Metal Gear Solid collectibles

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3A can go **** themselves and their ****ing kiddy forum. Whenever you express frustration it's "you have been warned and please contact CS for your issues." What's the point of a ****ing forum if you can't talk about the problems with the company and or product?

It's the exact reason I almost never post there since you get shot down when these people react like you punched their baby.

They treat it like Fight Club, the first rule of the 3A forum is you don't talk **** about 3A.

Other than RAY I plan on never buying another thing from this slow ass company and their continuing shipping delays.

When did the Bamba POs get pushed back to? Or still up in the air?
When did the Bamba POs get pushed back to? Or still up in the air?

There is still no concrete date on shipping, they keep saying end of this month but at this point I don't believe **** until I see it. If your in the states you won't be getting it until closer to January.
The fans are always the last to know about anything 3A related. They like to keep things completely quiet, which I find really frustrating because they are supposed to be a more community based company given their smaller roots.

It's the exact reason I almost never post there since you get shot down when these people react like you punched their baby.

They treat it like Fight Club, the first rule of the 3A forum is you don't talk **** about 3A.

Other than RAY I plan on never buying another thing from this slow ass company and their continuing shipping delays.

Strange ive never had that issue and i always go on about the colour and articulation. At least now you'll be prepared for these issue when Ray comes along. Any money it can't move its arms and comes in orange :monkey1

The fans are always the last to know about anything 3A related. They like to keep things completely quiet, which I find really frustrating because they are supposed to be a more community based company given their smaller roots.

Its never been a problem until they tackled MGS. It always worked like this so the fans accepted it the way it is. Its still great for the most part, awesome character designs and weathering for a great price. It seems Rex was the odd one out (in the pricing at least)
ive come to the realization that getting rex in january isnt that bad it makes christmas a little easier. i hope they dont push it past then though. i just want the stupid thing so badly. january is going to be a big mgs month.snake/boss rex and im assuming solidus wont be in the us til then either. oh well.
ThreeA's shipping time does suck tremendously. I think it's probably due to them being a small company, and trying to handle more orders than they are able to process out.

In any case, the delay for REX opened up a new pre-order window for me. I'll probably get another Batman figure - Catwoman or Bane.
Is your Rex not already paid for? You could see that as a good and a bad thing. Its a good thing i already paid for mine with Bamba, Im gonna get DX12 Bats X)
Yeah, Sideshow only charges when your order is ready to be shipped. That's one advantage that they have over ThreeA, I guess.
Thats pretty cool. I recall they also have a monthly payment plan thing goin on too, which is awesome. Unfortunately being from the UK shipping is a little dear especially considering they display the full price of the figure which is horrible for customs!
Anyone have any thoughts on what the shipping cost of REX will be from SSC? I've never ordered anything from them other than Hot Toys and the 6 pound boxes have been around $16...

On another note, I'm passing on Naked Snake and The Boss from HT because I'm just not that impressed with either. IF Hot Toys does any other MGS figures I'm really hopeful that we'll get a well done MGS1 Solid Snake, next would be Ninja/Gray Fox and Liquid. Other than a laundry list of wish list characters what does anyone think might ACTUALLY get made if they do more?
Hmmm my guess would be

Very possible
MGS 2 Solid Snake
MGS 3 Big Boss (Camo version)

MGS Grey Fox
MGS Solid Snake
MGS Sniper Wolf
MGS 2 Cyborg Ninja
MGS 4 Raiden

Not sure but I want really badly along with those mentioned above
MGS Mantis
MGS Vulcan Raven
MGS Revolver Ocelot
MGS Genome Soldier (white suit)
MGS 3 Eva
MGS 3 Standard Assault Rifle equipped enemy Soldier(camo and blanclava)
MGS 4 Vamp
MGS 4 Frog Soldier

I read somewhere around here that HT is gonna focus on MGS, Resident Evil and Batman for their Video Game Lines. If true we might get to see many of these characters as the years go by. I'll buy all of these if you let me Hot Toys,do you hear me? ALL OF THEM!
I'm surprised "Liquid" Ocelot, and Old Snake aren't anywhere on the list. Those have a pretty high probability of being made IMO, but aren't my favorites.
Yeah forgot about Liquid,possible for sure. As for old Snake I prefer he not even be mentioned. Dont want a Old Snake HT,unless he came with a swapout Laughing Octopus camo head too. Suppose Solidus is a possibility too but I like him even less than old Snake.
wow furyan, old snake and solidus are at the bottom of your list. i think youre an anomaly. medicom did old sub-par, i admit i can wait on a solidus seeing were just about to get one by PAK but hes a very high priority at the very least.
wow furyan, old snake and solidus are at the bottom of your list. i think youre an anomaly. medicom did old sub-par, i admit i can wait on a solidus seeing were just about to get one by PAK but hes a very high priority at the very least.

Haha....on this board yes I am very much so in the minority when it comes to liking Solidus and MGS2. Id go on about why I dont care for them so much but it will just stir up too much **** from the Solidus fandom. Especially when everyone is still mad about delays from 3A Rex. Ill just say I thought he was the least interesting of the Snake family. And yes the PAK Solidus figure is looking quite well. Id say he is second best in the line,right behind Gray Fox.
I think MGS2 has same of the best designs of the series. Just a great looking game.

on that note heres some more Solidus more reviews

back shot of the box

family resemblance