Is anyone else out there afraid to play with and or pose Hot Toys?

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Who cares, just go to town on 'em. They're not that expensive, you break 'em, you break 'em. So long as you're having fun, that's what really matters. At the end of the day, a Hot Toy is just a toy, right? :lecture

Dammit! Another video with this kid :lol This is the kind of dad I walk away from at parties so I don't have to watch another video he did with his kid. Too bad people don't carry wallet pics anymore. Just kidding, I don't want to look at pics either. ;)
Dammit! Another video with this kid :lol This is the kind of dad I walk away from at parties so I don't have to watch another video he did with his kid. Too bad people don't carry wallet pics anymore. Just kidding, I don't want to look at pics either. ;)

Dammit! Another video with this kid :lol This is the kind of dad I walk away from at parties so I don't have to watch another video he did with his kid. Too bad people don't carry wallet pics anymore. Just kidding, I don't want to look at pics either. ;)

Ha ha! You're gonna want one of these little varmints sooner or later. :mwaha
Check out (or not :lol) SEANLONG's reviews and watch him ho to town on his figures. I'm surprised he hasn't broken any of them yet. :lol
not playing with your action figure is like having a wife you do not consummate,
if i wanted not to play i would be buying statues........................
Most of the newer HT figures are quite sturdy, I don't "play" with my figures, but I do try to get them different and more more dynamic poses when possible. You can check out my Flickr page to see some of them I guess.
You will loose that fear when you have 30+ figures and don't know where to place them
not playing with your action figure is like having a wife you do not consummate,
if i wanted not to play i would be buying statues........................


Wait, wha-?
not playing with your action figure is like having a wife you do not consummate,
if i wanted not to play i would be buying statues........................

On the other hand you might have a thing for stuff your wife just won't do...
There is only 1 figure in my whole collection that I don't dare move too much (OC Batman) other than that I say just pose 'em with care otherwise its as good and keeping 'em in the box and whats the point in that?
Dammit! Another video with this kid :lol This is the kind of dad I walk away from at parties so I don't have to watch another video he did with his kid. Too bad people don't carry wallet pics anymore. Just kidding, I don't want to look at pics either. ;)

Post of the day.
not playing with your action figure is like having a wife you do not consummate,
if i wanted not to play i would be buying statues........................

Some of us are normal well adjusted adults so we have no weird desire to play with these figures.
I don't play with my figures or anything . I just pose them accordingly. But I'm annoyed that some here are being so damn judgmental about others who play with his or her HT. I don't see anything wrong with that. "Weird" and "norm" are highly subjective terms and are not universally applicable.
You weirdos are so childish. I melt down my expensive figures to their base elements, and show them off like that, like a real adult who spends 150+ bucks on a glorified toy.
Im not afraid to pose them at all. I just use some common sense when doing so. These are expensive figures based on real people and should be posed as such. People trying to pose them like their comic book counter parts in dynamic poses are looking for trouble. A good rule of thumb when posing a figure based on a real person is to try and stand in that pose yourself and see how natural it feels to you. If you cant hold that pose yourself or it feels un natural to stand that way then the figure shouldn't be in it. A lot of the more dynamic stuff is done with CG in the movies and therefore not something a real human body could do anyway. These figures can get some great poses within the limitation of human anatomy. Just be careful when trying to mimic "comic book anatomy" and always treat these figures as collector pieces and not $15/$20 toys.
I'm 15 and I don't play with mine. I'm up to 13 now. I have detolfs, so whenever I get a new fig, I pose it a couple different ways, try some of the accessories, and put it in the case. I do get my figures out sometimes just to check them out again but that is about it.