Picture of the exclusive mynock...

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IMO, the edition size should not be depending on the demand/popularity of a figure (1/6, 1/4, what ever the format). If the ES for the exclusive edition is to change, it should be going down, in stead of going up! SSC can make plenty enough regular editions to make sure that every one that wants a figure can get one. Ask yourself: is it all about the figure, or about the exclusive item that comes with the figure?
I belive that the Bespin Han will also look great without the Mynock. So I hope SSC won't go crazy on the ES of the Han exclusive.
bluesparrow said:
Originally Posted by gdb
What a difference a week makes. It seem like just yesterday this board was full of nay sayers on the 1/6 Han. Now everyone's burning to pre-order.

Most of the people on this thread weren't among the naysayers.

Well, a week later and we've seen a better pic of the head and seen the exclusive "extra". I think that makes a big difference. Of course, with the figure pre-orders coming this fast it means a lot of us have had to take 2nd and 3rd jobs to pay for them. That being the case now we will be working and unable to order the very figures that were the reason we took the extra jobs to have the money to procure those same figures. Sideshow has certainly dealt some of us a most contemptuous dilemma. :D
tomandshell said:
I am also 4/4 with the exclusives. I can pretty much guarantee you that 34 hours from now, I will be 4/5.

My only hope is a larger edition size to go with the extra cool (and extra publicized) exclusive on this one.

I'm feeling the exact same way. After probably being one of the last to get exclusive Obi there will be no chance I get this one.
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You can tell alot of work went into that exclusive, so I seem bumping up the number to at least 2000.
I agree that it would be nice if the exclusive was kept a secret until ordering day.
kingdarkness03 said:
I would like to know how many of the ex. buyers are collectors or scalpers..not that it matters, its your choice to buy and keep or buy and sell..but I buy to keep.
I'm a collector down to my bones. Unfortunately I've sold off some of my figures because I needed the room. Like my set of Monty Python and Young Frankenstein figures. Regrets...I've had a few. But I would never sell to scalp. I know I will NEVER sell my SW or LOTR 12" collection. They'll have to pry them from my cold, dead hands! (Am I being too dramatic?)
Alice Adrenochrome said:
Ask yourself: is it all about the figure, or about the exclusive item that comes with the figure?
Ask yourself: would you rather pay $55 for Han with a mynock or $55 for Han without a mynock. It's about getting an inferior version for the exact same price. At least that's how I see it.
So I have ordered both the regular and exclusive versions of each of the SW figures thus far, and I planned on opening the regular and keeping the exclusive displayed in the box. I know that I will miss this Friday, given how giddy everybody is about the Mynock. I have to agree with TheObsoleteMan, that the only disappointment with not getting the exclusive is knowing that a cooler version exists out there!!! At the same price!!! It isn't a money thing, or a scalper thing, but it is nice knowing you got the best possible version of what is available!
I don't really have a problem with the exclusives being limited, but I don't think people should have to pay the same price for less.
TheObsoleteMan said:
Ask yourself: would you rather pay $55 for Han with a mynock or $55 for Han without a mynock. It's about getting an inferior version for the exact same price. At least that's how I see it.

BUT the exclusive is only at Sideshow. You can get the regular version cheaper from other online toy shops, but you can't get the exclusive cheaper.

But me, I buy both from SS and make sure they get all my $$$$ so I can see more great stuff by them.
BUT the exclusive is only at Sideshow. You can get the regular version cheaper from other online toy shops, but you can't get the exclusive cheaper.

But me, I buy both from SS and make sure they get all my $$$$ so I can see more great stuff by them.
Yeah, I suppose, but that seems like bad business for Sideshow. You'd think they would want to offer some incentive for people to order both versions from them.
Seretur said:
We shouldn't be this pessimistic about getting the Exclusive Han!

We're the Freaks. We'll prevail. :cool:

More power to ya. I'll just be content to sit back and watch the fireworks. ;)
Seretur said:
We shouldn't be this pessimistic about getting the Exclusive Han!

We're the Freaks. We'll prevail. :cool:

Yes, but it's hard to click the "order" button when your hand is being crushed under the boot of the scalper...
There's still way over a thousand of the exclusives, and even the scalpers can only order one.

I suggest patience and faith in your own abilities. :)
Seretur said:
There's still way over a thousand of the exclusives, and even the scalpers can only order one.

I suggest patience and faith in your own abilities. :)

The scalpers can only order one... one for each of their multiple accounts!

(Remember our friend with three Gray Hulks?)
Actually, I didn't follow the Great Grey Hulk Bragging Thread, as I haven't gotten one.

But yeah, it's really smart if he bragged about it on the SSF board. Of course they won't see it and cancel his two extra ones. :naughty
FlyAndFight said:
This is definitely the coolest exclusive piece released in the line so far.

May the Force be with LOTRFan on Friday... ;) :naughty

I will do my very best, this one may require all my Jedi abilities. :horror :google :horror
TheObsoleteMan said:
Ask yourself: would you rather pay $55 for Han with a mynock or $55 for Han without a mynock. It's about getting an inferior version for the exact same price. At least that's how I see it.

I don't think its getting an inferior version. But I would like them to be a little more affordable. :angelsmil