Medicom Evangelion Eva 01

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Yeah I quite like both of mine. I heard some bad things about Eva 01, interesting to hear that Unit 02γ and Unit 08β seem to be better made than previous releases. Like I said I'll definitely pick up Mark 09 if able and I hope they make Eva 13. Not so sure about Eva 13 happening from Medicom since you wouldn't be able to re-use anything from previous releases or re-use anything from it for future releases.
Yeah I quite like both of mine. I heard some bad things about Eva 01, interesting to hear that Unit 02γ and Unit 08β seem to be better made than previous releases. Like I said I'll definitely pick up Mark 09 if able and I hope they make Eva 13. Not so sure about Eva 13 happening from Medicom since you wouldn't be able to re-use anything from previous releases or re-use anything from it for future releases.

The Eva 13 would be a dream, but I'll settle for a Mark 6. It's got enough similar parts with the others so it'll be easier to produce. I haven't seen the 3rd rebuild Evangelion movie so I haven't decided if I like it or not.

I'm lucky to have ended up with a near-perfect Eva-01 (the front part of the foot is loose on both sides so I have to be super careful in posing without the stand). It's the Eva-02 that I'm not so lucky with. If I remember correctly the right thigh swivel that connects to the hip is loose so the right leg tends to swivel out when it's standing. It becomes a game of finding the right center of balance to get the thing to stand up correctly. Out of the original 3, it's the 00 that's damn near perfect. Unforch, it's also the limited edition version. Notice that I haven't even brought up the rubber arms. As these are my first modern Medicoms (RAH Mazinger Z was my first one from many yrs ago), I don't know how long they'll last. I avoid leaving the arms bent for a long period of time for fear that the crease might turn into a crack. :horror A member here said that they were able to get replacement parts from Medicom so I'm partially hopeful.
I think Medicom started using vinyl rather than rubber awhile back. They should stand up pretty well, I think other than parts coming unglued (which is a different issue) the MGS4 figures have fared well and iirc they were the first that they used vinyl on.

I think the "rubber" arm sleeves are more likely to be stretched out than cracked if left bent (I also don't leave them bent).

I wonder how the rubber suits are holding up on the old MG Bandai Eva 01 kits.
Oh and as far as Rebuild 3.0 goes, I know a lot of people disliked it. I liked it quite a bit (though not as much as 2.0). I love me some Kaworu and he's in it quite a bit and it gave me the same sort of "what the **** is going on" that the original series gave me the first time, which was nice as well. I love the Rebuild movies but since they tread a lot of the same ground as NGE they don't have that same feeling of complexity and weirdness. 3.0 has that for me again. I've seen it three times now and liked it more each time. There's a lot of obscured and off the cuff information you may miss the first or second time.
My beef with this line is the lack of extras. My unit 01 has a loose left hand. I have to fit it with a bit of paper
Oh yeah that's Medicom's issue all over. They pretty much never include much in the way of extras. They're also one of the few things other than Mattel's MOTUC line I'd actually call overpriced. Comparing what you get with a Medicom figure for $200-300 to what you get in terms of quality and accessories with a Hot Toys or even Sideshow figure in the same range… it's kinda ridiculous what you get from Medicom.

Still… they're the only ones making Evas this nice or this big so I'm kinda f'd… heh. They're not perfect but I do like them, at least the two I have.
Just looking at some pics I noticed the original three Evas from Rebuild all have the text markings on them which they never had in the movies. That kinda bugs me. I actually kinda preferred it too as it gives them a cleaner look. Looks like the 3.0 ladies don't have those markings though.
RAH EVA-13 is coming yep, don't know if it will be 2 or 4 arms, exclusive or not and it could be... at least one version (depending of the arms).

My beef with this line is the lack of extras. My unit 01 has a loose left hand. I have to fit it with a bit of paper

Sankari, is that a custom spear of Longinus or did that come from another figure?

Siona, thanks for the news re Eva 13!
I just have Eva on the mind now so excuse the multiple consecutive posts… also should say this isn't a criticism of anyone's opinions just something I find interesting.

The mecha designs from Evangelion each step of the way have always been criticized as being too weird or "ugly". This goes back to the original series, when you look at the designs from NGE there was nothing in existence that they really resembled. They were so far removed from any existing mecha designs they put a lot of people off.

I'd also love to see more of a progression as to how this more traditional mecha design… eventually became this.

After that any redesigns were compared to the original. First we have the redesign of Eva 01 in End of Eva which I think a lot of people hated, particularly for it's smaller shoulder pylons.

Then in Rebuild the designs were disliked for the different paint schemes and the changes in proportions.

And then finally (at least for now) there's a lot of hate for the fairly far departure of proportions for the Beta and Gamma versions of Units 08 and 02 respectively and the new design of Eva 13.
I didn't really notice the hands on Eva 13 at the time. It'll be interesting to see how Medicom will handle it. 13 doesn't have the same convenient line to seperate the hand from the arm that the others have. Kaiyodo just throws in a joint there since they don't mind too much about exposed joints. Medicom on the other hand seems to try to cover everything.

I wonder how the rubber suits are holding up on the old MG Bandai Eva 01 kits.

Can't comment on the EVA kits, but I have the Sachiel kit, same scale, entire outer skin save for legs(calf down) and forearms is made of the same rubber as the EVA kits(assuming the rubber used in the Perfect grade EVA-01 is the same as mastergrade) and it is still fine, some parts of the skin have lost its original sheen, but zero damage from age, still very flexible, not that it matters, due to lack of an ankle joint and the polycap joints not being super tight, its pretty much a statue.

My beef with this line is the lack of extras. My unit 01 has a loose left hand. I have to fit it with a bit of paper

Speaking of Sachiel, Sankari, who made the one you have on your shelf? I dig it!
Oh yeah, totally meant Perfect Grade, though the Master Grade kits also have rubber on them.
I loved the classic tv series, I know a lot of people go against the new movies, but I think they're just a different version ,and I've been enjoying them as a parallel universe.
The original series had way more psychological and philosophical depth , sure. But as a fan, I liked a lighter version as well, and the movies provided that. You can always go back and watch the classic. The new version doesn't destroy the masterpiece that was the first one.

Having said that, In regards to Medicom RAH, i wish they would release a pack of extras for this line of Evas. Like the shield, positron rifle , spear of longinus, maybe a docking bay... Also , it sucks how lacking we are in the Angel department. Lots of companies always releasing the main Eva-Units, but never decent versions of the Angels - which have some of the most unique and surreal designs in anime.

I bought CCP's Sachiel and Zeruel (the light up version) Sachiel is about 26cm in Height, so a little shorter than the Evas ( at 39cm) But hes hunched, so if his legs and spine were straight, he'd look taller, so I think he looks ok in that pose.
Zeruel looks like he is going to be a bit bigger.

Just pre-ordered a new kit of the mass production Eva ( they just replied that it has a wingspan of 50cm, and about 25cm hun9930d6afff71472a747b904514ec8c74_6.jpg
In regards to the movies, this might be spoilery and is entirely speculative…


I think that the movies are a direct continuation of the story that ended with End of Evangelion. Shinji tears the world down and at the end of EoE decides to rebuild it. He attempts to make a better world… and at the start it is better. He's happier, he's better off, he even almost makes actual emotional contact with his father… but then things go even more to **** than they did before.

Kaworu seems to actually be aware of this based on some of his dialog. There could be some wonky translation but at the end of 2.0 he says something like 'I'll bring you happiness this time" implying there's been other times. The entire plot involving him in 3.0 revolves around Kaworu "knowing" that Shinji can remake the world. This is arguably knowledge he has through other means but it also seems to imply to me he's aware of Shinji doing it before. He also says he'll see Shinji again right before he dies. He could mean anything by that but he could also mean that he'll see him again in the next iteration.

Could be crazy on my part but I like it conceptually. How wacky would it be if the end of 4.0 is the whole cycle starting all over again with Shinji on the phone with Misato.
I totally agree that the movies are a continuation of the original series following EoE given the stuff Kaworu says and various details in the environment, like the ocean being nothing but blood, the streak of blood across the Moon, and the giant outlines of what appear to be the mass production Evas after they fell back to Earth.

I can't wait for 4.0 to see where this crazy train ends up.
I just have Eva on the mind now so excuse the multiple consecutive posts… also should say this isn't a criticism of anyone's opinions just something I find interesting.

The mecha designs from Evangelion each step of the way have always been criticized as being too weird or "ugly". This goes back to the original series, when you look at the designs from NGE there was nothing in existence that they really resembled. They were so far removed from any existing mecha designs they put a lot of people off.

I'd also love to see more of a progression as to how this more traditional mecha design… eventually became this.

After that any redesigns were compared to the original. First we have the redesign of Eva 01 in End of Eva which I think a lot of people hated, particularly for it's smaller shoulder pylons.

Then in Rebuild the designs were disliked for the different paint schemes and the changes in proportions.

And then finally (at least for now) there's a lot of hate for the fairly far departure of proportions for the Beta and Gamma versions of Units 08 and 02 respectively and the new design of Eva 13.

Count me in as one who prefers the design aesthetic of the first series. There's a fluidity in design that I think is lacking in the aesthetics of the rebuild series. I also adore the weaponry design in the first series. They are simplistic yet both elegant and brilliant at the same time. Who else would think to use a box cutter as inspiration for the progressive knife? Some aspects of the rebuild mecha designs seem 'bolted on'. I would've been happy if they left the original designs alone and played with the color schemes instead.

But...going back to the Medicom toys: either the fitment and tolerances are better on the Eva-02 gamma and presumably Eva-08, or the new design lends itself better in toy form. I swear, it's a joy for me to pick up the Eva-02 gamma, pose it, and leave it standing. I can't say the same with the previous Evas. I spend a good 5-10 minutes finding the right pose that wouldn't require a stand to keep the figure from falling. It's an exercise in patience. By the way, I also noticed that the rubber or vinyl used on the arm is thinner than on the previous versions. Could this be in response to reports of the vinyl tearing on some copies?

Edit: Forgot to mention how disappointed I was when they did away with the Eva-02's berserk mode of having the 4 extra additional eyes. Not so impressed with the rebuild beast mode. It's just way too obvious and over the top.
I didn't really notice the hands on Eva 13 at the time. It'll be interesting to see how Medicom will handle it. 13 doesn't have the same convenient line to seperate the hand from the arm that the others have. Kaiyodo just throws in a joint there since they don't mind too much about exposed joints. Medicom on the other hand seems to try to cover everything.

I don't think they'll be able to do a continuous sleeve like that, without compromising wrist flexibility. I think what they'll do is just paint the top of the hands black. I also wouldn't be surprised if they skip out on using rubber/vinyl on the extra pair of arms that the Eva 13 eventually sprouts. Judging from the hollowness of the 'bionic arm' of the Eva 02 gamma, I'm skeptical that Medicom will take that extra step. As already mentioned, Medicom isn't exactly in the habit of providing extra value.

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