOX there was still power to be had from it.
Also they just released the PS3 super slim.

If the PS4 will play PS3 games then all good.
But i doubt they will as with the xbox 360.
As i have over 100 xbox 360 games and about 50 PS3 games.
Unless GTA is for the PS4?
Just seems pointless too me.
As there are a few years of life left in the PS3 & XBOX.
Just like the old XBOX there was still power to be had from it.
Also they just released the PS3 super slim.

If the PS4 will play PS3 games then all good.
But i doubt they will as with the xbox 360.
As i have over 100 xbox 360 games and about 50 PS3 games.
Unless GTA is for the PS4?
Some games are to be made for both machines. Diablo being one of them.
That Cell Processor really screwed things up for Sony.

Still powerfull enough to probably make 1st generation PS4 quality graphics and physics but too freaking complicated to even bother.
That Cell Processor really screwed things up for Sony.

Still powerfull enough to probably make 1st generation PS4 quality graphics and physics but too freaking complicated to even bother.

Very true. Huge potential but a developers nightmare.