Next 1/6 figure?

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I dunno, I really don't care for armored characters; even Darth Vader is one that I'm in no hurry to see. For now I'd rather get some more Jedi and some Rebel Fleet Troopers (with Captain Antilles!). After that I'd like more rebels and good guys like Admiral Ackbar and Senator Bail Organa. I've never really liked the bad guys anyway. :cool:
Being the impatient barstool that I am, I havent been waiting or buying that many SS figures !

Ive been buying certain hasblows (ones I can work with not all) and customising them. Or certain Sideshow ones - Secondary off evilbay or certain Medicoms - Primarilly from Sideshow

With the price of an SS figure increasing and the quality decreasing or standing still (eg if I want large heads on my 1:6th figures ill buy Hasblo or a bobblehead or if I want certain uniform inaccuracies Ill again buy Hasblo)

then its getting to the stage where Im not like a dog with its tongue hanging out looking toward SS for the next one

Dont get me wrong Im interested, but no where near as interested as when I first started collecting !

Back to answering the thread question

Oooola or a Slave Leia or the start of the Max Rebo Band members

And as soon as they do Prisoner Leia or Oola people will complain about exposed joints. No win situation.
I wouldnt (if it was a decent sculpt eg no a bobblehead)

If its articulated then you cant really complain about exposed joints

but theres exposed joints and then theres exposed crap joints

EDIT : Ive considered buying the GG statues stuff so I can cut them off the base

If SS did a statue (of leia and oola) that was base removable and could be posed with the existing Jabba setup theyd fly of the shelves IMHO

that would be a work around for all the exposed joint haters
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Yes SS, give us Grand Admiral Thrawn!

To me this would be a great choice. From SSC's point of view - he's EU which is a little underrepresented, but at the same time a very popular EU character. Costume wise its just a different colour of Praaji's outfit (with braided epaulettes), and there isnt any likeness issues with the head sculpt. He could be pumped out very quickly. Exclusive could be a ysaalmiri.
Dont know alot about EU but I think I saw an image posted on another thread of this Thrawn figure ?

Is this the barber from Star Trek the Next generation in a very camp white outfit and gold epulates ?
Wow... I've never heard such an unflattering, yet accurate discription of thrawn before. Heah, He does kinda look Like Mott.
Corse, Calling him "the barber from the next Generation" is like calling Spock a Space Vampire becuase he has black hair, and pointy ears.....:monkey3:monkey1



well...ok, so they're both Blue. :lol

But Yeah, if they go EU, Mara Jade, or Mitth'raw'nuruodo FTW
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This I can handle


but the gold epilates scream "Freddie Mercury" on poppers ! Holding a a sex toy ! If you do make one SS make sure those epilates can be removed easily !
In all honesty, I agree, even the hasblo figure went for the comic book version, the one without the Epolits. and I think it looks LOADS better with outh the shoulder Jewlery.
Some great choices being brought up.

My thought is that I want the "biggies" up-front. I would hate for anything to happen, license-wise, and miss out on the main or iconic character.

So here's my list of want-them-nows... (in no particular order)

Darth Vader
X-Wing/Snowspeeder Luke
Bespin Lando
Rebel Fleet Troopers
Tatooine Luke
R2 & C3PO
TPM Obi-Wan
TPM Anakin

There are others that I would want as well but these are the must-haves.
Just because Im bored - responses in the quote

Darth Vader I say SDCC 08
X-Wing/Snowspeeder Luke AT LEAST a year wait
Chewie Not anytime soon, SS says fur or nothing
Bespin Lando I'd take him next
Storm/Sandtroopers SDCC 08 my guess
Dooku Next Sithmas?
Rebel Fleet Troopers hmm, could be interesting. Anytime
Tatooine Luke Again, at least not for another year
R2 & C3PO Maybe another SDCC 08?
TPM Obi-Wan Do able and orderable
TPM Anakin Put that child body to use