LEGO Indiana Jones: The Video Game

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Aw, yeah!
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:rock :rock :rock :rock :rock
look completely inaaccurate. Looks like no fun at all

*total and complete sarcasm*
Is there any word on this coming out for MAC computers like the Star Wars LEGO games, they usually come a few months afer the standard formats, I'd really like to have it for my MAC.
This game is gonna be a blast. I actually use Indy quite a bit in the SW one. The great thing about these Lego games is they are all about fun and not the over analyzing we do with games like COD 4, GOW, etc.
Ya, I've actually had more fun playing the LEGO Star Wars games than I have ones like Star Wars Battlegrounds and such, particularly because you're reenacting the movies you've come to love to a degree, I'd love to fight the Cairo Swordsman in LEGO land hehe.