New Bond overcomes first challenge-MINOR REVIEW TYPE SPOILERS

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Just watching that new trailer has multiplied my excitement by about 200%. I think this may be the best Bond since Goldeneye. It might end up being my favorite Bond movie of all time, who knows at this point? :lol

It would have to beat From Russia With Love, my current favorite.... So the competition is fierce.
Josh, I have no doubt in my mind you and many others will come out of Casino absolutely loving and embracing Craig as Bond. I hope your expectations are fulfilled. Craig will never be my Bond. To me he's the worst casting in Bond history next to Denise Richards.

One of the reasons why I will not be seeing it (and this has nothing to do with my dissatisfaction over the casting of Craig) is that (once again) this film has very little in common with Fleming's book. They've already ruined a great story by taking excessive liberties with it. Granted it was a short story that needed to be fleshed out to fill 120 minutes but for one thing they changed the ending and that really pissed me off. One of the reasons why I loved OHMSS was because it was the only film that was very very faithful to the book. It's a damn good story. It has Diana "Hubba Hubba" Rigg and the best John Barry score in the series. Had Connery been back it would have been the undisputed best of all the Bonds but I thought Lazenby held his own.

Go get your Craig. I'll be sitting his films out until the next changing of the guard.
You haven't elaborated why you think Craig will be bad as Bond. I like OHMSS but also believe that if Connery had been in it would have been the best Bond ever. And it seems Craig is returning to the same mold as Connery.

Of course none of us can really comment until we see CR, but it seems you've made your decision already.
Yeah, I understand Dave.... It's ok. I think I held the same reservations when Queen of the Damned came out and Stuart Townsend was Lestat, not to mention the insane liberties they took with the story. And I ended up being right in the end, as it was a pretty bad movie. So I understand.

Still though, one day... you should watch it just to see if you could enjoy it. I mean, just in case Craig ends up being Bond for the next 5 films. Just imagine if you lived in the early 70's and Roger Moore was about to star in Live and Let Die. Say you didn't like him on The Saint and hated the blonde hair and humor you knew he'd bring. Would you not watch any of his films just to see if it was ok? Or would you wait until it changed again, a decade later?

For me, even if they casted Jim Carrey as Bond... I'd have to see it. Just because I love that character and would not want to miss anything.

I respect your decision's cool. Just looking at all the angles.. :peace
Darklord Dave said:
You haven't elaborated why you think Craig will be bad as Bond. I like OHMSS but also believe that if Connery had been in it would have been the best Bond ever. And it seems Craig is returning to the same mold as Connery.

Of course none of us can really comment until we see CR, but it seems you've made your decision already.

First of all, he's blonde with blue eyes (btw, I have blonde hair and blue eyes but I'm no Bond either). Second of all, there were much better candidates for the role (Jason Isaacs, Gerard Butler, Clive Owen) whom I'd rather have seen landed the role. My decision is firmly set. I am usually right on the money when I make up my mind. Anybody who says you can't really comment one way or another until they have seen the film, that may be true for you but it doesn't work that way for me. I can usually tell by watching a trailer if the film will suck or not. I hate what I have seen in the trailer for CR. It is not like the book. I hate the way Craig looks. Yes, I am a Craig hater and that's the way it is. I'm not dissing everybody else who is supporting him or reserving their judgment until they have seen the film. To each his own. But my mind is firmly set. I will never accept Craig as Bond and that is that. I grew up in the 70's and 80's with Roger Moore. I saw all of his films but I never thought he was Bond. It felt like he was spoofing Bond. I loved Dalton. To me, he's the only actor who took the role seriously. When Goldeneye came out, I hated it. I thought Pierce was good but the script was weak. I enjoyed TND but hated the next two. After the deplorable Die Another Day, I decided Goldeneye was one of the better of the Brosnan films and that was because his last two films were scraping at the bottom of the barrel. I'm sure audiences will exit the theaters with excitement over Craig's seriousness for the role and praise it for its groundedness but to me, it is not a Bond film. It's just another run-of-the-mill action film. It looks like Layer Cake with a bigger budget. If I wanted to watch an action film with a blonde-haired, blue eyed action star, I'd watch Michael Caine in the original Get Carter or pop in a Steve McQueen flick.
I was a Craig hater until the trailer hit.

It doesn't just look like it will be a great Bond movie, it looks like will be a great movie.

I still have not seen Die Another Day but am looking forward to Casino Royale.
There is no way that this WONT rock. I mean just watch the trailer! When the theme kicks in with that choir, awesome. Now the press have changed theyre minds on Graig and the film.
I think its finally the Bond film I've been craving.:D
I've decided to go see this opening weekend. All the reviews have convinced me. This will be the first Bond film I've seen in theaters.

Hoping SSC releases a Craig Bond 12 inch figure, because I'm thinking that I'll want to add it to my 12 inch collection.
Great news!
I am very hopeful that his movie will be closer to what Ian Fleming had in mind for Bond. Can't wait to see this movie.