Official NECA Terminator Thread

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Well if they're gonna hold onto the license I do want them touching it. But if they're gonna hold onto the license and continue to not do anything with it then I want bad things to happen to them as a company. :)

we're talking about Hot Toys here for anyone who skips right to 'last page'
So, Targets have been getting even more reprints of Ultimate T2 T-800 (I think this is now the 4th time this has been offered) and the Ultimate T2 T-1000 and they keep selling out every time I'm in the store buying other ****. The reprint Ultimate T1 Tech Noir that started showing up early this summer is selling just as well.

The fact that these are selling out when they are just easy rereleases that were already offered years ago is quite impressive, atleast to me anyway.

Just as I predicted years ago while NECA was being stubborn . . . the Connor clan also continues to be quite in demand,

Kyle Reese .jpg
John Connor.jpg

Can someone explain to me again why NECA has made it seem like Terminator is so risky? Why was John Connor considered "too niche" for a decade? Why is there a reluctance to upgrade Kyle Reese? Why don't they make NEW tools of all NEWLY sculpted figures? So you can make all new tools of "Guardian T-800", "Pops", "Asian T-1000", "Carl" and "Dark Fate Sarah" from the lame movies that peg warm and sit on shelves till clearance but you're reluctant to make a Tech Comm Soldier, a new Kyle Reese, Future General John Connor, an updated Steel Mill T-800, a Pescadero Sarah and some unique T-1000 variations?

I don't get it, where is the logic here.

There's clearly a demand for all things T1 and T2 outside of us hardcore collectors. People are eating up the old figures from the older films on the secondary market AND eating up rereleased figures. Collectors are willing to shell out hundreds on John Connor and Kyle Reese. People are willing to buy the same T-800 and T-1000 over and over again. NECA has SAVED and profited so much from the original T2 T-800, T-1000 and T1 T-800 tools between all the variations, repaints, and rerereleases that have been done. From a business perspective, looks to me like they're leaving money on the table by not making Connor a mass produced retail release or upgrading Kyle Reese.


Thought you might be interested to know the current reprint of T-1000 is darker. It's not the blue/navy blue of the original release and is darker, matte look that is closer to the original release. The 3 bullet squibs on the chest are also much more metallic and shiny. I've seen it in person an it looks quite good.


He also doesn't have the black Beretta pistol anymore that came with the original Ultimate. For whatever reason, they went back to the pistol that was originally solicited with the figure in photos. Pretty weird, especially since they caught the error back in 2015 and blacked out/photoshopped the picture of the gun on the back of the box and corrected it.

Damn, I had no idea John Connor was going for so much. I do have to confess that the Kyle that sold for $130 was mine. I think I had 7 at one time. Sold most of them. A-dev, I want my John Connor back LOL!
I don’t blame you. ****ing $100 for a loose Kyle Reese is insane. Tempted to sell mine. The figure really isn’t that good, they could do so much better now.

To think, back in 2012 I saw so many at Toys R Us for 20 bucks.
I've seen the ultimate T2 T-800 reissued at Target and Walmart a lot over the past year or so, but I've never spotted a T-1000. That new one is interesting. Less blue, yet they painted the Beretta like the T-800's 1911. All because NECA used the wrong pistol in the original photo shoot.

Terminator in general has become quite neglected by NECA. I don't get it either. We should have an ultimate Kyle Reese by now, and John should never have been a SDCC exclusive. Hell they couldn't even get his shirt right since they omitted the camo pattern. That's why I never tried ordering one. Those ebay prices are nuts. Kyle has been around on the secondhand market for ages and was never that high before. I got mine in a comic shop a couple years ago for around $20 carded. The sculpt is nice, but the paintjob of his face made him look weird, and they were lazy/cheap and just painted his coat rather than casting it in the correct color to begin with. So on mine the green paint started wearing off like crazy within a week from just posing him for photos.

I wish they would would switch to using flesh tone plastic for their terminator figures rather than the painted skin they keep using that is really prone to being scratched up by the packaging and then is next to impossible to match if you want to fix anything. I'm assuming they don't want to change it so they match up in style with the older releases, but I think at this point it is no longer necessary.

I also wish they would upgrade the articulation some more, the T1 T-800's really need double elbows.
Great research there DiFabio and thanks for the tip-off on the darker T-1000 reissue, very interesting, gonna have to see if I can get some from that batch - although the joints might not be compatible with the older 2009 (10?) figures even if the colour and finish is. Can't remember if I tested that.

Yeah, the strong sales of these rereleases combined with aftermarket prices would seem to indicate the line has life in it. I think it's a matter of NECA's interest level in making new figures - maybe they're taking the wrong message from the success of the reissues and are content with those exact figures, seeing no need to improve them with new sculpts, new articulation etc. At the same time they're heavily distracted by the shinyness of the Turtles line, a line I respect, but do worry about how dominant it may become. I don't wanna start hearing how other licenses need to be thankful for the funding provided by the Turtles as we did in the case of Hot Toys and Iron Man, that argument always annoyed the **** out of me.

Anyway, yeah, I'd like to see new Trevor Grove headsculpts of Uncle Bob, T1 T-800, T-1000 and Kyle Reese. I can't remember offhand if the same person sculpted the T2 Sarah and the Dark Fate Sarah but both were excellent so I'd have faith in their ability to do a good T1 Sarah also. New bodies with new articulation - yep, T1 most definitely needs double elbows, there's barely any range in the existing figure's elbows. Uncle Bob would also benefit from double elbows for some of those shotgun poses - and alternate hands for all - sometimes we might like to pose our figures empty-handed in which case trigger hands and gun-barrel grip hands look bizarre. So fist hands and relaxed hands would be nice. And heck some figures aren't even equipped with hands that can correctly hold the weapons they come with - Uncle Bob can't use his handgun properly because the only hand he has is specific to the shotgun - and a specific pose with said shotgun at that - wouldn't it be nice if there was a shotgun hand that enabled him to hold it like he does when he's exiting the elevator at Pescadero or up resting on his shoulder ala the Enrique scene? Moving onto T1 the Tech Noir T-800 can't aim the Uzi 9mm right because the wrist angle is off. So more hand options would be a most welcome improvement.

All this to say nothing of T-800/T-1000/Kyle Reese variants not yet made, new accessories (some obvious, some not - I've probably brought them up in the past few pages) and additional characters like Miles Dyson - if Carter Burke gets a figure why not Miles Dyson? What about Traxler and Vukovich from T1? I don't command NECA to make these characters but if they're gonna hold onto the license I do think they could be considered as a way of giving the line additional depth that hardcore fans would really appreciate.
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Neca always seem to be throwing money at scalpers. They badly need to improve distribution of their products.

And yeah, I miss them caring about Terminator.
Already knew from twitter that they were putting the camo back on John's shirt that flesh tone plastic? It looks shinier..
Already knew from twitter that they were putting the camo back on John's shirt that flesh tone plastic? It looks shinier..

That is absolutely flesh tone plastic on Sarah and John. Very interesting. I hope this means we might see it used on more Terminator figures and reissues in the future.

I already have the original release of Sarah, still love that figure. I guess I'll have to see the pack in person since I still need John. Not sure I need another Sarah but I do prefer how the flesh tone plastic looks.
That could indeed be a very interesting development. All this time they've kept going with the painted flesh because that's how the line started and they were trying to be consistent. If now they've decided to switch to flesh tone plastic it could be a sign of some future intent....
They know they can get us all one more time with updating them to fleshtone.

I also firmly believe there's a link between manufacturer and plastics used. If they can add figures to the manufacturing process which share materials, then they're gonna do it because they'll get a better buy.

They PROBLEM is that the older sculpts aren't detailed enough anymore for the high fidelity the newer plastic uses. It could look real bad.