Statue PCS Rambo license

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I'm in the same boat.I'm keeping my Rambo and Conan and started selling the rest.Sold a few ARH pieces already.Canadian dollar is not helping either.
I'm in the same boat.I'm keeping my Rambo and Conan and started selling the rest.Sold a few ARH pieces already.Canadian dollar is not helping either.

Good luck selling off some of your old statues to finance new ones, from my experience lately on ebay collectors aren't into older statues, I've been lucky to get 50% - 60% of what I originally paid, better than nothing but the days of flipping for huge profits are over imo, even Hot Toys that were going for triple are now going way down, I guess it's the over saturation of to much product, am not sure?
Cancelled and deposit refunded. (For Conan as well)
I just looked at myself and realized I was paying over A$3000 for two polystone statues. WTF is wrong with me ? :horror :D
Affordability for me is not an issue, relative worth is though.

When I got into this a 1/4 statue was $250 and $50 shipping.
I remember when the SS Arnie Conan was a controversy at $325....and a few years later the REH Conan Rage caused people to lose it at $460.
I just received ARH's Tarzan and love it .... but I think that might be my last statue.

I think I'm done with this hobby.

Smart move, I was going to buy a custom Rocky 1/3 statue, the sculptor wanted $900 with shipping, statue wasn't perfect and nothing is, but for that kind of money and the fact that if I ever wanted to sell it I probably be lucky to get $400 for it so I had to pass, it just didn't make any sense, and am with you on price increases, when I started collecting 1/6 and 1/4 statues the 1/6 were $150 and the 1/4 were $275 and now the 1/6 is $300+ and the 1/4 is getting close to $600, so for me it has to end, plus I think I hit a wall where my enthusiasm for the hobby isn't what it use to be.
I think part of the after market value has to do with the companies out there growing and growing.

When Sideshow started with PFs, they pretty much had a monopoly on the market for large scale statues. Now you have companies like HCG, PCS, Enterbay, Hot Toys, Blitzway, etc. all producing pieces in that larger, 18+ scale and many overlapping in licenses. I think there's a hesitance to buy older pieces now knowing someone could come along and produce better.

Look at Rambo's history, the first 1/4 product we got was Sideshow, it received mixed reaction in a market all by itself, then there was the HCG statue which was based on a different movie but another product in the scale, then Enterbay came out with a figure that topped everything before it, and now PCS has produced the largest Rambo piece to date and overall it's an amazing piece that's easily on part with it's best predecessor.

Not only is there a hesitance based on new items being made of the same characters that is better, but more and more licenses people never would have expected anything of are being picked up, so now collector's are having more products competing for their money than before.

When I first became a collector it was Star Wars only, I didn't really know eBay so I didn't have access to much else, but eventually I began to expand my Godzilla collection, then more and more of my favorite things have been picked up over the years and Star Wars is one of my lowest collecting priorities, where it was once highest mainly for a lack of options.

I'm in a position where anything over $50 has to be questioned for how much it truly means to me and weigh it against how much else I might be able to get for that money. I love Rambo and would really like to own this PCS statue, but looking ahead at some things I'd really like to add to my collection, I can basically buy 7 items for the amount of money Rambo alone would cost, and those fill voids I feel in my collection. I don't feel a void in my Rambo collection that the PCS statue can fill, I have a few Rambo 2 pieces that I'm quite happy with. The only void I feel right now is an incomplete NECA line up that ended after the first 2 films, and an incomplete 1/4 scale collection which needs a First Blood representation. If this were a 1/4 scale First Blood statue, I might be prioritizing it.
When I started collecting Premium Formats were $200.00 to $250.00. To ship a 1/4 from coast to coast in U.S was $10.00 to $20.00. Now Pf are $550.00
and to ship a 1/4 from coast to coast is $50.00 to $90.00. Resell market use to make money on almost each piece, now I lose around $100.00 on each one I sell.

People knock the Rambo Pf but was a nice piece and I paid $280.00 for it and got $450.00 so some people liked the piece

Once I pick the Imaginarium Art Transformers I want and P1 Robotech am going out of collecting. I would love if PCS does do a 1/4 Rambo
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Cancelled and deposit refunded. (For Conan as well)
I just looked at myself and realized I was paying over A$3000 for two polystone statues. WTF is wrong with me ? :horror :D
Affordability for me is not an issue, relative worth is though.

When I got into this a 1/4 statue was $250 and $50 shipping.
I remember when the SS Arnie Conan was a controversy at $325....and a few years later the REH Conan Rage caused people to lose it at $460.
I just received ARH's Tarzan and love it .... but I think that might be my last statue.

I think I'm done with this hobby.

Sorry to hear that mate. Did you order and cancel through Pop Cultcha, or was it PCS direct? Just asking as I have a piece with PCS on order that I want to cancel but don't want to lose my money.

Your reasons for selling seem to be a recurring theme in this hobby lately. The increased costs are putting a lot of people off, myself included. I will still buy, but I'm very particular about what I order now and go for quality rather than quantity (even if it means paying top dollar for a rare piece), as selling them afterwards if you no longer want them can be an issue as you can lose quite a bit of money these days.

I sold a lot of my stuff to focus only on statues from a select few movies I love and keep a modest collection. Once I have what I want, I'm done as well.
Cancelled and deposit refunded. (For Conan as well)
I just looked at myself and realized I was paying over A$3000 for two polystone statues. WTF is wrong with me ? :horror :D
Affordability for me is not an issue, relative worth is though.

When I got into this a 1/4 statue was $250 and $50 shipping.
I remember when the SS Arnie Conan was a controversy at $325....and a few years later the REH Conan Rage caused people to lose it at $460.
I just received ARH's Tarzan and love it .... but I think that might be my last statue.

I think I'm done with this hobby.

You're not the only one that feels this way.
Good luck selling off some of your old statues to finance new ones, from my experience lately on ebay collectors aren't into older statues, I've been lucky to get 50% - 60% of what I originally paid, better than nothing but the days of flipping for huge profits are over imo, even Hot Toys that were going for triple are now going way down, I guess it's the over saturation of to much product, am not sure?

The collectible companies drove this hobby into the ground. It's as simple as that.
Good luck selling off some of your old statues to finance new ones, from my experience lately on ebay collectors aren't into older statues, I've been lucky to get 50% - 60% of what I originally paid, better than nothing but the days of flipping for huge profits are over imo, even Hot Toys that were going for triple are now going way down, I guess it's the over saturation of to much product, am not sure?

Quality improves, new companies surface so it's kinda expected. This Rambo however is the best looking Rambo statue we've gotten and god knows how long it will be before we see another. I don't see collectors will suffer from this with this or Enterbay's Rambo unless we get something better. Another example is some of my favourite statues Sideshow made of TMNT years ago for 200$. No company has made the comics Turtles since then as bigger statues so they go for 750-800$ each now. There are only smaller figures of those around.
Selling sucks for sure. Never thought I'd struggle to sell my predator maquette. I realize it's local but even just a couple of years ago stuff like that would get snatched. Oh well...have to be more selective now.
I started to notice resale market going down in last 3 years, about when I.A., P1, XM. IS coming along. Then throw in shipping has more than doubles just in 3 years.
From now on just buy what you plan to keep. From 2007 to 2014 I was able to sell my stuff so easy and make money on almost each piece., now I am glad when I just lost $100.00 and person not far away from so shipping is cheaper.
The collectible companies drove this hobby into the ground. It's as simple as that.

Not really, a lot of the old "grails" are still worth the same or higher. However when the same characters get remade and remade better then of course the original is going to go down in value.
Some demanding statues still sell well.My ARH Barbarian and Leonidas sold for more than double retail.But some I'm still having trouble selling at retail.
Not really, a lot of the old "grails" are still worth the same or higher. However when the same characters get remade and remade better then of course the original is going to go down in value.

The golden age pieces will always be special.
There are as many factors that could result in value of pieces remaining high or increasing as decreasing.

Take Rambo for example. I don't think anyone would argue that overall likeness on PCS is better than the Sideshow PF, but they also take different looks from the film and fall in different sizes. PCS is huge and pricey and a bow drawn but not aimed pose may not be for everyone, where Sideshow's piece is in the process of shooting a gun and depicts and iconic image from the movie and may speak more to collectors. For me, despite certain realism and accuracy, Sideshow's chosen pose and overall piece design is a better representation, the VHS box art and many other marketing materials used the shot below heavily and the PF embodies that, where as much as PCS looks more like Stallone, the piece looks like a 3D version of a posed publicity still.

I owned the Sideshow Rambo PF and to each his own if you like it, but I thought it was the worst PF ever produced, the pose and the likeness is awful, doesn't look like Stallone and the pose was so bad that the only way to even display it so you could see the head sculpt was on the very bottom of a shelf or on the ground. I hated it so much that I had to sell it after looking at it for a little over a year lol. I even remembered getting $165.00 for it on ebay and I was happy to lose $100 just to get it out of my sight. It's an insult to the PSC Rambo to compare it to the Sideshow PF, but like I said, to each his own.
The worst part with the PF was the absolutely horrible paint apps, like any Sideshow human portraits. They are still far behind and ruins a good sculpt. I've seen some repainted Rambo PF's and they do look pretty good actually.
Got $450.00 for my Rambo Pf on Ioffer. Sideshow should have made more pieces., I do I think the piece did need some work. Not sure why Sideshow didn't keep the lline going.
to each his own.

That's my point though, because of that very notion, there's no telling what will or won't sell well or go up in value, it's all a matter of chance, some pieces will appeal to large groups but be produced in few numbers and grow in value, others may seem to us like they should be worth a lot and can't even fetch retail price on the after market.