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Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

I didn't say they needed to make them all. I was showing what was important to a fanatical reader of DC comics, and what they have to work with if they're going to cater to that level of the fanbase. But, there's already talk of Poison Ivy being made. I don't think she's ever had her own book. Joker either. She's fairly marginal, but Sideshow has not decided that she's so maginal that she doesn't deserve 1:4 scale treatment.

I guess I'm not really seeing your point, and I still have no idea how a casual fan can be considered representative of the customer base, compared to a fan of all that.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

I'm just stating what I think. If it's getting crammed down your throat, maybe you should stop sucking it down. There's also a chance you'd stop choking on what I have to say if you took half a second to chew it.

Then you certainly won't mind me stating what I think. That being that you are hypocritical and narrow-minded. If you stop being so narrow minded and defensive maybe you'll understand what I'm saying. Anyways I've wasted enough of my time on you.

p.s. Good job on listing so many iconic DC characters. Although to some other people with different standards you'd be a DC geek who doesn't have anything else to do with their life. Think about that.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

I didn't say they needed to make them all. I was showing what was important to a fanatical reader of DC comics, and what they have to work with if they're going to cater to that level of the fanbase. But, there's already talk of Poison Ivy being made. I don't think she's ever had her own book. Joker either. She's fairly marginal, but Sideshow has not decided that she's so maginal that she doesn't deserve 1:4 scale treatment.

I guess I'm not really seeing your point, and I still have no idea how a casual fan can be considered representative of the customer base, compared to a fan of all that.

I'm saying that a fan can be a fan of one character or multiple characters. If I told a lot of people l liked Batman, Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, etc. they'd no doubt think I was a fan of DC comics. There isn't some special number. Next it will be...well how many Batman comics have you read or owner. oh, you only read 30, well you need to read 300 to be a true fan. :rotfl
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

If you say so. Personally, you're not really a fan of DC; just a few titles published by DC.

Then you certainly won't mind me stating what I think. That being that you are hypocritical and narrow-minded. If you stop being so narrow minded and defensive maybe you'll understand what I'm saying. Anyways I've wasted enough of my time on you.

You could have wasted a lot less if you'd kept your trolling to yourself.

As for what you think, you're wrong. :wave
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

If you say so. Personally, you're not really a fan of DC; just a few titles published by DC.

You could have wasted a lot less if you'd kept your trolling to yourself.

As for what you think, you're wrong. :wave

I suppose someone else besides DC published the titles I am a fan of.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

I make no sense, or you don't understand? Either way, you can have it. Call whatever you like whatever you like. I don't care.

Sideshow won't be making repeats of a handful of characters that only casual fans care about so the debate is immaterial.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

I make no sense, or you don't understand? Either way, you can have it. Call whatever you like whatever you like. I don't care.

Sideshow won't be making repeats of a handful of characters that only casual fans care about so the debate is immaterial.

What repeats for "casual fans" are you referring to?
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

The discussion, before it was derailed by the congenitally indignant (I'm not refering to yourself, but you could have taken my remark with a bit of respect for the context, and more than a grain or two of salt), was about whether Sideshow would spend their energy and resources focusing on multiple incarnations of the most popular and recognizable characters in each format.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

Wow, that's a lot. Can anyone name 40-50 DC (or Marvel) characters without Googling...and main superheroes, not lesser known.


  1. Green Lantern Hal Jordan
  2. Green Lantern Kyle Rayner
  3. Green Lantern Guy Gardner
  4. Green Lantern John Stewart
  5. Sinestro
  6. Star Sapphire Carol Ferris
  7. Superman
  8. Superboy
  9. Supergirl
  10. Power Girl
  11. Lex Luthor
  12. Lois Lane
  13. Batman
  14. Nightwing
  15. Batgirl
  16. Robin
  17. Red Robin
  18. The Joker
  19. Penguin
  20. Mr. Freeze
  21. Catwoman
  22. The Riddler
  23. The Flash
  24. Kid Flash
  25. Reverse Flash/Professor Zoom
  26. Aquaman
  27. Aqualad
  28. Black Manta
  29. Wonder Woman
  30. Wonder Girl
  31. Shazam/Captain Marvel
  32. Plastic Man
  33. Martian Manhunter
  34. Deadman
  35. Deathstroke
  36. Darkseid
  37. Doomsday
  38. Green Arrow
  39. Red Arrow
  40. Black Canary
  41. Hawkman
  42. Hawkgirl

42 off the top of my head without googling or spending more than what came to mind. I know I left out some big tickets but I wanted to accept the challenge. Given that the ones listed are either pop culture icons like Lois or have their own book in the DCU, I'd argue they are all top tier.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

Nice list. My only point was you can be a fan of DC by being a fan of certain titles/characters, not everyone of them. I'm sure there are many DC and Marvel fans who only know 50% of the list you and the other guy have. Doesn't change the fact they are fans of DC properties and by that virtue fans of DC. I like Chevrolet Camaro's but not all Chevrolet's but I still consider myself a fan as all it took was one product to impress me.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

Interesting point. Allow me to dig deeper into your logic. You like Camaros yet not all other Chevrolets right? Wouldn't that by default make you a Camaro fan but not a Chevy fan? I love Mustangs but could give two ____s about other Fords, I don't consider myself a Ford fan, I consider myself a Mustang fan.

Now realistically it's not hair off of my head if someone likes Superman and Batman only and wants to call themselves DC fans but realistically aren't they overgeneralizing at that point?
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

Interesting point. Allow me to dig deeper into your logic. You like Camaros yet not all other Chevrolets right? Wouldn't that by default make you a Camaro fan but not a Chevy fan? I love Mustangs but could give two ____s about other Fords, I don't consider myself a Ford fan, I consider myself a Mustang fan.

Now realistically it's not hair off of my head if someone likes Superman and Batman only and wants to call themselves DC fans but realistically aren't they overgeneralizing at that point?

Well what is the magic number? I mean I named all the major characters that everyone on the planet knows, just not the DC elite. Between them all there's likely a couple dozen titles. Not to mention Watchmen which is one of my favorites of any company.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

Wow, that's a lot. Can anyone name 40-50 DC (or Marvel) characters without Googling...and main superheroes, not lesser known.

Villains only for funsies:

1. Joker
2. Two-Face
3. Riddler
4. Bane
5. Clayface
6. Killer Croc
7. The Ventriloquist
8. Harley Quinn
9. Man Bat
10. Hugo Strange
11. Ra's Al Ghul
12. Talia Al Ghul
13. Lady Shiva
14. Scarecrow
15. Mad Hatter
16. Killer Moth
17. Zsasz
18. Poison Ivy
19. Penguin
20. Mr. Freeze
21. Black Mask
22. KGBeast
23. Hush
24. Deadshot
25. Prometheus
26. Lex Luthor
27. Parasite
28. Brainiac
29. Bizarro
30. Doomsday
31. Darkseid
32. Metallo
33. Silver Banshee
34. Solomon Grundy
35. Mongul
36. Despero
37. Captain Cold
38. Mirror Master
39. Weather Wizard
40. Heatwave
41. The Top
42. Captain Boomerang
43. Abrakadabra
44. Gorilla Grodd
45. Professor Zoom/Reverse Flash
46. The Trickster
47. Pied Piper
48. Magenta
49. Dr. Polaris
50. Sinestro
51. Black Hand
52. Atrocitus (Red Lantern)
53. Larfleeze (Orange Lantern)
54. Toy Man
55. King Shark
57. Black Manta
58. Cheetah
59. Hellhound
60. Mr. Terrible
61. Blockbuster
62. Calculator
63. Mr. Mind
64. Dr. Sivanna
65. Black Adam

I'm sorry I felt left out, I'm gonna go now...
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

It's been helpful. Guess now despite watching several shows on NBC and CBS and TNT and FX and AMC, I've learned today that I'm not a fan of those channels. ;)
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

Well what is the magic number? I mean I named all the major characters that everyone on the planet knows, just not the DC elite. Between them all there's likely a couple dozen titles. Not to mention Watchmen which is one of my favorites of any company.

I'm not saying you aren't really a DC fan, I'm just saying that the elitist line in the sand for a lot of fanboys (Marvel and DC alike) is what is outside of the pop culture realm. A lot of them thumb their nose at the general knowledge held within tv shows, movies, cartoons because they are packaged and condensed for the general public to understand.

They draw their fandom lines at the lesser known characters, knowing that there have been six Robins, not four because people forget Stephanie Brown and Carrie Kelly (although Kelly is debatable since you'd have to consider TDK canonical) or the differences between a Kryptonian and a Daxumite or the fact there are 7200 GLs offically but actually 3601 sectors since Oa is sector zero and isn't counted in that designation yet has multiple honor guards increasing the number of Lanterns even though Salaak is their official Lantern.

That stuff doesn't necessarily make you more a fan, some would argue it makes us obsessive compulsive nutjobs but if you're asking for the line, anything that you couldn't garner from Warner Bros productions or Cartoon Network is usually the secret handshake.

I don't care what you call yourself really, if you say I'm a DC fan then welcome to the club brother but for some they are a little more narrowed in their perceptions.
Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

IGN giving 9.5/10 to the new Batman game

Re: Joker PF (updates first post)

Should that go into the Batman: Arkham city thread? :dunno