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$19.99!!! :lol

But act now and get a second Bubo at no extra cost... just pay the shipping and handling!!!
$32.99 same as Crumb.

But he will come with something -- its called a "Creature Pack" so their must be at least one more creature. Another dwarf varactyl for those who didn't get the last one. :D
I am sorry if I offend anyone but if anything you all can appreciate I say what is on my mind. So here I go. Bubo you can eat my ass! I want a freaking character that spent more time on my screen. You suck and eat my hairy ass! Thank you! :chew
BadMoon said:
I am sorry if I offend anyone but if anything you all can appreciate I say what is on my mind. So here I go. Bubo you can eat my ass! I want a freaking character that spent more time on my screen. You suck and eat my hairy ass! Thank you! :chew
Didn't you say something similar about the KURGAN??:monkey3
At least I already have a Jawa to go with him if we don't get one soon.

I believe Bubo will come with those Wind Chimes that hang above him in the hall, the ones that Boushh ran into.
as i said back on the first page, SST metioned an included "important henchman" with Bubo...
automaton said:
as i said back on the first page, SST metioned an included "important henchman" with Bubo...

They were referring to Bubo himself...

Sideshow Newsletter said: is the day to get a look at the official preview of our new Buboicullaar Creature Pack! Jabba's frog dog and important member of the Hutt's group of villainous henchmen, Bubo is a must-have addition to any Jabba the Hutt throne room scene...

"Jabba's frog dog and important member of the Hutt's group of villainous henchmen" both refer to Bubo in the next section of the sentence.
yeah... i was just trying to edit my latest post after rereading the newsletter... Bubo! not my idea of starting the year of right!
Well, at least this may give SS time for a real super announcement in February for ToyFair.


Since SDCC, we've had Plo Koon, Endor Rebels, Asajj and now Bubo...

I'd say February should get this line back on track with some characters that make the SW movies great.
Wor-Gar said:
Well, at least this may give SS time for a real super announcement in February for ToyFair.


Since SDCC, we've had Plo Koon, Endor Rebels, Asajj and now Bubo...

I'd say February should get this line back on track with some characters that make the SW movies great.

VERY WELL SAID!!! I get tired of people saying "Sideshow will have this line for a long time and they can't do all of the cool characters at once". While this is true it still doesn't mean that they have to give us what basically amounts to crap. Even if they don't throw out all of the "heavy hitters"(Vader, Boba, Palpatine, Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2, Yoda, etc) there are still a million better choices than BUBO! You have Stormtroopers, Tusken Raiders, Jawas, Snowtroopers, Sandtroopers, Bounty Hunters, Clone Troopers, Imperial Royal Guards and about 270 pages of other characters in the Complete Visual Dictionary to choose from. If anything, this guy should've been part of Jabba's creature pack and not a stand alone character announcement as it's probably the least exciting one they could've ever come up with IMHO.
the problem is that with the quality of previous releases, people are expecting every sideshow character now to be of 'big announcement' scale.

Think about the Hasbro wave of 4" figures (yeah yeah 3.5" whatever, lol) They've released hundreds, thousands (millions? lol) of figures... and they just keep coming. and nobody complains.

some people here have to get into the frame of mind that with this Sideshow line of SW figures, we're not just getting a few big deal statues (attakus) we're getting an ongoing line of figures.... which will encompass the whole SW universe.

some announcements everybody will love (vader etc) and some will not please everybody (Bubo.. who admittedly I don't even remember seeing on screen). But that doesn't mean that any of these figures is any less important in this ongoing and hopefully long lasting line of figures :chew
i am totally convinced that they will throw Ree-Yees in with him...
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So it's Budo... no surprize. Can't say that I'm thrilled about this 'character', but he definitely something I want to have for my collection. Actually I was surprized that he wasn't part of the Salacious creature pack, since Budo is more famous than the other critters that came with the Salaciuos pack all together! I hope Budo is the last Jabba's Palace related character we see for a long long time. It's time to move on and let Jabba's palace rest.
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While not very exciting as a figure I am surprised that so many people didn't know who Bubo was. I admit I had no idea he had a name until the creature pack was pictured on Jabba's box but the barking dog creature in Jabba's palace was something that always stuck out to me in those scenes ever since I saw ROTJ on the big screen as a kid. Kind of a lame announcement but I think he'll be a really cool addition to a throne setup.
Oh yeah!!!! I'm getting this guy. He will be my next SW stoner creature:

