Molecule8 John Lennon UPDATE 5/10/18 - SCAM COMPANY!

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Re: Molecule8 John Lennon UPDATE 5/10/18 - SCAM Company!

I really do not think Molecule 8 was created for the sole purpose of scamming the community. To me Vjay reminds me of the classic over reaching young "entrepreneur" who found a market he thought he would conquer. He entered with a boom and made all sorts of insane promises without thinking how he could execute it and deliver the final product. We all knew something was fishy with the promise of next level manufacturing and a fully metal "endo-skeleton" - something nobody asked for or needed in a fully clothed figure. Also let’s not forget the request for preorders with only a head to show. Everything was suspicious right off the bat.

Of course as time went on things cost more than anticipated and Vjay's honeymoon was over. Because of this he screwed over everyone and anyone it took just to get a product out the door. I have seen this type of behavior so many times with young "Ceos". He not only screwed over the artists with his recklessness... but the estates and licenses as well. He even had articles published by the estate themselves about this figure release! He really knew how to talk the talk and to build up the hype for something he couldn't truly deliver on. But guys like him are ego maniacs... he likely believed in his own mind it all could be done and easily.

What truly shocks me here is that something actually shipped out in the end of this... Be it a watered down horrible version of what was promised. I imagine Vjay probably thinks he did nothing wrong and that the product was satisfactory. He certainly isn't concerned about the artists he mowed down along the way. I am afraid he will just take the helm of some other industry and screw them over as well. Hopefully everyone here makes enough noise to expose him so that any time his name gets googled... they learn of this debacle.

Also have the same thoughts on the situation. Vijay bit off more then he can chew and burned the people around him.
Don't think he was a con artist, cause in that case he would produce nothing and leave with all the deposit money. However, he is an ******* for screwing everyone else and being so selfish.
Genuinely do feel bad that artists like KA Kim got screwed over as this figure represented her work and my fandom for Lennon.
However, it wouldn't be right to feel guilty either, since I did pay the full price for the figure and didn't cheat anyone.
If I knew in advance maybe I would have cancelled my order. Now I have a long story to share when people ask me about this piece.
Re: Molecule8 John Lennon UPDATE 5/10/18 - SCAM Company!

I really do not think Molecule 8 was created for the sole purpose of scamming the community. To me Vjay reminds me of the classic over reaching young "entrepreneur" who found a market he thought he would conquer. He entered with a boom and made all sorts of insane promises without thinking how he could execute it and deliver the final product. We all knew something was fishy with the promise of next level manufacturing and a fully metal "endo-skeleton" - something nobody asked for or needed in a fully clothed figure. Also let’s not forget the request for preorders with only a head to show. Everything was suspicious right off the bat.

Of course as time went on things cost more than anticipated and Vjay's honeymoon was over. Because of this he screwed over everyone and anyone it took just to get a product out the door. I have seen this type of behavior so many times with young "Ceos". He not only screwed over the artists with his recklessness... but the estates and licenses as well. He even had articles published by the estate themselves about this figure release! He really knew how to talk the talk and to build up the hype for something he couldn't truly deliver on. But guys like him are ego maniacs... he likely believed in his own mind it all could be done and easily.

What truly shocks me here is that something actually shipped out in the end of this... Be it a watered down horrible version of what was promised. I imagine Vjay probably thinks he did nothing wrong and that the product was satisfactory. He certainly isn't concerned about the artists he mowed down along the way. I am afraid he will just take the helm of some other industry and screw them over as well. Hopefully everyone here makes enough noise to expose him so that any time his name gets googled... they learn of this debacle.

Just have a look at his previous businesses.
This is not a wide eyed young man with a dream in his head and a song in his heart.
He disappeared from his last company without telling the staff.
Re: Molecule8 John Lennon UPDATE 5/10/18 - SCAM Company!

He's not a con-man? He convinced talented artists to do work for him and then did not pay them. That's a con-man.
Re: Molecule8 John Lennon UPDATE 5/10/18 - SCAM Company!

He's not a con-man? He convinced talented artists to do work for him and then did not pay them. That's a con-man.

The best cons have a element of truth to them....

He delivered a product and that alone shields him from alot of litigation.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Re: Molecule8 John Lennon UPDATE 5/10/18 - SCAM Company!

People get screwed out of money all the time. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. Kim and the others can sue him but you can't squeeze blood from a turnip. They will likely be told to get in line because lowlifes like Vijay usually owe multiple people from multiple scams.
I didn't get paid for my work (the booklet and packaging) but I got a figure...which I will be selling. Vijay was quite charming so I totally understand why Kim did what she did as I too got swept by the whole excitment of a new company. It's sound like that of all the folks who did some work, I got ripped off the least so I feel bad for the others. Hope they get something out if it but in my experience, they won't sadly.
You did a great job on the packaging, best I've seen in years. And its ******** you didn't get paid. As someone who oversees graphic design and creative as a whole for major brands and companies I can tell you the scope of work for this project was obviously way beyond the 300 dollars of the figure's worth. it shouldn't have been anything less than 4 grand for work from a small company like this from a single artist.

Mayne the figure will climb in value and you can sell it to recoup some of your money.

It's unfortunate but it's pretty common for commercial artists to be in a situation with a guy like this. Most of us don't typically have agents and we are not apt to handle negotiations, budgets or other left brained related aspects. Creative/talent agents represent some niche' industries like certain types of photographers but typically they are limited to more performance based talent.

Sculptors and painters are really underrated in their talents and certainly under represented. But unfortunately graphic designers are not far out of that boat either.

This needs to change to protect artists from people like Vijay. Its something I may pursue creating on my own if the time comes and it still makes sense.

KA Kim was smart to ask for a 50% upfront payment but it didn't protect her art and her talent once the head was handed over. Best thing to do as an artist is to draw up contracts, NDAs and clearly outline rights vetted through your legal team, incorporate yourself as a company and not take freelance work as an individual and make sure all parties sign said documents going into the job.

It will not always mean you get paid and you may end up not wanting to chase up with litigation as you would likely spend more on legal fees than the job is worth, but in a case like this it would have been great if these artists had it in their back pocket. They could have combined efforts and united to sue as it seems like there is more than enough parties who have claimed to not have been paid at this point.
Re: Molecule8 John Lennon UPDATE 5/10/18 - SCAM Company!

He's not a con-man? He convinced talented artists to do work for him and then did not pay them. That's a con-man.

Agree 100%. Let's not be making any excuses for this scumbag.
Re: Molecule8 John Lennon UPDATE 5/10/18 - SCAM Company!

I sent a message to both Mike Hill and Rovo so far Rovo Jin replied saying he also had trouble.
I'm guessing the sculpt of Taxi driver Rovo Jin did was for Molecule8. :gah:

View attachment 429289

Wow, that sculpt needs to be made available! That is by far the best DeNiro/Taxi Driver I have seen.
I can understand the silence on the artists part. As freelancers they wouldn’t want to burn any bridges if they are constantly being promised payment. As it’s clear Molecule8 (Vijay) isn’t going to pay... they’ve finally brought it to light. And written-off as a loss.

It’s a sad turn of events.
I didn't get paid for my work (the booklet and packaging) but I got a figure...which I will be selling. Vijay was quite charming so I totally understand why Kim did what she did as I too got swept by the whole excitment of a new company. It's sound like that of all the folks who did some work, I got ripped off the least so I feel bad for the others. Hope they get something out if it but in my experience, they won't sadly.
That stinks man, sorry that he got you too.
Re: Molecule8 John Lennon UPDATE 5/10/18 - SCAM Company!

I sent a message to both Mike Hill and Rovo so far Rovo Jin replied saying he also had trouble.
I'm guessing the sculpt of Taxi driver Rovo Jin did was for Molecule8. :gah:

View attachment 429289

I hope it is not.
Vijay got all the best sculpts, and now they are gone for the public. :gah:
Does that mean that Rovo lost the master head sculpt to Molecule 8? If so that's a tragic shame, its an extraordinary likeness to De Nero. I only wish he could sell it as a seperate project.
It's obscene that such amazing work of such iconic characters was made for, and now is property of, such a bastard.

I imagine Vijay is keeping all his stolen sculpts very safe - he can use them as bargaining chips to reduce his jail time.
In the end, what do you guys think of this figure in hand ?

Would a new paint job helped ? The head size look
A bit small and I see pictures where there is a big gap on the head
with the body ..

What a pity.. this release could have been the start
of something very special
In the end, what do you guys think of this figure in hand ?

Would a new paint job helped ? The head size look
A bit small and I see pictures where there is a big gap on the head
with the body ..

What a pity.. this release could have been the start
of something very special

No amount of painting will change the fact this is fraudulent artwork...