J.J. Abrams' Star Trek Into Darkness

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I think it's super lame that some people think that shows or movies are only good until the mainstream starts to appreciate them. )

It's more than this. It's that when that happens, they tend to try to cater to the wider base and it usually ****s up the core of the show or character and than those hipsters are gone a year later anyway because it was just hype that brought them onboard. But I can also say the exact opposite because especially in the case of Star Trek, it was people talking **** on it until it became "mainstream" and people still saying that ST wasn't good until Abrams came along.

It isn't that every person who likes this new movie is a Hipster, it's that a ****ing lot are and do say those things and it pisses long term fans off. I still watch Game of Thrones but when I hear two old women in Starbucks talking about the show and how the nudity is weird or my 82 year old aunt tells me how she loves Daryl on TWD it strikes me as odd because I can tell these people don't like the show and violence but want to be able to talk about it and that's why they are watching it. I don't watch things to be relevant around the water cooler. :peace
It's more than this. It's that when that happens, they tend to try to cater to the wider base and it usually ****s up the core of the show or character and than those hipsters are gone a year later anyway because it was just hype that brought them onboard. But I can also say the exact opposite because especially in the case of Star Trek, it was people talking **** on it until it became "mainstream" and people still saying that ST wasn't good until Abrams came along. :peace

I definitely agree with you there. It's unfortunate that money and ratings are usually the end goal for producers. As for people saying that ST wasn't good until Abrams came along...I wasn't aware of that, and as a TOS fan, that annoys me. There would be no Abram's ST without the success of TOS, TNG, and the movies...although I have to admit, before Abram's, the movies were losing quite a bit of steam.
I get what your saying Deckard. And I will be honest and say when things start feeling too hip to me...I tend to move onto something else....Don't know why that is...
I would argue that Star Trek hit the peak of it's "mainstream" popularity with the 1980's films, particularly II and IV. It rode that popularity into Next Gen and partly into DS9, then it fell out of the spotlight. Even as a casual fan of the pre-Abrams material, I can admit that a lot of it wasn't good.

Abrams movies aren't perfect and they aren't traditional Star Trek, but that's what Paramount wants right now, and you have to give them credit for trying something new, and for the most part, Trek fans have rolled with it. Imagine the uproar if instead of Episode VII, Disney announced a new reboot/reimagining of the Star Wars movies with different actors playing the main cast.
although I have to admit, before Abram's, the movies were losing quite a bit of steam.

That's true and I'd chalk that upto TNG cast overstaying their welcome. We were like 3 shows ahead of that cast but Voyager and Enterprise never got their own shots at a movie.

I get what your saying Deckard. And I will be honest and say when things start feeling too hip to me...I tend to move onto something else....Don't know why that is...

We need to go out and find the next good show for the hipsters to latch onto. :lol :hi5:
That's true and I'd chalk that upto TNG cast overstaying their welcome.

No way, the cast was perfect. Trek's demise can be attributed 100% to Rick Berman and Brannon Braga. They could still be making TNG movies and Trek TV series today if Star Trek was allowed to go into interesting directions.
It's more than this. It's that when that happens, they tend to try to cater to the wider base and it usually ****s up the core of the show or character and than those hipsters are gone a year later anyway because it was just hype that brought them onboard. But I can also say the exact opposite because especially in the case of Star Trek, it was people talking **** on it until it became "mainstream" and people still saying that ST wasn't good until Abrams came along.

It isn't that every person who likes this new movie is a Hipster, it's that a ****ing lot are and do say those things and it pisses long term fans off. I still watch Game of Thrones but when I hear two old women in Starbucks talking about the show and how the nudity is weird or my 82 year old aunt tells me how she loves Daryl on TWD it strikes me as odd because I can tell these people don't like the show and violence but want to be able to talk about it and that's why they are watching it. I don't watch things to be relevant around the water cooler. :peace

I hate when I hear things like this. Abrams film was ok. It wasn't as good as WoK or even First Contact(which thanks to the release of Best of Both Worlds as a movie is even better) but it is enjoyable. i hate that he took away all the complexity of the characters and boiled them down to the stereotype they are most known for.(kirk loves women and bucks authority, Spock is logical, Chekov is Russian). I admit I'm not the biggest TOS fan. I preferred Next Gen and DS9. But i get it. it's like when people talk about Nolan's Batman as if it is the only permissable version. Or how Batman Forever proved Robin doesn't work, despit the fact he as worked the last 60 yrs. It's annoying when you've been a fan to hear someone with almost no knowledge of the product insult it.
No way, the cast was perfect. Trek's demise can be attributed 100% to Rick Berman and Brannon Braga. They could still be making TNG movies and Trek TV series today if Star Trek was allowed to go into interesting directions.

Yea sorry I don't mean in terms of their characters, though Data was starting to be a stretch in terms of storytelling, but in terms of ratings, and I agree about Berman.

I hate when I hear things like this. Abrams film was ok. It wasn't as good as WoK or even First Contact(which thanks to the release of Best of Both Worlds as a movie is even better) but it is enjoyable. i hate that he took away all the complexity of the characters and boiled them down to the stereotype they are most known for.(kirk loves women and bucks authority, Spock is logical, Chekov is Russian). I admit I'm not the biggest TOS fan. I preferred Next Gen and DS9. But i get it. it's like when people talk about Nolan's Batman as if it is the only permissable version. Or how Batman Forever proved Robin doesn't work, despit the fact he as worked the last 60 yrs. It's annoying when you've been a fan to hear someone with almost no knowledge of the product insult it.

:lecture Look what's there 72 TOS episodes. I'll be the first to admit probably only about 20 hold up really well to this day but those that do are some of the finest and often copied sci-fi you will find anywhere, from the plots and storytelling to the acting.
Yea sorry I don't mean in terms of their characters, though Data was starting to be a stretch in terms of storytelling, but in terms of ratings, and I agree about Berman.

:lecture Look what's there 72 TOS episodes. I'll be the first to admit probably only about 20 hold up really well to this day but those that do are some of the finest and often copied sci-fi you will find anywhere, from the plots and storytelling to the acting.

People forget that for it's day, TOS was revolutionary, not only in terms of sci fi special effects, but a racially diverse cast :lecture
Yea sorry I don't mean in terms of their characters, though Data was starting to be a stretch in terms of storytelling, but in terms of ratings, and I agree about Berman.

:lecture Look what's there 72 TOS episodes. I'll be the first to admit probably only about 20 hold up really well to this day but those that do are some of the finest and often copied sci-fi you will find anywhere, from the plots and storytelling to the acting.

I really want to go back and get into TOS and Enterprise. And I probably will at some point. While I am not the biggest Trek fan I do love it's sci fi, and version of the future. I like that the Federation was more about exploration and learning than being a military organization. I love that TNG was willing to ask some difficult questions and try to get answers.
I think it's super lame that some people think that shows or movies are only good until the mainstream starts to appreciate them. It's snobby and douchy. Then they decide to pick apart reboots or new directors, or actors that weren't associated with the original source material. Movies were made to be entertaining. As long as people are enjoying them, leave em alone. I thought that the Star Wars prequels were crap, but there's a whole generation of kids that enjoyed them and are "new" Star Wars fans because of it. Did they live up to the magic of the OT? Certainly not. Will J.J.'s new SW movie? Probably not. Do I like asking myself questions and then answering them? Hell yes. The point is, everyone needs to relax on this whole "purist" attitude of movie snobbery. This wasn't aimed at anyone on here...just MHO on a man-doll forum :)


i do agree with this post. i think its great when people find something to be excited about. the fact that we have comic book movies where people are arguing about whats going on in the movie is far better than not having any comic book movies to begin with
I really want to go back and get into TOS and Enterprise. And I probably will at some point. While I am not the biggest Trek fan I do love it's sci fi, and version of the future. I like that the Federation was more about exploration and learning than being a military organization. I love that TNG was willing to ask some difficult questions and try to get answers.

Watch the new HD versions with updated special effects, it makes watching them so much easier.
If you have Netflix streaming, you can watch the entire HD original series right now.
Star Trek Into Darkness was great and intense. The character moments is really what binds this film. Though I was prepared for action and spectacle, I didn't expect such moments of anticipation and surprises through the film.

Fans worried about the new Star Trek straying from the exploration aspect of the franchise (something that is even directly quoted in the film) will be glad that it seems to be heading towards it.
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Imagine the uproar if instead of Episode VII, Disney announced a new reboot/reimagining of the Star Wars movies with different actors playing the main cast.

Only with Trek, there were precedents with time travel, alternate universes etc, dating right back to TOS.

Trek's demise can be attributed 100% to Rick Berman and Brannon Braga.

Actually I don't think Berman & Braga get enough credit for keeping Trek going as long as they did. And they maintained a consistent Trek feel across the various spinoffs.

But like anything, eventually you run out of steam and have to inject new blood.