Indy 12'' line on ''pause.'' OR The Future of the Sideshow 12" INDY Line

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The best figure out of this line was Henry Jones Sr.

Yup. No doubt about it.

By the time we really got a proper Indy(decent paint, somewhat tight body, but bobble headed) with the Crystal Skull version, people

a. had given up on the line

b. already had 2 other Indys including one with the same iconic look from the more iconic film

c. had made theyre own customs that looked just as good/better.

Without a good Indiana you cannot expect people to fork out cash for side characters riddled with inaccuracy.
Here's the deal though. We know a nice looking Indy custom costs way more than "$164.99". Sure Hot Toys, still has many areas they can improve upon. But if you want a nice looking display, you can buy a mass produced HT fig for much less time, aggravation, and money you will need to put into fixing all the issues with a Sideshow figure. I wish this wasn't the case, but it's the truth.

Because of this, I have been extremely selective when buying Sideshow figs. The last one I picked up was Lando--only because I couldn't pass on Trevor Grove's outstanding Billy Dee portrait. Everything else about the figure -- the floppy, ill proportioned Pro body, the poor tailoring, and woman sized shoes will require a ton of time and money to get looking anywhere near a "164.99" HT fig -- which sucks when I've already paid $90 for a figure that has most of the stuff unusable.

This "HT would do better" is a strawman's argument. There're people at this very moment paying $1k for a more accurate Joker sculpt, butchering predators to make then screen accurate, etc., etc., etc. At the end of the day HT doesn't have the license so frankly, you can't say they would.

Without being overcritical (I know, it's impossible for you not to be), all the ROTLA Indy needed was a bodyswap and a repaint. That's $30 for the loose TT and $50 for the repaint which puts him at $170, exactly the pricepoint HT would likely be charging for an Indy. The only problem you'd have to factor in is that with HT, you wouldn't get near as good a likeness as what Trevor sculpted (just look at Downy jr and Arnold - great sculpts but still, despite several figures, just not there). And let's be honest here. It's both easier and cheaper to repaint a head than it is to pay for someone to sculpt a more accurate one (especially Ford) and paint it. That's not even accounting for any major QC issues that might pop up with the figure and also assuming they'd put as much time and detail into the correct pants, jacket, etc. vs. finding ways to cut corners with re-uses on boots, gloves, etc.

Then there's the whole other deal of the pricepoint. Less people would be willing to jump in at $170 a figure than at $90 a figure.

So at the end of the day, I'd rather buy a Sideshow Indy at $90 and pay $80 to fix him up, than buy a $170 Hot Toys figure and spend an extra $80+ just to get an accurate Ford likeness.
That likeness issue is debatable, Trev is a god, but Yulli aint chopped liver. Where Sideshow would definately lose on sculpting is the skin texturing. But theyre would almost certainly be an increase in quality for the clothing, Sideshow's is passable but far from top notch. Especially things like the leather belts(gun belt and satchel), the shirt(terrible flap thing near the top buttons) and the jacket.

The thing you gotta realise is people are now use to paying $200 for Hot Toys figures, with some _____ing still mind you, but I know myself and plenty of others wouldn't hesitate for the quality increase without the headache of customs to simply sell off our customs and get in on a HT line. (waiting upto 6 months to get your head painted, shipping costs to send parts out, shipping costs to update the body etc. are also a headache as opposed to just popping a finished perfect figure outta the box)
That likeness issue is debatable, Trev is a god, but Yulli aint chopped liver. Where Sideshow would definately lose on sculpting is the skin texturing. But theyre would almost certainly be an increase in quality for the clothing, Sideshow's is passable but far from top notch.

The thing you gotta realise is people are now use to paying $200 for Hot Toys figures, with some _____ing still mind you, but I know myself and plenty of others wouldn't hesitate for the quality increase without the headache of customs to simply sell off our customs and get in on a HT line. (waiting upto 6 months to get your head painted, shipping costs to send parts out, shipping costs to update the body etc. are also a headache as opposed to just popping a finished perfect figure outta the box)

Yulli still hasn't been able to nail Schwarzenegger after 3 tries. She's damn close but still sculpts a head that's smooshed. I'd be willing to bet cash that we'd get an HT figure with liverspots and pockmarks that looks more like an "I can see Ford there" than "WOW, THAT'S FORD!" Harsh on a $90 Sideshow figure. ____ing unforgiveable on a $200 figure.
I have the t1 Arnold on PO, I agree its a little tiny bit off but no where enough that I'd complain really. But don't forget Arnie Kim is also over at HT now. Thats huuuge news and hes definatley in Trev's league.

I still think SS's best Indy sculpt was on the German version though, a bit larger then the ROTLA but with a proper neck and body looks fine. And of course a repaint.

I have the t1 Arnold on PO, I agree its a little tiny bit off but no where enough that I'd complain really. But don't forget Arnie Kim is also over at HT now. Thats huuuge news and hes definatley in Trev's league.

I still think SS's best Indy sculpt was on the German version though, a bit larger then the ROTLA but with a proper neck and body looks fine. And of course a repaint.


Well, with you mentioning Arnie Kim, I can say, without a doubt, Trevor's better. Arnie's Ford was close, but Trevor's laid the smackdown on it. I would easily pass on a HT figure with Kim's Ford likeness. When it comes to Harrison, Trevor nails him perfectly. And I agree. The German Indy and KotCS Indy were a tad better (though I'm betting it has to do with the paint), but both were more 1:5th scale. :(
Well, with you mentioning Arnie Kim, I can say, without a doubt, Trevor's better. Arnie's Ford was close, but Trevor's laid the smackdown on it. I would easily pass on a HT figure with Kim's Ford likeness. When it comes to Harrison, Trevor nails him perfectly. And I agree. The German Indy and KotCS Indy were a tad better (though I'm betting it has to do with the paint), but both were more 1:5th scale. :(

This I definately cannot argue.
If Sideshow collaborate with Hot Toys though they could have Trevor Grove sculpt the head whilst also getting the cool Hot Toys paintjob. Just imagine Hot Toys tailoring on an Indy figure ? H T have produced figures under the Sideshow license for the Terminator line, what's to say they won't decide to do this with a couple of their Indy figures ? I know that it is all wishful thinking ( by a lot of people ) but its all that we have at the moment.
I have the t1 Arnold on PO, I agree its a little tiny bit off but no where enough that I'd complain really. But don't forget Arnie Kim is also over at HT now. Thats huuuge news and hes definatley in Trev's league.

I still think SS's best Indy sculpt was on the German version though, a bit larger then the ROTLA but with a proper neck and body looks fine. And of course a repaint.


and that's great ! I do like that sculpt !
I can't disagree that Sideshow's Indy line hasn't been perfect. But I have to say their figures have been better than anything we've ever gotten. I've been an Indy fan since Raiders came out in 1981, and there has never been anything nearly as good as these, even counting the Toys McCoy version (although I know some of you would argue that). I was thrilled to get these figures--I got every one of them, and am pretty much happy with them all.

However, I have a problem with their price. $90 really was too much for some of the figures, especially German Indy. If all these figures would have been in the $60-$80 range, then I really believe they would have sold much better. And yes, I realize this is pretty much what everyone is saying--the price does not match the quality. But I also don't think these figures are trash either, like a lot of you are making them out to be. They're all great figures, just not $90 great. Belloq and German Indy should have been $60. Even Toht with his great accessories should have been $80. The other two Indys and Henry are okay at $90, considering you really do get a lot of accessories with them. And the Ark and fridge exclusives were indeed ridiculously overpriced. The idol base is fantastic, so I have to say it was well worth it.

If Hot Toys were to make an Indy, do you guys really think he would be TWICE as good as Sideshow's? I think maybe 25% better, yes. But he would be twice the price as Sideshow's, not just 25% more. It would probably be $180 instead of $120 which would (IMO) match the quality jump. So even if HT were to make one, I still would think he was overpriced because I simply can't justify paying $180 for an action figure, no matter how great and beloved the figure was. And ultimately I would probably not even be able to enjoy having it, because all I would think about when I looked at it is, "damn. I paid almost $200 for an action figure."
Yea but your on a collector board and need to realise plenty of us would happily toss down that money without a second thought for quality, and you can just be happy with your Sideshow figure.

Check the customs section bro, plenty of people spending $400-600 for custom figures every week.
If HT had made Indy at their current price level I had bought it cause I'm sure it would have been quality. That being said I'm happy with SS and think its a quality figure/line as well.
Those that are spending $400-$600 for a custom figure are in a class all by themselves. :thud:

At that point I think it becomes people collecting one of a kind works of art, not collecting limited edition action figures.

I get your point, Deckard. But think of where we were just like 1-2 years ago in prices. Even HT prices were lower. I know everything goes up in price, but the way these figures' prices are all going up, it's crazy!
The way Sideshow prices Star Wars and GI Joe, had the Indy line started today, Indy'd be at least $100. Indy was $15 more than the standard SW fig at the time. They'd probably gear him out to get to $120. At that point, add $50 for a repainted head, and you've got yourself a Hot Toys figure. So, I'm really not sure there's an argument about Sideshow vs. Hot Toys anymore, you really get what you pay for.

Those people spending that much for custom parts, are doing so in runs of 20 tops. Those Kato and Feng pieces are topping out at 20 pieces. There are a VERY select few even amongst this small community that are able to pay that kind of price for their figures.

Sideshow has already said that the Internet community is a small portion of their consumer base, now take a fraction of that Internet base, and you have a better idea of how many people are spending $400 to refurbish their DX Joker.
If Hot Toys were to make an Indy, do you guys really think he would be TWICE as good as Sideshow's? I think maybe 25% better, yes. But he would be twice the price as Sideshow's, not just 25% more. It would probably be $180 instead of $120 which would (IMO) match the quality jump. So even if HT were to make one, I still would think he was overpriced because I simply can't justify paying $180 for an action figure, no matter how great and beloved the figure was. And ultimately I would probably not even be able to enjoy having it, because all I would think about when I looked at it is, "damn. I paid almost $200 for an action figure."

This is a failed argument I've brought up on numerous occasions. People, especially the HT fanboys, just don't understand this concept. I guess the best way to put it is, at the very heart of every single one of these great customs, is a Sideshow figure. And they top anything HT would produce.
Too much speculation going on in this thread. HT doesn't make Indy figs. Sideshow does. Let's just leave it at that. Enough of the HT could or could not make a better figure. If they ever get the license then we'll see if they do and we'll see how much they charge for it. For now, the best ROTLA Indy ever made is Sideshow's and that's the only thing that matters...

...on a side note I finally have decided to mod my Indy figure after way too long. Saturday Toys body is on the way to me and a re-paint is happening next.

Great customs so far guys.
Kinda glad I never got started with this line... as just having the handful that were produced would have left me pretty unsatisfied...

I only just recently purchased the 12" Raiders figure and liked it way more than I thought I would.

Normally I only purchase the Hot Toys stuff or the even more expensive Enterbay Bruce Lee stuff.

But I was really surprised at how good the Sideshow Indy was considering its price point. With all his accessories, he is a fairly complicated figure and for only $90 he is half the price (or even less!) of Hot Toys and Enterbay offerings but yet I think the quality is still quite good.

I would say there is still good money in the license to at least do a 12" Indy Last Crusade figure.