Metal Gear Solid collectibles

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As much as I love Gray Fox, I'd give Raiden the edge. Dude takes on a freakin' Metal Gear RAY and dices it up like food.

Agreed. Regular Raiden took down 20 Rays. Gray Fox got taken out by one rex. I think Cyborg Raiden could take him.
Raiden would have the edge because he has more refined cyborg technology and Gray Fox was basically the first of his kind, a prototype. If Gray Fox was still alive and his parts up to date, then hell yeah I'd want to see that.

:goodpost: :lecture

In addition, Frank Jaeger had years of battlefield training. Not the VR stuff like Raiden, since he spent his entire life in combat.
In a straight up fight Raiden wins, its got the upper hand in so many ways. In both of his cyborg bodies. Gray fox has his gun arm, and camo. But then i think Raidens speed can out do any projectile and his visor mode can probably see cloaked enemies. Gray Foxes only hope would be stealth id think. If Rex tried to step on Raiden he would parry it and then blade mode the railgun to pieces
Raiden was ridiculously overpowered in MGR. Although I think Fox would beat his body in MGS4.
Well, MGS4 Raiden went to take on Vamp in shadow moses despite not being 100% from his first fight with Vamp, gets near killed by Vamp again, then still manages to take out Gekkos while you are exiting the hanger with Rex, then proceeds to stop outer haven with his cyborg heels and then being crushed by a 100million ton machine. Then brushes it off to fight 50 frogs with his mouth in Outer Haven

id still have to take mgs4 Raiden for durability. Not to mention he could literally summon lightning for some reason in mgs4 which was dropped in Rising
Well, MGS4 Raiden went to take on Vamp in shadow moses despite not being 100% from his first fight with Vamp, gets near killed by Vamp again, then still manages to take out Gekkos while you are exiting the hanger with Rex, then proceeds to stop outer haven with his cyborg heels and then being crushed by a 100million ton machine. Then brushes it off to fight 50 frogs with his mouth in Outer Haven

id still have to take mgs4 Raiden for durability. Not to mention he could literally summon lightning for some reason in mgs4 which was dropped in Rising

What exactly was Fox's body made out of? Like a ceramic armor? It's not entirely armor since he still has fluid movement and range of motion completely.
What exactly was Fox's body made out of? Like a ceramic armor? It's not entirely armor since he still has fluid movement and range of motion completely.

Originally designed by Tokugawa Heavy Industries, the exoskeleton was used by Gray Fox during the Shadow Moses Incident. It provided a shell to which his injured body could be connected permanently. Missing body parts could be replaced with mechanical ones. The suit was also able to provide life support functions.

The appearance of the exoskeleton is a blue representation of a male muscular appearance with red shoulder pads, gauntlets, elbows, knees, and ankles with a white head. It also had a red lamp in the central portion of the facemask, with the eyeslots being to the left and right of the lamp

Stealth Camouflage - The exoskeleton comes with a built-in stealth camouflage, allowing the wearer to remain undetected even in the center of enemy compounds. The device, however, has also demonstrated susceptibility to chaff grenade interference that causes the device to deactivate.[1]

Arm-mounted cannon - Gray Fox was able to mount a cannon onto his right arm which appeared to fire rapid energy bolts.

Radar dampening field - The exoskeleton was also demonstrated to emit electromagnetic waves that causes a radar, even one as advanced as the Soliton Radar, to short out should its wearer be in close proximity. This trait is best demonstrated when Solid Snake arrived at the Western labs the first time around, after Gray Fox managed to wipe out the soldiers stationed there, as well as during their fight in the actual lab itself.[1]

Laser vulnerability - Despite the exoskeleton's great durability against physical attacks, it demonstrates vulnerability to laser weaponry: for example, during Gray Fox's confrontation with Metal Gear REX, his arm was cut off by its laser cannon.[1]

Electrical interference - Although the suit is capable of shorting out any radars in close proximity to the suit, another vulnerability of the exoskeleton is its own susceptibility to chaff grenades, which apparently interfere with the suit's power systems, preventing the suit from movemment entirely and thus paralyzing the wearer for a short period.[1]

Discharges - Due to the testing of the exoskeleton's effectiveness, as part of Dr. Clark's gene therapy project, Fox's suit often released painful electrical discharges, at times causing him to demand medicine (during the testing, he was often drugged for several months).[1] Raiden, the third cyborg ninja, later stated that a large factor in these discharges were the result of badly-done reconnection of nerve endings.

Gray Fox wore a powered exoskeleton utilizing a supersonic motor that operated with a high-frequency voltage. Whenever Fox changed position, minute electric currents in the muscle were detected and utilized to control the actuating section, giving greater than human agility.

The first type used by most of the Cyborg Ninjas provides a shell that an injured soldier can be connected to permanently. Missing body parts can be replaced with mechanical ones. Originally designed by Tokugawa Heavy Industries, the suit is also able to provide life support functions.

... well theres a ton more. Nothing that ive found actually says what theyre made of though
I think MGR Raiden's suit would be just as vulnerable to electron lasers. I mean, they're vulnerable to HF blades so I would assume lasers as well.
He was easily disrupted by thoes purple expanding ball things the raptors made
He was easily disrupted by thoes purple expanding ball things the raptors made

That settles it. Gray Fox wins by slapping Raiden with his purple expanding *****.:lol nah, just kidding I can't really think of a single video game character that could stand up to MGR Raiden, except Kratos maybe. And I'm sure Solid Snake would find a way. He took out "the greatest soldier" with some hairspray and a zippo.:rotfl
came home to find these from Japan

Inside the Box

MGS Peace Walker Premium Package
MGS Legacy Collection
MGS 4 Best (With the newer PS3 logo)
MGS 3 Subsistance (by far the hardest game to find for me! this is only the 3rd ive seen come up for sale)

Also there was some more Legacy Collection stuff

Flyers and a display box

And in the poster tubes

Raiden would beat Grey Fox not just because off all the points already mentioned but mainly because his mind was tortured and all he really wanted to do was be killed by his best friend Solid Snake :monkey2

Like he says himself, Frank Jaeger died on the Battlefield in Zanzibar Land
I got about 20 minutes in metal gear 2 last week. I got as far as a garbage disposal that you enter, can get goodies from then leave before you get killed. I wasnt stuck, i just kind of got bored of it. But playing it i really felt the same vibe as MGS 1, i couldnt help but read the codec calls with the voice actors in my mind too which helped.
Do you mean metal gear solid 2 or metal gear 2? are you playing it on PS3? did they make it HD?

I got about 20 minutes in metal gear 2 last week. I got as far as a garbage disposal that you enter, can get goodies from then leave before you get killed. I wasnt stuck, i just kind of got bored of it. But playing it i really felt the same vibe as MGS 1, i couldnt help but read the codec calls with the voice actors in my mind too which helped.