Mass Effect 3

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Saw this youtube video, another theory explaining the ending. Explains a lot, but does mean how the game ended is satisfactory though.

Spoiler Spoiler:
I would assume he meant DLC.

As for continuing the series I would like to see a similar play style and look but you can choose which race you want to play as.

Oh I am assuming DLC as well...just weird that they say we will be seeing more of Sheperd. Unless it's missions that take place before the battle on Earth...this would show the ending they gave us in the game wasn't the final ending. I mean how can there be "more Sheperd" if you chose the blue or green option? Or if you chose red and you didn't have high enough military assests?

I just wonder if they always considered to properly conclude ME through DLCs. To me, I guess I always saw DLCs as supplementary content...not necessary to continue or finish a game....but more like added bonuses/gameplay. To have to pay for additional content to finish a game just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. And if this is true, I hope it doesn't become a widespread practice.

Of course Bioware has the perfect cover now....any additional content they put out they can say is because they listened to their fans and are putting this out to give them closure. I just really wonder what was planned and what is really due to fan criticism. Bioware has made me suspicious. :lol

Oh well...I finished game 2 again...but I'm taking a break before I go back to ME3. My poor eyes need a rest. :lol
I honestly don't believe it was bioware's intention to save a proper ending for DLC. I really don't. Though I would like to see one! :lol
When Drew Whatshislastname, the lead writer of ME1 and 3/4 of ME2 left for SWTOR, the franchise went downhill. Sure, 95% of ME3 was awesome, but they abandoned his main idea of this dark matter threat that the reapers were trying to solve by harvesting organics and switched it with the

we synthetics kill organics to prevent synthetics from killing organics.

How high or artistic must the new lead writer have been when he came up with that rationale that was pushed down our throats by the AI-god-child in the end?


How I wish he never left ME... we could have gotten a good (not necessarily morally good, but a satisfying one) ending, with real choices..
Saw this youtube video, another theory explaining the ending. Explains a lot, but does mean how the game ended is satisfactory though.

Spoiler Spoiler:

That was a good video and the more I read/see of this theory, the more sense it makes to me.
That was a good video and the more I read/see of this theory, the more sense it makes to me.

Yup. I realized also that my selection was the wrong one.. lol (if the video's theory is correct, but that's where Bioware should have stepped in and included a cutscene showing the consequences for selecting one over the other).
Yup. I realized also that my selection was the wrong one.. lol (if the video's theory is correct, but that's where Bioware should have stepped in and included a cutscene showing the consequences for selecting one over the other).

Well that was a good mistake - because I loved that video. Whomever made it did a great job with editing video and sound clips from all 3 games. Very impressive and really made this theory seem more plausible.
Well, it looks like I won't be getting around to playing ME3 (which I got release day) for awhile, atleast until BW makes whatever announcement they are planning to in April. I want to know what kind of expectations to have for the ending, whether high or low, before starting it up. Luckily I got such a backlog (of games and movies), I doubt that it'll bother me much :)
I was really looking forward to Mass Effect 4 and being able to play as a new character ...maybe even a Turian, Asari or Quarian

...but the endings of ME3 change the universe so vastly that a ME4 would be difficult.
Giving in to the demands of the most "passionate" "fans" of the ME franchise isn't Bioware's finest day. Very sad.
Saw this youtube video, another theory explaining the ending. Explains a lot, but does mean how the game ended is satisfactory though.

Spoiler Spoiler:

That was a good video and the more I read/see of this theory, the more sense it makes to me.

I think I may have just been indoctrinated after watching the whole video ....because I believe this video is right. :horror

...and if so, sweetzombiejesus!
Saw this youtube video, another theory explaining the ending. Explains a lot, but does mean how the game ended is satisfactory though.

Spoiler Spoiler:

Thanks for posting this vid! :hi5:

really hope that's true. best explanation of the ending thus far and for right now makes the ending seem better through understanding it from that videos pov
Giving in to the demands of the most "passionate" "fans" of the ME franchise isn't Bioware's finest day. Very sad.

I agree completely. When I saw the facebook posting that they were considering changing the ending, I was shocked. It's awesome that they care so much for ME fans but.. It almost feels like all that hard work done by the many involved was for naught. No appreciation for their vision and efforts. The game is Casey Hudson's and team's vision. Some of the complaints were logical like seeing what happened to the other characters. However, I heard there was a series of Dark Horse comics rectifying that (focusing on each character after ME3). Those die hard "fans" could jump on that merchandising. If I had to complain though I would complain on the DLC being released the same day as the game. Should of just been included... As if $60 isn't enough.. :thud: Oh, and lack of decent figures. I'm excited for the Big Fish release but.. Who knows. That may change too.
Giving in to the demands of the most "passionate" "fans" of the ME franchise isn't Bioware's finest day. Very sad.

I'm still on the fence on this....we all knew more DLCs were even shows on the DLC page that there were at least 4 more planned (besides the Day 1 release - granted some of those I believe are for MP). I can't help but think we got a game without a true ending....with upcoming DLCs to flesh it out more. This whole Bioware listening to fans to give finality to the series is a great way for them to look good like they care about the fans and are going to "fix" this..but part of me thinks this was the game plan all along.

Some interesting points that were brought up regarding the indoctrination theory:

Spoiler Spoiler:

Anyway, this theory makes so much sense to me...and means that the "real" fight is not over yet.... I really hope it is what Bioware intended because it would make for one hell of an interesting story and twist there at the end.
Giving in to the demands of the most "passionate" "fans" of the ME franchise isn't Bioware's finest day. Very sad.

At the end of the day Bioware is a company providing a product. Putting out a flawed product only jeopardizes the company. If they don't do something it would end up hurting them in the long run.

On some level they know they screwed up. The game had to have gone through reviews, focus groups, meetings, etc, and it is absurd that no one questioned the plot holes, and nonsensical ideas. (unless of course it's indoctrination)

And if you want to argue that these fans are crippling artistic integrity and freedom by voicing their opinions, then I'd have to ask why people are in an uproar over one sentence that Michael Bay said about TMNT, or even his Transformers designs. Isn't that artistic freedom? If a band changes their sound, and the fans don't like it, they complain, and don't buy the next album. Does that hurt the bands artistic integrity?

Bioware doesn't want this to haunt them. I don't find it sad at all. It's good to see them listening to fans and rectifying their mistake.
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I don't know if it's because I'm still clutched in the grasp of the 5 stages of grief in accordance with ME3's ending (which I've finished last weekend but wanted to stew on it before sharing what I thought)...

But I believe in this Indoctrination theory. It's crazy how well everything fits together.

Or maybe gamers who believe in it are just in a denial stage.

That video that was linked on the previous page was just the the cincher to what some other folks have been theorizing for the past week (like in this long article about why the ME3 ending makes no sense and must not be the real end). I didn't want to believe it.
The "fans" who are _____in' about the ending wouldn't know a great storyline if it hit them in the face. What they truly desire is for their little candy to taste exactly like they want. If it were my development studio, I'd literally tell them to go screw themselves, and would challenge them NOT to buy our next game. But that's just me.
Yeah, then you'd probably end up folding before you could even make that next game. Good luck in life with that mentality.

No one in questioning Mass Effects great story line. I think we can all agree that it is one of the best ever created. The way Bioware decided to end it, not so much. Not even you (who claims to know the greatest of story lines, and the majority of people who have beat it are just wrong) can make that ending make sense (indoctrination not included). Please do, I would love to hear what you have to say.

If you don't know the plot holes watch this video it lays them out pretty nicely. Yes, the guy's voice is super annoying, but still.

And in the case they come out and say "Oh, yes it is indoctrination" which the fans have very nicely handed to them, that still wouldn't make it a "great storyline" (as you say) because, the dream method is one of the biggest cliches in writing.

"It's not even in any way like traditional game endings, where you can say how many endings there are or whether you got A, B or C" - Casey Hudson pre-ME3 lauch - LIE

"As Mass Effect is the end of the planned trilogy, the developers are not constrained by the necessity of allowing the story to diverge, yet also continue into the next chapter. This will result in a story that diverges into WILDLY DIFFERENT conclusions based on the players actions in the first two chapters" Casey Hudson - LIE

"Whether you love or hate the ending, know this; it is an ending.
Bioware will not do a "LOST" and leave fans with more questions than answers after finishing the game" - Mike Gamble - REALLY NOW? ARE YOU SURE?
The "fans" who are _____in' about the ending wouldn't know a great storyline if it hit them in the face. What they truly desire is for their little candy to taste exactly like they want. If it were my development studio, I'd literally tell them to go screw themselves, and would challenge them NOT to buy our next game. But that's just me.


I'll say it again... A story/work of art has a vision, and that vision is not yours, it's the artist's or group of artists in this case.

Buncha self-entitled whiney tittie-baby fanboys forcing BioWare change the ending to their own story? That is an awful precedent, IMHO.

You can criticize or not like it, that's all well and good. But demanding a do-over? No thanks.

Nerds ruin everything.
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