NEXT Star Wars 1/6th Figure...

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I'm guessing Dooku's further along in development than Tarkin

Tarkin's done -- it's Piett with a new sculpt. What's to develop?

I would think Dooku would take longer since it's a unique outfit... well, the cape anyway. Honestly, his outfit is just Praji's with a different belt and cape.
Yeah, Dooku's pushed more boldy, where Tarkin and Greedo were kinda hinted, unless it's just how things happen to be worded, I'm guessing Dooku's further along in development than Tarkin or Greedo, would make sense, put him up for order with Clone Wars Anakin shipping not too far away, it is common for new releases to be strategic with going with something else, thankfully we've had some time off from ANH other than Sandtroopers, which have nothing really to do with Tarkin or Greedo, so there's no enhance their sales product to release them along with.

Plus, Dooku will generate further demand for the PT Yoda we'll be getting in that 2-pack. ;)
We have had a quiet 2009. Lets hope anything other than another trooper pops up before the year ends. :lol
Dooku would be hard to pass up. I'm trying to limit myself to main characters from the OT, but Christopher Lee is just too cool!

Plus, assuming Sideshow gets the likeness better than their PF :)monkey4), he'd be a shoe-in for anybody looking to do a custom Dracula fig.
Tarkin's done -- it's Piett with a new sculpt. What's to develop?

The head, maybe they haven't started on that one yet, or they started out doing it with the jointed neck and realized many collectors would be dissatisfied with Tarkin done that way and are resculpting to have a neck.
News in the 12/9 Q&A.

You said in 2010 you were going to be doing more alien-type characters in the Star Wars universe and that you were developing other bodies for these figures in 12″ scale. I am so excited to hear that!!! That’s one thing that made Star Wars stand out is the aliens and unique characters. That being said, I just have a few ideas and please let us know if any are in the works or strong possibitilites: Max Rebo and his red ball organ, Sy Snoodles (old version), Droopy McCool, Amanaman, Ephant Mon, Hammerhead, Yak Face, Squid Head, Nute Gunray, and of course Chewbacca! Another I’d LOVE to see is a really well-crafted ROTJ Emperor with his throne, cane, lightning hands, and two portraits: calm and fierce!

Yes, at least half of the characters you mention have been fully designed and are likely to see development beginning in the near future.

Also, not just a Star Wars comment, but where Star Wars and Joe are becoming the primary 1/6 lines, pertinent.

Sideshow obviously partners up with Hot Toys to develop bodies and to import stuff, but does Sideshow’s development team ever take note of Hot Toys’ latest advancements in figure-making? Sideshow has come a ways in its own figure quality, but Hot Toys continues to raise that quality bar so high that it becomes hard to display characters from the two manufacturers together. Don’t get me wrong, in maquettes and statues Sideshow is at the top, but Hot Toys rules the 12-inch world. My question is, does Hot Toys guard its secrets from even Sideshow? What is the reason Sideshow isn’t keeping pace? Every Hot Toys figure just gets better than the last while Sideshow is very hit or miss with their 12-inch line.

We very much admire Hot Toys’ skill and quality. Sideshow and Hot Toys do approach figure design and manufacturing from different viewpoints - Sideshow has been, historically, focused on affordable quality, while Hot Toys has been eager to push the upper limits of what is possible in 1:6 scale. It is fair to say that both Sideshow and Hot Toys have benefited greatly from the exchange and friendly competition - neither would be producing the lines of today without standing on the history and lessons learned in their combined histories. With that said, the design and development teams have initiated some very ambitious 1:6 scale undertakings, and we’ll be interested to read your opinion again in late 2010 and 2011.
"Irrelevant ******" or not, Greedo is an iconic SW alien and 10x more iconic and SWish than Dooku. :lecture

Also, I'd but any character from ANH before any of the PT proles.

(Don't get me wrong, though, there are still a few PT figures I do want, including the old fart who had to be replaced by CGI and stunt doubles during all of his duels)
"Irrelevant ******" or not, Greedo is an iconic SW alien and 10x more iconic and SWish than Dooku. :lecture

Also, I'd but any character from ANH before any of the PT proles.

(Don't get me wrong, though, there are still a few PT figures I do want, including the old fart who had to be replaced by CGI and stunt doubles during all of his duels)

Greedo's role was made considerably less "necessary" when he shot first. :lol
Before it was altered, Greedo had the definitive Han Solo scene.

Now, besides the ANH Jabba, the Greedo "shoots first" scene is the most debated and talked about of the Special Edition alterations.

That alone gives Greedo a special place in SW lore... and he really had a much better scene than any single scene Boba Fett had in either sequel.
Before it was altered, Greedo had the definitive Han Solo scene.

Now, besides the ANH Jabba, the Greedo "shoots first" scene is the most debated and talked about of the Special Edition alterations.

That alone gives Greedo a special place in SW lore... and he really had a much better scene than any single scene Boba Fett had in either sequel.

People also highly debate the Shaw replacement with Hayden at the end. That doesn't justify, nor mean I want a Hayden ghost figure from Sideshow (shaddup Pix :p).
People also highly debate the Shaw replacement with Hayden at the end. That doesn't justify, nor mean I want a Hayden ghost figure from Sideshow (shaddup Pix :p).

Regardless, the Hayden head is likely the only one Lucasfilm will approve (but hopefully, if they do the figure, Sideshow has the gumption to include a 2nd Shaw head as the Ex)
Regardless, the Hayden head is likely the only one Lucasfilm will approve (but hopefully, if they do the figure, Sideshow has the gumption to include a 2nd Shaw head as the Ex)

Knowing that SS is developing a 1/6 Yoda it's a safe bet that he'll also be released as a 'spirit' version just to maximize the usage of the body, etc..... I'm sure Obi-Wan and Anakin will follow..... Can't imagine they would include a Shaw sculpt though. :confused:
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