Most Disturbing Scenes??

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Eden Lake when the little boy gets a tyre over his head and petrol poured over him and set on fire. He yells out in agony. That scene has stuck with me since I saw the film a few years ago. The whole film is nasty.
What's so bad about it? The few clips I've seen seem very well done (especially impressed with the ending).

Your incessant criticisms almost make me want to watch it so I can defend it.

The movie has a guy having sex with a newborn. There's nothing to defend.

I don't care if this movie has some crappy deeper message, they show a crappy looking fake baby getting ****ed. That's enough for me to be totally disconnected with he film. I still don't know what was so great about the ending either. The guy is forced to rape his own kid, skull **** a guy to death, and then does a super suicide on his family. But not before a camera guy comes in, and another man unzips his pants, and states he should "Start with the little one." Hoookay.

But then again, I don't live nor care about Serbia, so the film has no meaning for me. And I don't care about it.

It was kinda pretty though.

Oh, that's a bad one. The rape scene was very realistic and very disturbing. That whole movie was a major downer.... very good, but super depressing.

Anything that has to do with animals being hurt, I cannot watch it. I cannot watch the alien dog attack in Carpenter's "The Thing": I just simply cannot watch it, I don't even want to HEAR it. I always look away from the screen, I hate it so much. I have seen this film many times, but the impact of that scene is not blunted by time. Horrible.

That scene at the end of the original "Wicker Man" where they are burning the giant effigy full of all kinds of animals and people..... **** that scene, I never intend to see it again.

"Hostel" is another film I have zero interest in revisiting.
The one that scarred me for life was THE HILLS HAVE EYES 2 in which a zombie looking guy rapes a girl.

And jack and Jill incest part. It made me feel uncomfortable watching it with my parents. I have a sister.
I hate rape scenes period. That's why I never got into Bates Motel on A & E. As soon as I saw that guy starting to rape his mama and switched it and never went back.
I hate rape scenes period. That's why I never got into Bates Motel on A & E. As soon as I saw that guy starting to rape his mama and switched it and never went back.

That scene is in there to set up a twist that comes later on. You should try and watch every episode afterwards.. its a good show.
I dont really attempt to subject myself to truly disturbing stuff, no reason to, but one night I made the mistake of tuning into Roger Waters "Pink Flamingos". I only watched for less than 10 minutes, but I'll never be able to remove some of those images from my mind. Mostly they involve eating things most people would never consider eating.

Might be tame for some, but just the memory induces a gagging feeling in me.

One quick way to earn my anger, as far as films go, is to show children being hurt or killed. If that is in the movie, there better be a damn good reason for it.
Most crap I can shrug off as fake.

But one thing that gets me is military films that are too realistic.

The scene in Saving Private Ryan when the American and German are fighting in the building and the other American stands outside because he is too afraid to help is a scene that I can never watch a second time.

Edit - It is bothering me greatly to recall it for this post.

That scene is in there to set up a twist that comes later on. You should try and watch every episode afterwards.. its a good show.

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Whoa, long wait for that reply. :lol

Anyway, all you did was list the main shock scenes. I could have done that after reading the wiki page. Are you saying that the nature of those scenes in themselves would make the movie suck regardless of the presentation or purpose, or is there actually something about the film that makes it poor on its own?

I just think any movie that has child rape, and newborn porn is crap. The message won't register with me, because like I've said, I've never been to Serbia. So I don't give a rats *** about that country.
This scene by itself is not disturbing whatsoever.
However, the buildup to it and the conversation they have before it makes it one scene I cannot really watch again. First time I Saw this it freaked me the hell out. It just clicked something in me and I feel really uncomfortable seeing it again
I don't know, I guess thinking about coming face to face with your nightmares freaked me out

Just watched that Serbian film.

I skipped past the baby scene, no way was i watching that.

Overall it was a horric and disturbing film but well made. The actors were all very good but the story was so tragic.

The way i kindof intepret things is Milos is the ultimate victim, the director says he's in the production because he's the only one who isn't a victim and unbeknownst to milos the goal of the movie is to break him and victimise him the most.

He's drugged and coerced to commit rape and murder, this takes away his humanity and innocence. Then his family is kidnapped and in his drug stupor he... well it's hard to even say it but he loses everything

Can't believe his brother was in on it.

The only thing that didn't make sense in the story was his financial status means he wasn't so desperate to stick around when he first suspected things were off. And Jekas story wasn't concluded.

If you were to take away the gore scenes it would've been a great film.
If you take away the baby, and child rape it might have been a good film.

But no film needs to show child rape. That is the line for me.

Child death? Sure. Go for it, if you need it. But I just don't see any real reason to show child rape. Yuck.
Pretty sure Martyrs was discussed already, but I find myself still thinking about that movie months [years?] later...

Not just because it's disturbing, but because it's thought provoking.

That movie really disturbed me, i too think about it sometimes . I saw it years ago too.
This scene was greatly disturbing as well, I still skip this scene when I re-watch the film.

Most crap I can shrug off as fake.

But one thing that gets me is military films that are too realistic.

The scene in Saving Private Ryan when the American and German are fighting in the building and the other American stands outside because he is too afraid to help is a scene that I can never watch a second time.

Edit - It is bothering me greatly to recall it for this post.
I thought Martyrs was a great movie! Really thought provoking indeed! When she gets skinned at the end and beat down,that's when it all really sunk in for me.
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That's not it. I'll put it in a spoiler (just in case someone else reads this who hasn't checked out the show)..

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