NECA: Rambo

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If you don't want to see articulation points, I recommend these. .......

Thank you, I know them and i own a Rambo bust too, but the're all more expensive. I like Neca, Neca before this bad development to ugly joints, so i hope Neca goes back to the roots. I want this Rambo figure exactly as it is, but without this diaper joint. Nobody can tell me that he really favor this diaper joint. I have nothing against useful unvisible joints, but i think everybody with a halfway aesthetic sense will favor unvisible joints.

Not at all, the hip joints look fine..hidden well i would say, better then if they were just cut swivel joints.

I know it was mentioned before, i do wish Neca had started making T1/T2 figures now as they most likely would have better articulation and more fun to pose and shoot.

After all, the line is called REEL TOYS..not REEL STATUES, NECA is evolving and moving away from the McFarlane-esque statue style of yesteryears.

Do you be really wild about diapers? I can't remember that John Rambo wears them into his movies.
Thank you, I know them and i own a Rambo bust too, but the're all more expensive. I like Neca, Neca before this bad development to ugly joints, so i hope Neca goes back to the roots. I want this Rambo figure exactly as it is, but without this diaper joint. Nobody can tell me that he really favor this diaper joint. I have nothing against useful unvisible joints, but i think everybody with a halfway aesthetic sense will favor unvisible joints.

I want a balance between aesthetics and posability, and I think NECA's found a perfect blend. Of the types of hip joints out there, what they're doing is the best looking one to me, some of the swivel and other joints look unnatural and you still have the "diaper" look anyway. Standing straight up, yes, the hip isn't the greatest looking thing, but because it's articulated the way it is I'll be able to pose in crouching or more attack postures and by the time I do that the joint will be moot and I'll have the look I want and not what NECA chooses for me. Again, I've been buying NECA for years and as nice as figures without joints may look, I hate how you're stuck with few pose options and again, when figures share the same parts, you lose variety. I'll gladly give up some of the aesthetics for more posability. I buy figures for posability and options, and I buy statues for non-jointed pieces.
I want a balance between aesthetics and posability, and I think NECA's found a perfect blend. Of the types of hip joints out there, what they're doing is the best looking one to me, some of the swivel and other joints look unnatural and you still have the "diaper" look anyway. Standing straight up, yes, the hip isn't the greatest looking thing, but because it's articulated the way it is I'll be able to pose in crouching or more attack postures and by the time I do that the joint will be moot and I'll have the look I want and not what NECA chooses for me. Again, I've been buying NECA for years and as nice as figures without joints may look, I hate how you're stuck with few pose options and again, when figures share the same parts, you lose variety. I'll gladly give up some of the aesthetics for more posability. I buy figures for posability and options, and I buy statues for non-jointed pieces.

Ok, I will accept your opinion even I have an different opinion. Neca's Rambo will be ineligible for me and if Neca will make in future all figures like Rambo or Dutch, I will leave Neca. I hope Neca goes back to the roots or they produce alternatives for the customs, which don't like visible joints.
They're $15 ACTION FIGURES, jesus you people are ****ing annoying.

This joints looks silly.

And joints have NOTING to do with the price ore the sort of a figure.

On the contrary, joints are expensice in the production.

More joints, higher costs.

Action figures without silly joints:

Neca Conan, Neca Army of Darkness Ash, Neca the Crow, Neca Gremlins, Neca Wolf Predator, Neca Kill Bill, Neca Terminator 2, Neca sin City, McFarlane Terminator 3, Neca Nightmare on Elm Street, Neca Machete, Neca 300, Neca Lord of the Rings, Neca Harry Potter, Neca Pirates of the Caribbean and many more.
I think you're a blind troll if you think the quality has dropped.

No, he has totally right.

Look the quality control and paint job of the Terminator and Predator line.

Joints are broken, parts of the sculpted netting not painted, errors in the paint job.
The only problems i had with Neca figures i purchased was the first run of Kratos figures with the foot falling off and my Elder Pred's left forearm snapping and that is it, way way more issues with McFarlane figures though.

I can understand the complaint for better/more consistent paint apps but, this is a common issue with other companies from time to time as well..just how it is sometimes..NECA have done far more good then bad with their contribution to the collecting world.
The problem is, this quality problems makes neca with the licenses I love. Nightmare on Elm Street, Gremlins, Evil Dead 2, awesome figures. But I love Predator and Terminator, that makes me sad and angry.

Neca can make"deluxe figures" to solve the problem. Higher price, no visible joints, more accesories, a base and better paintjob. Ore ministatues likes MotU.

Then neca make all happy.
I just got the Borg Pred the other day, fantastic figure..WTF is the problem?..the Terminator figures (maybe)are the best you will ever see in this class of collectible for a long time.

Oh the MOTU stactions were pretty brittle actually..nah, i am done with static posed smaller scale figures..i'd rather have a nice blend of articulation and great sculpt, i will not knock the Terminator figures too much from Neca because they gave us the many versions we've never seen in action figure form ever.
My concerns about NECA's increasing tendency towards joints is

A) the QC. Are they sufficiently on top of it? Are they confident enough that they can keep the QC going strong consistently? Because until pretty recently they couldn't. We don't want another T-1000 disaster. I bought an insane amount of them from BBTS in the US and staractionfigures in the UK. Every single ****ing one of them broke in multiple ways. I do not do any wierd or overly rough $h!t with my figures and this happened. The more joints they put in the more points of possible breakage we have.

B) Hasbro and McFarlane moved in the Super Articulated direction and yes, the aesthetics of the joints they went with could be pretty hit and miss. My personal standards of aesthetics may allow for this 'diaper' thing even if it clearly looks crap to some people here but I too will have a limit that I'd be concerned NECA will cross. I mean the last few McJointyFarlane figures I saw looked like absolute $h!t. No effort appeared to have been made to make the joints blend in. Hasbro tried to get away with some really crap looking joints on Star Wars figures too, I'm sure they still do.

So far, I'm still pretty good with NECA, I just hope they don't go to complete $h!t.
@Valfar,yes borg is very nice, but he is the exception.

Looks the different armor colors on City Hunter, ore his horrible painted forehead.

When all Predator figures have the quality standart like Wolf ore borg, I have no problem with this.

To the Terminator figures, the paint are a big problem-this looks not good(exspecially the skin paint and the eyes). I have the T3 McFarlane figures and this look a way better. Have you the T3 figures ?

Compare the eyes.

I have nothing againts joints when this are hide, but the most joints are visible and destroy the perfection of the sculpt.

It looks always like a toy.

And the problem with this trend is that enemys of this have not alternative.
Let's look at the bright side, with NECA's new style we may finally get Stop or my Mom Will Shoot figures complete with "changing" look.

Thank you, I know them and i own a Rambo bust too, but the're all more expensive. I like Neca, Neca before this bad development to ugly joints, so i hope Neca goes back to the roots. I want this Rambo figure exactly as it is, but without this diaper joint. Nobody can tell me that he really favor this diaper joint. I have nothing against useful unvisible joints, but i think everybody with a halfway aesthetic sense will favor unvisible joints.

Do you be really wild about diapers? I can't remember that John Rambo wears them into his movies.

Umm no, usually swivel cut articulation on the arms,thigh and at the hip tends to look really ugly when used as it breaks up the sculpt unnaturally compared to concealed ball joints when trying to change the pose up even ever so slightly.

You want to see a figure by Neca that uses loads of articulation while maintaining a damn good overall sculpt, look at Akuma from the Street Fighter line, i have that figure and love it.

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Why NECA joints give Rambo dollz? These cheap compare. Understand joints no figure. This are hide shall company should.
Is ****** predatorz your other account Rider?

What's your problem :)medic)?

@all: Sorry guys, but I can't understand people like these ugly joints. It looks like toys for babies, i'm adult and I won't place baby toys in my shelf. Articulation is no reason to distort the figure. If this will be the future of Neca and they won't offer customs like me an alternative, I would have to leave Neca. It's sad because previously it was better.
You know,nitpicking really gets worse by the years.Complaining about joints is taking it to a whole new level.I remember when the Enterbay Rambo came out and people said the same thing,i thought it was too funny to be true.