HT DX 2.0 TDK Joker - teaser image

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I'm usually not the impatient type but I wish they would just get the reveal done and over with. I need to decide if I am getting this one or going ahead with plans to trade for a DX01. Hopefully we will know something soon.
I'm usually not the impatient type but I wish they would just get the reveal done and over with. I need to decide if I am getting this one or going ahead with plans to trade for a DX01. Hopefully we will know something soon.

The only reveal pic I need is from the shins down. Btw, I went ahead and edited together all the scenes from TDK that show Joker's socks. It's a pretty good clip, about .0000000003 seconds long. I sent it to HT with a 10 page e-mail stressing the importance of screen accurate socks. They replied with, "F U.". FU? Hmm, obviously a Chinese word, perhaps conveying gratitude and adulation. Looks like we're getting those socks fellas! You're welcome.
The only reveal pic I need is from the shins down. Btw, I went ahead and edited together all the scenes from TDK that show Joker's socks. It's a pretty good clip, about .0000000003 seconds long. I sent it to HT with a 10 page e-mail stressing the importance of screen accurate socks. They replied with, "F U.". FU? Hmm, obviously a Chinese word, perhaps conveying gratitude and adulation. Looks like we're getting those socks fellas! You're welcome.

Follow Up!
Fixed for you!
I wish!


If that's wrong, then I don't wanna be right.
The only reveal pic I need is from the shins down. Btw, I went ahead and edited together all the scenes from TDK that show Joker's socks. It's a pretty good clip, about .0000000003 seconds long. I sent it to HT with a 10 page e-mail stressing the importance of screen accurate socks. They replied with, "F U.". FU? Hmm, obviously a Chinese word, perhaps conveying gratitude and adulation. Looks like we're getting those socks fellas! You're welcome.

So how many jokers is this now? Six? Seven? :huh

You're missing the point. It's an evolution towards the screen-accuracy of the socks. I think by the time the Joker version 40.0 comes out, which will be around the time they do a full reveal of Bane, the socks will even smell the way they did on set. But don't worry, me and my fellow sock compadres will still have something to complain about... perhaps a stitch out of place or some other important make-or-break-the-figure detail.
I bet they smell funny

Thank you Lejuan, I'm glad to see that someone agrees that the olfactory accuracy of the figure is our next gripe. HT, listen up, when we complain that the figures are not passing the smell-test, we now literally mean they are not passing the SMELL-test. I would think after a long night of crime-fighting, the Batman figures are going to have a must, a certain BO to some extent, that would reflect the screen accuracy we need and want. Make it happen now. In the mean time, I will do some customization by running a few miles and then coming back and rubbing my DX02 under my armpit. I will offer this customization work to anyone else in this forum for a very good price. I can't sculpt and I can't sew, so I'm really excited that I can make a good contribution to the customizing scene.
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