Legalizing Drugs On The Horizon

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The Chaver

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Apr 18, 2007
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CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts (CNN) -- Over the past two years, drug violence in Mexico has become a fixture of the daily news. Some of this violence pits drug cartels against one another; some involves confrontations between law enforcement and traffickers.

Recent estimates suggest thousands have lost their lives in this "war on drugs."

The U.S. and Mexican responses to this violence have been predictable: more troops and police, greater border controls and expanded enforcement of every kind. Escalation is the wrong response, however; drug prohibition is the cause of the violence.

Prohibition creates violence because it drives the drug market underground. This means buyers and sellers cannot resolve their disputes with lawsuits, arbitration or advertising, so they resort to violence instead.

Violence was common in the alcohol industry when it was banned during Prohibition, but not before or after.

Violence is the norm in illicit gambling markets but not in legal ones. Violence is routine when prostitution is banned but not when it's permitted. Violence results from policies that create black markets, not from the characteristics of the good or activity in question.

The only way to reduce violence, therefore, is to legalize drugs. Fortuitously, legalization is the right policy for a slew of other reasons.

Prohibition of drugs corrupts politicians and law enforcement by putting police, prosecutors, judges and politicians in the position to threaten the profits of an illicit trade. This is why bribery, threats and kidnapping are common for prohibited industries but rare otherwise. Mexico's recent history illustrates this dramatically.

Prohibition erodes protections against unreasonable search and seizure because neither party to a drug transaction has an incentive to report the activity to the police. Thus, enforcement requires intrusive tactics such as warrantless searches or undercover buys. The victimless nature of this so-called crime also encourages police to engage in racial profiling.

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In Depth: Commentaries
Prohibition has disastrous implications for national security. By eradicating coca plants in Colombia or poppy fields in Afghanistan, prohibition breeds resentment of the United States. By enriching those who produce and supply drugs, prohibition supports terrorists who sell protection services to drug traffickers.

Prohibition harms the public health. Patients suffering from cancer, glaucoma and other conditions cannot use marijuana under the laws of most states or the federal government despite abundant evidence of its efficacy. Terminally ill patients cannot always get adequate pain medication because doctors may fear prosecution by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Drug users face restrictions on clean syringes that cause them to share contaminated needles, thereby spreading HIV, hepatitis and other blood-borne diseases.

Prohibitions breed disrespect for the law because despite draconian penalties and extensive enforcement, huge numbers of people still violate prohibition. This means those who break the law, and those who do not, learn that obeying laws is for suckers.

Prohibition is a drain on the public purse. Federal, state and local governments spend roughly $44 billion per year to enforce drug prohibition. These same governments forego roughly $33 billion per year in tax revenue they could collect from legalized drugs, assuming these were taxed at rates similar to those on alcohol and tobacco. Under prohibition, these revenues accrue to traffickers as increased profits.

The right policy, therefore, is to legalize drugs while using regulation and taxation to dampen irresponsible behavior related to drug use, such as driving under the influence. This makes more sense than prohibition because it avoids creation of a black market. This approach also allows those who believe they benefit from drug use to do so, as long as they do not harm others.

Legalization is desirable for all drugs, not just marijuana. The health risks of marijuana are lower than those of many other drugs, but that is not the crucial issue. Much of the traffic from Mexico or Colombia is for cocaine, heroin and other drugs, while marijuana production is increasingly domestic. Legalizing only marijuana would therefore fail to achieve many benefits of broader legalization.

It is impossible to reconcile respect for individual liberty with drug prohibition. The U.S. has been at the forefront of this puritanical policy for almost a century, with disastrous consequences at home and abroad.

The U.S. repealed Prohibition of alcohol at the height of the Great Depression, in part because of increasing violence and in part because of diminishing tax revenues. Similar concerns apply today, and Attorney General Eric Holder's recent announcement that the Drug Enforcement Administration will not raid medical marijuana distributors in California suggests an openness in the Obama administration to rethinking current practice.

Perhaps history will repeat itself, and the U.S. will abandon one of its most disastrous policy experiments.
You should probably note that this is an editorial by a professor (in Economics) at Harvard.

I don't disagree much with what he says, except that I think people are often stupid and/or weak, and should be protected from themselves when you are talking about dangerous substances that cause crippling addictions and possibly death.

Suggesting that heroine should be legal goes way too far. Sounds like an "ivory tower" libertarian, with no real concern for the practical consequences on the poor.
Haha. Hell in a handbasket. If you think parents do a ^^^^ ass job raising kids now, just imagine even 5% more parents on freaking pot, crack or meth. Their kids will terrorize the freaking schools, streets, etc.

The US has a hard enough time funding all the joke (pretty much fraudulent) wellfare programs now, imagine having to take care of losers that spend all their cash on drugs rather than food, heat, etc. Imagine employers being ripped off by wacked out addicts trying to fund their now legal fixes.

Anyone that believe legalizing drugs would fix something is a frakkin retard.
Meh. Just make weed legal like booze and tax it. Everything else not a good idea.
Won't happen. The "end of the war on drugs" has been prophetised since its beginning. Socially there are too many pitfalls with just legalizing it all and legalizing certain ones brings a whole other set of slippery slopes. At this point I see people just wanting to keep the status quo because its "easier" and more socially acceptable...
i don't know there are a lot of alcoholics out there that are much worse than some the the drug addicts i know. While there are no easy answers on this one it's ignorant to think that legalizing pot will be the downfall of modern society. I don't think we could ever leagalize everything but this country's general lumping of "all drugs are the same" while keeping alcohol and tobacco legal is what is frakkin' retarded.
Pot used to be legal before they made it illegal. It's too long a story to repeat why they did it, but it wasn't because they thought it was a dangerous drug.
Agreed.........but in the long shot it happens, I'm opening up a drug/liquor store--Cha Ching!!!!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:monkey3:monkey3


Pot used to be legal before they made it illegal. It's too long a story to repeat why they did it, but it wasn't because they thought it was a dangerous drug.


Health issues have nothing to do with why Marijuana is illegal - it's all political BS. Anyne who says otherwise hasn't done their homework :lol
Seems like I have been seeing more and more articles about the drug violence in mexico escalating and it starting to come into the US. I forget that one gang name, but I guess they really spread in california and other states as well. I'm glad I live far away from it all :monkey1
Seems like I have been seeing more and more articles about the drug violence in mexico escalating and it starting to come into the US. I forget that one gang name, but I guess they really spread in california and other states as well. I'm glad I live far away from it all :monkey1

The gang you're talking about I believe is MS13 - brutal modern gang with roots from the civil war in El Salvador.

Stay clear of those guys!

Health issues have nothing to do with why Marijuana is illegal - it's all political BS. Anyne who says otherwise hasn't done their homework :lol

It's political with all forms of drugs.I really do think the drug laws in this country are ridiculous. Prosecuting people for using and selling drugs is just dumb!! Do you think they care about what you put in your body? I don't think so. Not to say that I'm into doing any form of drug,hell I don't even drink, I just don't give a crap what someone is doing to their selves, just as long as it's not a friend or family and it's not being pushed on the children,and that's already straight up wrong to do with the drugs that ARE legal such as cigarettes and beer.

The only reason drugs are illegal is because the government doesn't know how to tax and control it,especially the hard drugs like cocaine and heroin. Although I hear from certain people that the Government makes more money prosecuting people and just straight up taking the the drugs through raids an seizures,this could be true. In that case we might not see the legalization of drugs??

I also do not think things would change drastically the way everyone thinks it would if drugs were legalized,people will still do drugs whether it's illegal or not illegal. Yeah drugs will be more ready available and cheap and we might see a spike in overdoses but the crime will be down because of drugs being so cheap. I really don't think we're going to have people doing masses amounts of hard drugs all over the place in broad daylight either. I mean people already look down on those who do hard drugs, their not going to be flaunting it like it's the new trend. Just because drugs are legal doesn't make what your doing to yourself right. It's like smokers,they get such a bad rap these days.Back in the day smoking was not looked at as near as bad as it is now. Now you always here the non-smokers say "you know that sh t is going to kill ya?" or smoke that sh t somewhere else!" or something of that nature. Smokers lost a lot of their freedoms as far as where they can smoke. I mean you can't even smoke in a f'n bar of all places!? So it won't matter if it's legal people will still look at it the same.

So it's going to be the same with drug users as the way it is now for the smokers and drinkers. I think IF they make drugs legal, you will not be allowed to do it out in the open. It will have to be done in the privacy of a home or maybe like the the pot smokers do in a shop. And if your not doing it where your suppose to then the Government will ticket you and tax you for it. That's as far as I think they should take it, just ticketing taxing and it.

To me all drugs are the same, illegal drugs and legal drugs.Show no prejudice!

I'm out!
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