Metal Gear Solid collectibles

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Yup. I'm just surprised that there are a handful of people who are in utter denial about this figure (some of you guys would benefit by reading through this thread). The many inaccuracies are pretty striking - and not what you should expect from a premium figure that costs $500.

Cut the BS for a second and accept some people still want the thing. I take on board all comments and make informed decisions as to what I buy just like you do i'm sure. I'm not a fanboy of either threea or MGS but the design of Rex rocks and I really couldn't give 2 ****s if the shade of green is wrong. This is purely because I have a life :wink1:
^ Well thats good for you then. Don't put your nonchalant attitude on the fanboys then lol.

Rex is Grey all the way, so that is gonna bug the **** out of me. Sure its green in the Art but its always been blue/grey in-game. Then the head articulation.....
And the apparent quality, i have a right to complain about this stuff, this thing definitely ain't cheap. Hell, ill complain over PlayArts figures if it ain't accurate who wants non-accurate figures??

Play Arts variants are always con-exclusives unfortunately so unless you go or have someone go for you it'll cost at least double
Cut the BS for a second and accept some people still want the thing. I take on board all comments and make informed decisions as to what I buy just like you do i'm sure. I'm not a fanboy of either threea or MGS but the design of Rex rocks and I really couldn't give 2 ****s if the shade of green is wrong. This is purely because I have a life :wink1:

REX isn't accurate, if you don't care that's up to you so there is no reason to be a **** to other people that actual care about what their getting.
Cut the BS for a second and accept some people still want the thing. I take on board all comments and make informed decisions as to what I buy just like you do i'm sure. I'm not a fanboy of either threea or MGS but the design of Rex rocks and I really couldn't give 2 ****s if the shade of green is wrong. This is purely because I have a life :wink1:

It's great that you would settle for a quality because it meets your standards, but some of us have higher standards, and this goes for life in general as well :wink1:

No matter how much we criticize, yeah, we probably still want it. Doesn't mean their next release of RAY or anything else MGS from them can't be better. These are leisure items, and they better be damned well sure they are up to our 'leisurely' standards for $500. :lol
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No matter how much we criticize, yeah, we probably still want it.


I still want it... but in no measure do I have the enthusiasm or excitement I had months ago since all it's shortcomings were not known at that time. I don't see another REX of this quality and size being produced in any stretch so most MGS fans that actual care about what their getting have to just accept it for what it is since we don't have another option.

The Koto REX would be superior if only it was larger, its much more accurate than the 3A REX.
Id buy this for about £250-300 posted tops

I wouldnt pay the £500 which is ebays asking price.
[/QUOTE]Correction!:lecture They have been created just no word on distribution or availability yet.

I'm almost thinking they'll make this a con-exclusive just like the PAK Red Ninja[/QUOTE]

i meant they havent been mass produced yet. of course itll be a con event piece. they always are. its a given.
From the 3aVOX Facebook page:

That's common for 3A? How do 3A fans stand it? Paying premium prices for figures and don't even get notification of shipment?

Odd. 3A is so odd. :slap

That response from 3A right there is some BS.

Also can we please quit jumping on members that post they are perfectly fine with 3A Rex? They (we) have our own opinions and expectations and they have been met. Its interesting to hear about what wasnt included that was in-game but come on, not everybody is a accuracy police and nitpicks every little f'ing thing. **** gets annoying :horse. Go to 3A's forums and let THEM know. Really excited for this thing and my favorite thread to read about Rex and other MGS stuff is turing into a buzzkill lately!
That response from 3A right there is some BS.

Also can we please quit jumping on members that post they are perfectly fine with 3A Rex? They (we) have our own opinions and expectations and they have been met. Its interesting to hear about what wasnt included that was in-game but come on, not everybody is a accuracy police and nitpicks every little f'ing thing. **** gets annoying :horse. Go to 3A's forums and let THEM know. Really excited for this thing and my favorite thread to read about Rex and other MGS stuff is turing into a buzzkill lately!

3A usually puts earmuffs on when they hear anything but positive feedback and their hipster bouncers shut up anyone who states accurate shortcomings on their products.

Calling people stupid because their not happy with it's accuracy is completely not needed and that type of attitude should stay on the 3A board. No one is jumping on anyone that like it, but those who are MGS purists take issue with a great deal about the figure.

But even with the issues with it were still kind of forced to still get it since there is no other alternative in this scale.
I came back from work and thought I'd take some screenshots of Rex and juxtapose that with the 3A Rex. Hope it helps everyone here because it took me quite awhile to make this.

Edit: Here's the full size pic (thanks Kiva!):

(use [ img ] "link" [ / img ] tags if you want it to actually display as a picture!)

woo! Looks awesome. I wish HT did a MGS1 Solid Snake then id consider this a buy. as my current mindset is if it pops up in my country, for a fraction of its current price i may get it
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Thanks for the comparison shots

Imo, the piece visually looks fantastic! Even if it isn't 100% game accurate to me, the paint, details everything aesthetically about it is awesome.

My biggest gripe is the neck articulation. That is an engineering failure and inexcusable imo. I don't believe it was a case of either or with regards to electronics or articulation. There seems to be plenty of space to run wires and affix boards inside the head. Also if there is no space the articulation could've been altered at the base of the neck. I would've rather sacrificed screen accuracy in order to accommodate this essential point of articulation.

That being said it is a GORGEOUS piece one that I've longed to add since I first guided Snake into the hanger and exclaimed "Metal Gear!"
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I hope it wasn't being inferred that I was getting on anyone's case for liking this figure. Heck, I like figures that aren't nearly this accurate and aren't nearly this well made - what YOU like is completely up to YOU and no one else.

That said, I am only pointing out that for someone to pay $500+ for a collectible, they better be ready for it to be what they want and - as I think most will agree - fans want what's screen accurate in a video game figure like this.

For this piece to NOT be that is disappointing for those who bought it with higher expectations.

I'm glad Furyan is happy with the piece, it does indeed look great and I personally am not an accuracy Nazi nor did I order this, so I'm not emotionally or financially invested either way. I simply want to point out how there are so many fans dumping so much money into collectibles which they seem to feel aren't up to their standards...and that to me seems simply stupid.

But I do stupid stuff all the time, so who am I to judge?!? :)
I hope it wasn't being inferred that I was getting on anyone's case for liking this figure. Heck, I like figures that aren't nearly this accurate and aren't nearly this well made - what YOU like is completely up to YOU and no one else.

That said, I am only pointing out that for someone to pay $500+ for a collectible, they better be ready for it to be what they want and - as I think most will agree - fans want what's screen accurate in a video game figure like this.

For this piece to NOT be that is disappointing for those who bought it with higher expectations.

I'm glad Furyan is happy with the piece, it does indeed look great and I personally am not an accuracy Nazi nor did I order this, so I'm not emotionally or financially invested either way. I simply want to point out how there are so many fans dumping so much money into collectibles which they seem to feel aren't up to their standards...and that to me seems simply stupid.

But I do stupid stuff all the time, so who am I to judge?!? :)

Wasn't directed at you crowhorse. :peace And i get what your saying. I guess my expectations are lower than most of these diehards or purists. Sure I want an item to be as screen accurate as possible and to me Rex is 95% that which for me justifies the $490 I paid for it. There is nothing like this Rex being sold anywhere else so really Ive had to ask myself if the lack of a few details is a dealbreaker for me and the answer is no. But shame on 3A. The lack of features dont bother me nearly as much as 3A's practices. Done dealing with them after Rex. Sorry Ray:monkey2
Ironically, this is still my most anticipated figure of the year :lol.

But, stupid ThreeA........ :gah:
nice comparison, i would have used the MGS4 model or the artwrk myself. Theres something "off" about TTS Rex.

I think many of us are upset that this is the only Rex figure ver made aswell (koto doesn't count thats a model-kit)
Ill see how disappointed, or not, i really am when it gets to me.