New Superman movie coming from JJ Abrams

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JJ helped ruin Star Wars now he gets to bury Superman even more.

He wants to ruin every universe he can get his hands on. Best to just stick to his cliffhanger tv shows and movies that lead to no where.
Why recast Cavill? He is perfect, just go with a different look and tone. Maybe they want to go one off like the Joker?
Wow... Mission Impossible, Star Trek, Star Wars and now Superman... just a matter of time until he gets his teeth into Batman... and helms the Phase 5 MCU.

He truly does (ultimately) ruin everything he touches.

I can see it now: Superman movie will start with a good premise... somehow work the multiverse into the plot... story will end up going nowhere because all possibilities still exist... and then the movie will just end with a whimper climax. Isn't that JJ's overarching outline. I think he has it in his top drawer.
First look at JJ's Superman!!! :panic:

How about rather than continuing to change things about Supes, these creative teams can revisit the qualities that have made him great for all these years.
What an awful idea. Just keep Cavill and get a better director. Why is that so complicated for WB?
Warner/DC is focusing on its "multiverse" strategy, so I wouldn't necessarily write off the Snyderverse or Cavill. That will depend on how the cut is received. I think Cavill is a great Superman and would definitely prefer to see him continue in the role along with the rest of the JLA including Batfleck (Snyder did a great job casting).

Just like Matt Reeves's The Batman is supposed to be out on its own, this version of Superman may exist in its own universe. Of course that won't stop the toxicity if DC casts a person of color. It's Warner's money and IP and their risk to take. Everyone can choose whether or not to see the movie. I think Flashpoint is going to be DC's way to open that up?with multiple Batmen, Supermen, Wonder Women, Supergirls, etc. Whether or not that strategy will actually pay off is yet to be seen.
I'm ok with a new actor. Cavill was tainted by Snyder. There's too much baggage with him and his films. They want a "fresh" new start just like they're doing with Batman. Maybe Cavill will return like Affleck for other Snyder DC projects.

The rumor for some reason is that they're looking for a black actor, so if that's the case, I'm going to enjoy watching the internet meltdown. :lol
I'm ok with a new actor. Cavill was tainted by Snyder. There's too much baggage with him and his films. They want a "fresh" new start just like they're doing with Batman. Maybe Cavill will return like Affleck for other Snyder DC projects.

The rumor for some reason is that they're looking for a black actor, so if that's the case, I'm going to enjoy watching the internet meltdown. :lol

So isn't Gadot, Momoa and Miller tainted as well? Seems like they are fine going ahead with them.
What an awful idea. Just keep Cavill and get a better director. Why is that so complicated for WB?

I keep telling you they are stupid. They are probably the worst company that has comic characters.