Mass Effect 3

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I got all the achievements for ME2 but only about half for ME1. I may need to go play that again and try to get more...though remembering what a beeotch insanity was on 2...I'm not sure if I'm quite ready to try that again on the first game. :lol
Only thing about Mass Effect achievements, you gotta play it at least 2 - 3 times due to the teammember achievement with asari, turian, krogan..........I dont even try really.....Mass Effect 2 was easier to get them
Yeah, I agree. I didn't want to say anything as to not sound negative on a 1 minute trailer, but I too hope their 'aliens attack Earth and is saved by our hero' concept won't be too cliched in ME3.

A whole galaxy (and beyond) of interesting races that could lead to a multitude of original stories.......but they go with the 'save the Earth' story. Kinda worried.

The final battle may be on Earth, but think about the scope and breadth of the first two chapters. Bioware is not going to make an anticlimax for the final installment, they are just too good at telling a story not to completely wow us.
The final battle may be on Earth, but think about the scope and breadth of the first two chapters. Bioware is not going to make an anticlimax for the final installment, they are just too good at telling a story not to completely wow us.

I hope so, and I do have faith in Bioware. Mass Effect 3 should unfold as a continuation of the course of events in Mass Effect 2. I just hope that the attack on Earth is just one minor event in a entire cluster of major happenings.
I hope so, and I do have faith in Bioware. Mass Effect 3 should unfold as a continuation of the course of events in Mass Effect 2. I just hope that the attack on Earth is just one minor event in a entire cluster of major happenings.

Well, remember what the reaper said to Shepard as he was running from the exploding Collector base (oops...sorry for the spoiler):
"Human, you've changed nothing. Your species has gained the attention of those infinitely your greater. That which you know as Reapers are your salvation through destruction."
So apparently the Reapers are now looking at humanity as a significant threat. I would think the attack on Earth is going to be pivotal but it won't be the only important thing going on by any stretch of the imagination.
Bioware has stated that decisions made in ME1, which had no or seemingly insignificant consequence in ME2, will have noticeable effect in ME3. I think it may be safe to assume that things like sparing/destroying the Rachni queen, whether or not you kill Wrex on Virmire, killing/reclaiming the heretic Geth, encouraging/discouraging the Quarians in retaking their homeworld, whether or not you tell the Illusive Man to go bleep himself, etc. could lead to major story lines in Shepard's attempt to gather allies to fight the Reapers. Shepard may be the ultimate badass in the galaxy, but he can't fight thousands of Reapers with just the Normandy and a dozen specialists.. he's going to need an armada, and that means Rachni, Krogans, Quarians, Geth, the Council fleet, Cerberus, the Alliance, and anyone else he can convince.

It's going to be epic. I fear not.
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I'm hoping Kasumi will be on the team for ME 3. I'd like to be able to interact with her this time around, and maybe have a little sexy time. :naughty
You think we'll see Tigerblood armor taken from the Illusive mans renegade son? Make a great dlc.
Gives you fiery fists,the power of a thousand suns and improves your chances of "winning" against the reapers.
You think we'll see Tigerblood armor taken from the Illusive mans renegade son? Make a great dlc.
Gives you fiery fists,the power of a thousand suns and improves your chances of "winning" against the reapers.

Only if you can get the Adonis DNA upgrade. :monkey3
Well, remember what the reaper said to Shepard as he was running from the exploding Collector base (oops...sorry for the spoiler):
"Human, you've changed nothing. Your species has gained the attention of those infinitely your greater. That which you know as Reapers are your salvation through destruction."
So apparently the Reapers are now looking at humanity as a significant threat. I would think the attack on Earth is going to be pivotal but it won't be the only important thing going on by any stretch of the imagination.
Bioware has stated that decisions made in ME1, which had no or seemingly insignificant consequence in ME2, will have noticeable effect in ME3. I think it may be safe to assume that things like sparing/destroying the Rachni queen, whether or not you kill Wrex on Virmire, killing/reclaiming the heretic Geth, encouraging/discouraging the Quarians in retaking their homeworld, whether or not you tell the Illusive Man to go bleep himself, etc. could lead to major story lines in Shepard's attempt to gather allies to fight the Reapers. Shepard may be the ultimate badass in the galaxy, but he can't fight thousands of Reapers with just the Normandy and a dozen specialists.. he's going to need an armada, and that means Rachni, Krogans, Quarians, Geth, the Council fleet, Cerberus, the Alliance, and anyone else he can convince.

It's going to be epic. I fear not.

I agree with what you wrote - and I did all that I could to help out everyone - but the Illusive Man - I told him to f- off. I don't trust him having the knowledge from that human reaper they were making. My take on it is that we know he feels humans are superior. What wouldn't stop him from using that technology to make reapers from other alien races to fight the Reapers? Long shot, I know - but it was the first thing I thought of when he said he wanted that technology....I don't think he would do anything good with it and would turn other alien races against the humans. Our allies need to trust us, and that would be hard to do if we were still working for Cerberus.

I love how they are doing this though - it definitely will make me replay 2 in different ways to see the possible outcomes in 3.
I just read something very interesting on another board. It seems like Bioware is attempting to integrate a holographic heads-up display like in Dead Space into ME3:

Mass Effect programmer Brenon Holmes has said that BioWare is currently “investigating” adapting the heads-up display (HUD) to the environment in Mass Effect 3, drawing inspiration from Visceral’s work on the Dead Space HUD.

“We’re still really interested in trying to move information into the world,” wrote Brenon on the BioWare forums. “That’s one of the things that I love about Dead Space; the interface… it feels really immersive. I just want to touch the hell out of those buttons.

“So we are still investigating ways of putting some of our HUD elements into the environment… we’ll see what we end up with.”

BioWare attempted working health and shield indicators into Commander Shepard’s armor during the early prototype phases of Mass Effect 2‘s development. It didn’t turn out “as great as [they'd] hoped,” according to Brenon.

“It was ok when Shepard was out of cover, like in the image you linked. The issues started to crop up once you popped into cover, with the way that the camera was positioned and with Shepard’s orientation changing we had to do some fairly crazy stuff to get the health indicator to display in a reasonable position. Even then it ended up being rather confusing to reference when you were in the middle of a fight. I think if we’d simplified our health system so we only had one meter or bar it might have been easier to represent it on the armour (like on Isaac’s back in DS).”

Here's the conversation the devs had on the Bioware forums:




Not guaranteed obviously, but it'd be really cool. :O
Mass Effect anime film coming in 2012.

I imagine it'll be similar to Halo Legends. Should look good at least.

The movie’s being made in collaboration with BioWare, T.O. Entertainment and FUNimation.

Mass Effect series producer Casey Hudson will be executive producer alongside FUNimation president and CEO Gen ___unaga, director of original entertainment Chris Moujaes, T.O Entertainment’s CEO Takeichi Honda and Yui Shibata.

“Over the last few years, we have revealed different pieces of the Mass Effect world through different media. Extending the story through an anime medium is another amazing opportunity for us,” said Hudson.

“Partnering with FUNimation ensures that we will bring this rich universe to life with the utmost quality and the same attention to detail that the Mass Effect games are known for.”

Production is already underway for a summer 2012 digital and home launch

Also, here's the cover of next month's Game Informer