Leia Boussh Production Pics Soon??????

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Malalaking Gagamba
Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 2, 2006
Reaction score
76, Totter's Lane
I would expect new production shots to be posted soon. Can any Sideshow VIP folk chime in and let us know when those shots will be updated?

This is the longest its taken to date between PPO and shipping for a SW figure and our level of anticipation is high.

Pixletwin, is it me or do you think they have been waiting to post production pics until after they are shipped. It's like they know they have had some shoddy paint apps and don't want cancelations. :monkey3
Pixletwin, is it me or do you think they have been waiting to post production pics until after they are shipped. It's like they know they have had some shoddy paint apps and don't want cancelations. :monkey3

Interesting point. I hope not.
Most likely we won't see them until the shipment arrives next week... but who knows we may be surprised in tonight's NL.

If the paint apps are below par, don't expect to see new shots until they ship which seems to be SSC M.O. , at least in many cases this has been true.
I'm surprised no one's started a picture thread yet. Usually as soon as Sideshow sends out notices, someone jumps the gun.
The one at CIV looked good, but who knows if it was production sample?
I was wondering if anyone ever found photos of the actual helmet with 1138 painted on it. I don't think you can see it in the movie.
I was told by one of the team members that the one on display at ClV was indeed a production sample. Man I hope so...because it looked fantastic.

(fingers crossed) Here's hoping....
maybe a pro painted prod display sample, we'll still have to wait to see how the factory paint apps came out...

they said the same thing about Obi and the factory paint was different (hair and beard coloring)
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And don't forget Obi and Anakin, both of those were painted differently than the proto paint color schemes too..

and there were many others...

It's gonna be hard to mess this one up IMO but yeah, word to the wise when it comes to SSC paint apps...

but I also gotta give them credit when they do it right, my 12" Maul was as good as any custom I've seen.
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