I'm experiencing an AoU Hot Toys overdose. Anyone else feel this way today?

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I'm a little annoyed at the constant Iron Man releases only because there are so many! And I do understand why.
Stark made a lot of armors. What annoys me is I can't keep up. lol
Will I buy them all? No. Not every suit excites me. But most of them do.
I never read a lot of comics growing up, but I knew who most of the characters were. I never read an Iron Man.
When the movie came out, I was impressed by RDJ's ability to pull off the character after turning his personal life around.
He was one of those actors I didn't like in my younger years because he was basically always playing the same character
in those movies. It was always some version of himself, but not the good guy. He was always the antagonist. Flash forward
to Iron Man and it's still a version of the real RDJ, but now he's the good guy.
Then I discovered Hot Toys figures of these Iron Man suits and I was hooked. Flex pay allows me to now purchase these incredible figures. I'm in for some serious wallet damage.
But I equate the marketing of the various suits to Sam Raimi. How? Why? Look at Army of Darkness. Every couple of years there's some new version of the movie released. New cover, new commentary, etc. It's smart marketing. I'm not buying all those either.
So bottom line is, yeah, I too feel a little inundated with Iron Man and AoU figures. But I'm still getting the ones I want. Can't wait
for MK VII Stealth. That looks fantastic. I have MK XLIII on pre-order. I also have Cap, Widow, and Hawkeye on order as well. Now
I have to consider Scarlet Witch, Vision, Ultron MK I, Iron Legion, Ultimate Ultron, War Machine, Ultron Sentry, and a possible MK XLV!
Anyone got some spare kidneys I can sell?
Ultron isn't even a proven hot commodity yet, and yet there are three versions of him right out the door. Why? Because like Iron Man it's "hey, it's a ****ing robot". :lol
B-but I like Ultron... :monkey3

While I definitely feel "overdosed" in terms of MCU products, I think it has more to do with how everyone's jumping in on the hype with everyone multi-posting all at once to try and "keep up". The same could be said about HT, they're literally trying to keep up with all the hype, both for existing characters and the new ones. I'm personally happy to get Ultron products at all. The guy's a very under-appreciated character in the comics, and to finally see him getting some love like this is practically a dream come true for longtime fans like me (he's my most favorite Marvel character if it wasn't already obvious enough).

I can see HT stopping at 3-4 figures for Ultron and that's it (Mk1, Sentry, Prime, and possibly Ultimate for way later). Ultron may have "multiple forms" but he's no Iron Man and I doubt he'll live past this one film. The way I see it, only Iron Man is the true guaranteed product to last for Marvel so far, so striking while the fire is hot before any interest in the new characters die down is a surefire way of getting some of these characters out.

Yeah it sucks that it's eating up the market and I agree that some could have been put off over others. Make Drax over Thanos for instance, delay War Machine and some of the Ultron variants besides Prime and the Sentries, and maybe delay or remove Iron Legion altogether since they won't do much but feed into the IM hype machine (which we know won't be dying out soon so anyone who wanted them are sure to pick them up in a future release). Sure there will always be the completists, but for fans of unique characters like Vision, the Maximoff twins, and Ultron (in my case), this is going to be it for us and not much else after.

I honestly wouldn't know what's the most "pleasing" approach that HT could've taken for this film (slow down on character repeats and the constant stream of IMs maybe???), but hell I'm just happy that I'm finally getting some Ultron figures.
And I agree with that. I'm glad as an Ultron fan you didn't jump on my **** for what I stated. Thank you. I think Ultron will be cool, but I think we can all admit that we're still in the dark for how he'll turn out. It took years for iconic movie villains to get multiple Hot Toys figures for their different looks, some more popular, and it looks like old Ultron is about to get 3, possibly 4 before the movie even comes out on Blu-ray.

I even happen to think that busted up, "zombie" version of Ultron I (what I listed as being held off for a while) is the most interesting and coolest of all the Iron Man/Ultron figures shown. But man, anyone from an uber Marvel fan to a casual collector that doesn't think this has been overkill so far is fooling themselves. For the casual fans, especially of other lines, it's like "when am I going to get my turn" and for the hardcore Marvel fans, I'd imagine it's like "ease up Hot Toys, you're killing me and I need to catch up". What would take most lines years to achieve as far as a collection line up goes, Hot Toys has done in aster of months with no signs of slowing. They're their own competition at this point.
:lecture Oh no doubt and I agree with what you're saying in this post actually. Too many missed opportunities and too many teasers with no-shows to the point it's become a joke now.

I feel I should clarify that I'm not saying "3-4 Ultrons isn't enough!", just happy to get a favorite character serviced at all considering how many villains they've shunned before. Heck I'd have preferred if they tempered down on the releases. I'd have been happy enough with just Ultron Prime and the "zombie" Ultron Mk1 while HT puts off the others for much later (Sentries, Ultimate, and the Iron Legion to an extent).

It's definitely disconcerting how I can feel the whole "I need to catch up" vibe from a lot of folks. Heck because of the rush to put out all these products, I'm already seeing people picking and choosing their Ultron's because HT isn't so keen to slow down at this point. It's essentially forcing people to prioritize other "desirable" characters over what are essentially character variants; variants that could have gotten a bit more love if the releases were more spread out.
And I agree with that. I'm glad as an Ultron fan you didn't jump on my **** for what I stated. Thank you. I think Ultron will be cool, but I think we can all admit that we're still in the dark for how he'll turn out. It took years for iconic movie villains to get multiple Hot Toys figures for their different looks, some more popular, and it looks like old Ultron is about to get 3, possibly 4 before the movie even comes out on Blu-ray.

I even happen to think that busted up, "zombie" version of Ultron I (what I listed as being held off for a while) is the most interesting and coolest of all the Iron Man/Ultron figures shown. But man, anyone from an uber Marvel fan to a casual collector that doesn't think this has been overkill so far is fooling themselves. For the casual fans, especially of other lines, it's like "when am I going to get my turn" and for the hardcore Marvel fans, I'd imagine it's like "ease up Hot Toys, you're killing me and I need to catch up". What would take most lines years to achieve as far as a collection line up goes, Hot Toys has done in a matter of months with no signs of slowing. They're their own competition at this point.

I was not trying to pick on batman, but use it as an example because I know you like it. The way you feel about it, WOULD be the way some people would feel about each and every character (pretty much) that got dropped from this line.

You say, we'll just wait. Drop them next year. Or two years. Ok, so, what about Star Wars 7, infinity war, xmen apocalypse, gotg2, cap3, dawn of Justice, deadpool, the new terminator, and the other 46 films in the next few years that hot toys has previously released product for? Hot toys has to plan 1-3 years in advance for production. What if (just speculations) they looked at the upcoming slate of films and had no other places to release these then now. Take advantage of the very last year marvel has a monopoly on the film universe.

And I'm not trying to pick a fight. Or anything. Just having a discusion.

And all of this (what I've said previously) does not even take new customers into account. I've seen a dozen new people pop up saying "this will be my first iron man" or so on. Hot toys has to also continue bringing in new customers, and having content for them.
And it's not hot toys fault other properties have not put other films out. I'm not talking about older films. A company is almost always going to prioritize new content supported product over older vintage stuff.

And given hot toys is a licensed producer it may not be their fault when figures ultimately don't make it to sale.
I think we probably have Iron Man 3 to thank for the overload of releases.

If I counted correctly, there are 11 iterations of the Iron Man armor, 4 of the War Machine armor and 3 of Stark, which makes it something like 18 figures just from one film & 3 characters alone. And there's the potential for more down the road.

Never before has a solo superhero film warranted so many releases for the same character, but I can't really say I blame HT for that.

The film did set the stage, but the positive response from each release of the "less significant" armor probably helped HT made the production decision.
Have those other non-Disney Marvel entities received figures at later dates? No. Anything Iron Man associated still does. The obscure, second version of Whiplash (Iron Man 2 is how old now?) will be shipping soon so, by that logic why wouldn't an Ultron variant at a later date? I get your point, and maybe it is true, but I don't think this sense of urgency is so that they can plan for future movie licenses unless we're talking about Civil War and the Infinity Wars here. Those other licenses seem like obligatory liesure projects they take on like Watchmen, Avatar and ASM because, "hey, there's a new movie coming out". They HAVE to get those out because if they don't act on it, the interest fades. Prometheus didn't even get a chance to prove itself or flourish when it was brand spanking new and being heavily advertised. Look what happened to ASM Spider-Man, or Jake Sully. How about the Lone Ranger? Do you think their ASM2 Rhino will ever come out at a later date? Electro already got beaten out by three versions of Captain America figures that are shipping.

Terminator Genisys will be lucky if it gets three figures like Salvation did, not counting exclusives. Their T2 and T1 lines seem popular (I've certainly voted with my dollar buying multiples of every release) but we're lucky if we get a figure once every year. It's slim pickings on that front. The very first 1/4 QS figure they teased, the Arnold Terminator, hasn't seen the light of day. They haven't made a 1/6 Endo in years and, unless it's a robot villain or movie year, they have no interest in making hero characters other than Arnold. X-Men? Age of Apocalypse will be lucky to get one Wolverine figure, as history has shown.

As far as Batman goes, the Nolan stuff was probably second to Marvel Iron Man. No doubt about that. When they were doing Joker and Batman 3.0s, I was with the rest of them saying it was overkill. People hated me in the Bank Robber Joker 2.0 thread when I was ripping the choice and price even though it was coming from someone who loved the series and collected all of them passionately. Batman seems pretty much dead though, Nolan included. It's like they've abandoned it until Batman V. Superman. A bunch of broken promises for the "ancient" Batman Returns line, no desire to have their Arkham Joker coincide with Batman. They seem to have big ideas for it "hey, look at this giant Bat vehicle", "we're going to do a bunch of Nicholson Joker variations like a mob civilian look", "check out this TDKR armory", but no real desire to flesh them out. But hey, atleast they did Blake and Gordon, I'm sure those two will rejuvenate the Hot Toys Batman market.

Bottom line, it'd be nice if they did the things they said they were going to do in the order in which they planned them or told their fan base when to expect them. Funny how every line but the Iron Man and Avengers face this problem. I think the only thing that was canned was what, Thor 1 Loki?

Other lines face it becuase other lines do not sell as well.

You brought up/pointed out xmen and cap civil war. Let me address xmen real fast. Things have changed with the license. Fox is now cooperating with marvel instead of fighting. For the first time in ten years. That may change things.,even if it doesn't it's something a business based on movie merch needs to consider. Civil war is another iron man movie.

You brought up disney movies not gettin figures that far out. Isn't there a bunch of 35 year old Star Wars stuff coming? Just one counter point.

How many figures one movie got (terminator) was not the point. It was the total amount of new movies coming that, if all get produced, have never happened. It's Star Wars x6. Plus the previous 6 films. It's justice league(and dawn of Justice first) which wil be the first non marvel movie hero team anywhere near its popularity. Potential for even more characters then avengers. It's suicide squad. And, as I stated all the others. It's not just one film or tow. It's 50. Right now, marvel and avengers in particular are the only game in town. That's not hot toys fault. Not marvels either. This will be the last year that things are like they are.

If you where hot toys would you rather release 18 figures (or announce as had won't be out for a year) and have the fan base choice between those and those only. Or potentially wait and lose the movie hype, have more versions appear, and have comp from not only the same characters but also 20 other new ones.

Yes, there is still iron man 2 stuff coming.,but what would sell better, that whiplash now or back when the film came out? And for every iron man 2 whiplash there is the chance for what has happened with spiderman. When these iron man figures where made and designed no one new if iron man would continue to be played by RDJ. If he gets rebooted/replaced people stop buying(at least some).

Every time a new version of an old character (which with infinity war and Cap3 coming) people cancel older ordered figures. Every time. I know you have seen it. The 42 dropped for the ml43. The mk43 dropped for the chance of a 45. Well cap3 started filming this week. Will be out next year. 12 months. If they delay iron man figures they will lose some orders just becuase of that. If they are going to lose orders either way, to many now to many later premise...then why not try to offset that with the current movie hype, and lack of competition.

They (hot toys) have to take this ALL and much much more into account. Most of which people, and you, have dismissed. But like it or not, hot toys has ten years worth of sales and order data that we do not have access too. I'm sure they didn't just throw all this out without any type of plan.
I think they just have to strike while the iron is hot with AoU. It won't be long until Infinity War is on the horizon and collectors will be saving up for those figures. If they bring out the Ultron versions down the line, collectors may be over the film and feel no need to add them into the collection.

With Iron Man armours it's a different story because some collectors want to see each model made. They love the different variants, even if they are just repaints. Even those don't sell out straight away, Sideshow still have several in stock with some having extra rewards placed on them.
I have no interest in owning a bunch of Iron Man suits, but there are plenty of other collectors that do. Until it becomes unprofitable for HT, they'll continue to make more armours because it's easy money for them.

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Good god......why too much reading in this thread...........

Sorry. My fault. But I don't expect anyone else to read it. Just having a fun convo. I enjoy the more substantive discussions in here.
I think they just have to strike while the iron is hot with AoU. It won't be long until Infinity War is on the horizon and collectors will be saving up for those figures. If they bring out the Ultron versions down the line, collectors may be over the film and feel no need to add them into the collection.

With Iron Man armours it's a different story because some collectors want to see each model made. They love the different variants, even if they are just repaints. Even those don't sell out straight away, Sideshow still have several in stock with some having extra rewards placed on them.
I have no interest in owning a bunch of Iron Man suits, but there are plenty of other collectors that do. Until it becomes unprofitable for HT, they'll continue to make more armours because it's easy money for them.

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:lecture :goodpost:
:exactly: Hot Toys are understandably milking the AoU cash cash for all it's worth at the moment. Suppose you can have too much of a good thing - but for most of us it is such a stretch on funds and space - if one doesn't get you the other will!

How people can keep up with this line I honestly have no idea!! :huh.

They are even making money on the 3D Glasses - The first Avengers film was really popular and so were the sixth scale figures (nearly all of them) so Hot Toys are jumping on that!

I think it's too much for just one movie!

22 cosbabys and artist mix so far
4 busts
9 figures already announced
9 figures will be announced soon ( Thor,Iron Legion,Ultron Sentry,Ultron Mark 1,War Machine,Vision,Quicksilver,Scarlett and IM Mark 45)

44 items it's insane!

It is crazy!! when you start listing it out and think about the 1:4 scales coming. Not sure my wallet can handle it. My misses would kill me if she knew what I had on PO and if she knew what i wanted and what I could still potentially PO!

Star Wars Episode 7 better get the same treatment.

This is a future post, after Ultron is done and dusted we have a couple of months to Star Wars. Trailers will start dropping and Hot Toys with their license will most likely do the same then :gah: and that will be crazy!!

Ah well I will wait and see, I have my list i want and I best stick to it
The only thing in feeling is annoyed at what Budget Start has done to the Marvel board
Seriously WTF

Tbh, although it would reduce the number of threads, if Budget Stark posted videos in the individual figure threads, what would be far more effective in cutting thread bloat, is a cutback in the recent explosion of speculative, MMS? figure threads.. at least Budget Stark's videos are of newly released figures or prototypes, rather than vaporware.. just my two cents.
I'm finding myself selling pieces to pay for the new ones. I hate doing that but I have to get these somehow and can't afford them all at once.
Tbh, although it would reduce the number of threads, if Budget Stark posted videos in the individual figure threads, what would be far more effective in cutting thread bloat, is a cutback in the recent explosion of speculative, MMS? figure threads.. at least Budget Stark's videos are of newly released figures or prototypes, rather than vaporware.. just my two cents.
Agreed, the content of his threads are infinitely better than the sea speculation threads about character 'XYZ' or something equally as useless.

We're pretty lucky to have him posting videos showing first looks at figure's that won't release for a year or longer.
Agreed, the content of his threads are infinitely better than the sea speculation threads about character 'XYZ' or something equally as useless.

We're pretty lucky to have him posting videos showing first looks at figure's that won't release for a year or longer.

I do wonder if marvel is actually to blame. There was absolutely no need for the six million armours in iron man 3. Whilst they looked nice most of them are actually very similar and even from a developmental point, pointless. If you take the genuinely different ones away there's like 12?
Even that's too many for a toy line.

Hot toys are just exploiting that.
Sneaker companies don't need to make 7 zillion different styles of sneakers. Whilst they looked nice most of them are actually very similar and even from a developmental point, pointless. If you take the genuinely different ones away there's like 4? High tops, low tops, pumps and boots? Stop being exploited people. :lecture

Just having fun don't take this seriously sith! :lol :duff: