Marvel Movie-verse: Phase 1 & 2 Figure Speculation/Discussion

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I still don't see how Hot toys will push this out in Q4 they got a ton of figures due out next year they are basically say that anything they show in in the new year will be out in 2015
So what kind of armor do you guys expect to see Tony in for Age of Ultron? I hope it's classic red and gold somehow.

I'll agree the Marvel NOW black and gold would look pretty sweet. I've always been a fan of the Stealth armour, and since it was mentioned in IM3 I'm hoping for it to at least make an appearance.
Nice, I would also love to see Captain America, Hawkeye, and Thor (Thor: God of Thunder) in their Marvel NOW! getups. Especially for Wanda. Please make Wanda's costume like how she looks in Uncanny Avengers. Maybe finally seeing Thor wearing a helmet in battle with Ultron. I think he should at least wear one for fighting against Ultron and especially Thanos.

Ugh Please?

think it will be a classic type suit, joss was the one who made them go back to the classic circle arc shape instead of the triangle so I think it will be like that, but I agree the marvel now one would be cool, im also very interested what costume scarlett witch has, and of course the big one Ultron himself, I just hope its classic ultron
think it will be a classic type suit, joss was the one who made them go back to the classic circle arc shape instead of the triangle so I think it will be like that, but I agree the marvel now one would be cool, im also very interested what costume scarlett witch has, and of course the big one Ultron himself, I just hope its classic ultron

Oh man I hope to god that we get classic Ultron too. It seems we're gonna get that according to the teaser trailer but I think Ultron is gonna keep upgrading himself like the comics so we're gonna get different versions...and I know James Spader is gonna do the motion capture and supposedly his face is actually gonna be a part of I have no idea what that will entail.
I'm pretty sure i'll love Ultron regardless but i want a classic style ultron too. By the looks of the head in the teaser thats what we're gonna do
I wouldn't say no to the Marvel NOW! Armour...the black and gold one


but would prefer the classic red and gold

God, please, no more Iron Man armor for a while.

I'll pick Ultron!
God, please, no more Iron Man armor for a while.

I'll pick Ultron!

Haha well they're gonna have to release at least one for Age of Ultron. If anything, hope that they won't make another Iron Man movie :p Which can totally happen to make room for more characters to have their own movies, which is where I think the MCU should really go. No more Iron Man until an Avengers movie, or he can at least make cameos.
So with Vision now being confirmed for the Avengers sequel, it looks like we are going to be getting three new Avengers figures asides from our original 6!

Really?! Yahoooooo!!!! :yess: :hi5:

Which 3 do you think they will be making? Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Vision, or Ultron?

ALL. Especially if the sequel is as big as the first! :wink1: