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Igo, their art director, said they would do better on the next Predator after admitting shortcomings with the P2 Maquette :huh

Well - at least this is better in a few respects . . .

  • They got the dreds right this time - no more "right-angled exits" (I was told by staff that this was top of their concerns list for the P1).
  • They included quills.
  • The base on this is much more appropriate.
  • No "mini-me" weapons screw up (per the spear with the P2).
  • Good idea for the EX (although would have been nice if that came with all and there was NO EX).

Shame they didn't give the rest of it the effort it deserved though. This could have been a real treasure to own. So much carelessness (and even arrogant stonewalling when they were told about the thigh armour which would have been a simple fix).

It's more like we ARE getting a nice statue.

But everyone just wants it exactly like the reference pix shows.

I'd settle for REASONABLY accurate to the reference material. This just isn't.

And unlike the P2, the serious issues (the thigh armour & skinnyness) are not as easily fixed post-purchase.

Well I already like the statue so buying it is likely but the complaints are beyond valid.

Being exactly accurate is one thing but the thigh armor errrr I mean hip armor IS stupid and should be fixed. As I said before that's like putting his laser on his bicep and refusing to move it where it goes.

The list are all easy fixes but the lack of effort and care is BS. I don't care if his body is skinnier that's fine but shrink the head lol I don't find that all too bad but I do agree his face looks smashed.

Lastly the pouch. I can likely have one made I guess. There's a guy on here and more than one that can make them.

So yes I can have a pouch made so that is not a concern other than it should be there.

So as I said I personally like it but there are issues. While many to some my biggest issue really is that leg armor. That is idiotic and the reply was as idiotic.

I have it in my cart waiting to see if the 10% off pops up. Not sure how long but I heard that's how you get it.

I can't ***** I bought the SS Perseus and Man of Steel. Paid under $300 for both together to break up my Star Wars stuff and get a mixed shelf. So far it's those 2, Carnage on PO and Voltron when it comes out. Voltron has plenty of pother Voltrons and art to keep him company. Predator will join him unless I snag any other pieces but most large ones are too much $$$ for me.

Anyway back to the Predator. I want mine to laugh like the movie.
What the hell are you? . . .

This movie (like P2) never gets old - and NEVER will. (* oh - and look - correct unmasked facial proportions again! *)

1min 16 for the lols.​


Love that clip!!! Can you imagine they used that first POS the studio sent them. Thankfully they didn't use it. The Predator made that movie along with the rest of them but had it not been a good alien yikes

Well I don't know how, when or if SS will drop of final piece but while I don't expect much change I'll drop a brick if they do a few things. Guess if we had sales numbers we could guess. The project lead can't see sales do bad and be happy. Makes you wonder how many really ordered it and don't say.

They told me it stays open till they all sell so the EX clearly is not sold out. I thought they just take POs then make a rounded amount above. For example like if 675 sold the make a 750 ES.
For $1249.99 the sculpt and look of this should be as close to perfect as possible. It's BS that you've got artists working at companies like NECA who can deliver near perfect sculpts then see their work crapped over by poor production and cheap prices. On the other hand you've got guys at SS knowing they only have to hit the 60/70% mark and people will still buy their products based on brand loyalty and the need to own an expensive piece to boast about.
For $1249.99 the sculpt and look of this should be as close to perfect as possible. It's BS that you've got artists working at companies like NECA who can deliver near perfect sculpts then see their work crapped over by poor production and cheap prices. On the other hand you've got guys at SS knowing they only have to hit the 60/70% mark and people will still buy their products based on brand loyalty and the need to own an expensive piece to boast about.


At first reveal I was pumped since I own 0 Predator pieces and will still like to own it so that guess I'll have to complain and hope it's fixed.

Pretty sure I'll get the pouch from someone. The rest like the head I'll accept, the leg armor I'll hate and hope they fix it or it can be fixed.

I'll only order with the 10% if it pops up but now I see I can't use rewards points and a discount. Since when, it said use them anytime for anything. Pretty sure they'll do it.

SS has actually done plenty for me and always helps me. Maybe the designers suck but the service has always been good for me.

Only issue I had was my Voltron Art ink rubbed off with a feather touch so the guy says they are all like that and then says he tested it and the same thing happened so I'm like wait you said they are all like that but then ruined one to test what you said you already know. Lol they didn't have one to replace but when they cancelled the contest they still did not replace it they offered to sell me another one.

Can't let that fool take away the many great ones.
For $1249.99 the sculpt and look of this should be as close to perfect as possible. It's BS that you've got artists working at companies like NECA who can deliver near perfect sculpts then see their work crapped over by poor production and cheap prices. On the other hand you've got guys at SS knowing they only have to hit the 60/70% mark and people will still buy their products based on brand loyalty and the need to own an expensive piece to boast about.

Man I'm with you greygoose. At this price point they better get it right. Such an icon character not to mess up. But oh well gotta wait and see if Prime 1 will produce one, because they will nail it

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Man I'm with you greygoose. At this price point they better get it right. Such an icon character not to mess up. But oh well gotta wait and see if Prime 1 will produce one, because they will nail it

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Just look at CC's Breakout Rex - half the price and an incredible sculpt that went through many approval processes.

I don't even collect statues but I don't think I've ever seen a Predator statue that hasn't had something wrong with it. Maybe FOX needs to get their heads out of the arses and change their approval process otherwise SS will just keep screwing you guys out of your money.
For $1249.99 the sculpt and look of this should be as close to perfect as possible. It's BS that you've got artists working at companies like NECA who can deliver near perfect sculpts then see their work crapped over by poor production and cheap prices. On the other hand you've got guys at SS knowing they only have to hit the 60/70% mark and people will still buy their products based on brand loyalty and the need to own an expensive piece to boast about.

GREAT post - and very succinct :clap :hi5:

I agree the sculptor is obviously important and makes a massive difference.

Knowing some of the sculptors who have been hired by Sideshow, I'd say the main cause is the Sideshow STAFF who act as "art director" on the pieces. It's THEIR responsibility to help create & choose a quality design, and then ensure it is turned into a quality 3D representation.

The sculptors & art directors at NECA are 100% committed to the Predator character and franchise and are huge fans.

I think it's the "art directors" at Sideshow that are failing over and over and over, and they should accept and acknowledge their errors, and move on to a franchise they actually care enough about to get right. As well as grow a pair so they can push back firmly if management try to let stupid mistakes through (P2 anyone?)

GREAT post - and very succinct :clap :hi5:

I agree the sculptor is obviously important and makes a massive difference.

Knowing some of the sculptors who have been hired by Sideshow, I'd say the main cause is the Sideshow STAFF who act as "art director" on the pieces. It's THEIR responsibility to help create & choose a quality design, and then ensure it is turned into a quality 3D representation.

The sculptors & art directors at NECA are 100% committed to the Predator character and franchise and are huge fans.

I think it's the "art directors" at Sideshow that are failing over and over and over, and they should accept and acknowledge their errors, and move on to a franchise they actually care enough about to get right. As well as grow a pair so they can push back firmly if management try to let stupid mistakes through (P2 anyone?)


Art Directors and their creative freedom. :slap Pretty much just an example of bad management from the top down. **** rolls downhill. :lol
Isn't that what the court of the dead is for? For SS to have creative freedom.

You don't take creative freedom unless you make it clear from you the start. D wads
In fact SS Court of the dead get so much attention that everything else is an after thought. Has anyone ordered one of those statues on here and had a bad experience with it.

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Every COTD I have seen looks rediculously designed, detailed, sculpted and painted. I would buy them all if I hit the lotto.

With that said isn't it a policy that if you POed the Predator and upon delivery it sucks you can return it for a refund within 30 days at your own shipping of course.

I also think that the final production piece will be revealed prior to your last payment anyway and maybe months before last payment giving you time to cancel minus the $125.

The NRD is BS if the design is subject to change. They could literally put a piece of dog poo on a stand and keep you NRD.

I did hear they typically let you move the NRD to another piece.
. . . With that said isn't it a policy that if you POed the Predator and upon delivery it sucks you can return it for a refund within 30 days at your own shipping of course. I also think that the final production piece will be revealed prior to your last payment anyway and maybe months before last payment giving you time to cancel minus the $125 . . .

Are you new to Sideshow purchases?

Anyone expecting this to change in design from what we have seen so far is kidding themselves. The delivered item will be a step down in quality (QC / paint etc.) from the artists proofs shown.

Anyone willing to throw away a $125 cancellation NRD (which they will move only ONCE for each account) or lose $100-$250 shipping (total for both ways - varying depending on customer location) to cancel or return an item that they can already see the flaws in deserves to lose the money.

Are you new to Sideshow purchases?

Anyone expecting this to change in design from what we have seen so far is kidding themselves. The delivered item will be a step down in quality (QC / paint etc.) from the artists proofs shown.

Anyone willing to throw away a $125 cancellation NRD (which they will move only ONCE for each account) or lose $100-$250 shipping (total for both ways - varying depending on customer location) to cancel or return an item that they can already see the flaws in deserves to lose the money.


Not at all. I'm made many purchases from Sideshow and nothing of mine has come in bad quality or worse than the proof.

In fact only my Vader came with the extra light up features not advertised at the time of PO.

I also believe that them moving the NRD more than one time is possible but that's all I can say on that due to no experience.

Lastly if they like usual put out a final piece pre-ship you won't lose anything.

Now do I think it's a fool proof plan of course not but it's not a bad idea if you think they may fix it which some people may. I do not.