HT appreciation thread

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Sep 25, 2006
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i have to say, over the past few years, HT has become the go to company for all my 1/6 needs.

well...then again, they seem to be the only company getting the licenses that are worth caring about, at least for myself. but that hasn't stopped them from raising the bar and always looking for ways to improve their products. from tailoring, sculpts, paint and accessories, HT are always on top of the game. even their so called competitors are either playing catch up or, how i like to imagine it, "dude, we can't catch up with them, so instead of giving up, we'll just stick to what we do best...mediocre stuff"

yes, this has become a HT love thread, and i'm not ashamed to admit it. i guess what made me really fall in love with them was when they came out with figures from a game beloved by many, and is a particular fav of mine. resident evil 4.

prior to those figures, never in my wildest dreams could i have imagined that a toy company would release a 1/6 ver of a video game character. especially since the figures came out a few years after the game was released. at that point, i thought HT only focused on movie licenses, music icons. then boom! figs from one of my fav games ever. oh and not to mention the fact that the figures themselves were top notch. they were given the same treatment as their other HT 1/6 brethren.

now for many others, i'm sure there was a "holy crap HT are making figs from that so and so??! HT rocks!" moment that made you fall in love with HT. be it from alien, aliens, blade, hellboy, watchmen and so forth.

everytime i walk by a HT display at a toy store, i noticed that not only are guys gawking at the fantastic craftsmanship of HT. even females are impressed by their products. not saying they're gonna go out there and spend thousands of dollars on our hobby, but to have them actually stand there with the friends or boyfriends and say "wow, that looks just like so and so, or, wow that looks really cool", it goes to show that HT have made 1/6 figures into pieces of art worthy of museum display. i may be going a bit too far with that statement, but i honestly believe that to be true. i'm sure your friends that constantly put up a 'tough' attitude and calls them "dolls" to our faces are secretly impressed by the figs, but aren't man enough to admit it.

my recent purchases are DX bats (say what you will bout the oily abs, this figure still rocks the living hell outta me and it should in no way stop anyone from buying this masterpiece), DX joker, blade, wolvie, wesker, chris, and soon BD IM.

with spiderman, IM2, then eventually bats 3...oh and reeves supes...wallets will scream, but smiles will be felt everywhere.


btw, anyone wanting to contribute by posting pics, go on ahead, it'd be much appreciated. i'm currently in china and my internet connection is slow as ****. if it weren't for that, i'd post pics of my collection.

join the convo guys!!
Awesome sculpts, but IMO the tailoring they do is what really sells it. Go Hot Toys :rock
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I care about you Hot Toys, I really do. And don't take this the wrong way, but until you give me some figures from Blade Runner, I'm afraid we're just friends.

I love Hot Toys, they are the best.
Still waiting for them to knock it out of the park with a female sculpt, like they have with so many of their male figures...
Absolutely. Hot Toys are the clear leaders in the 1/6 market, and for good reason. No other company pays the incredible attention to detail that they do. They do such amazing work so consistently that we have all become unbelievably jaded. Hot Toys is the reason I still collect. Sideshow and Medicom have just been left in the dust, and nothing they make can compare.
During the past 2 years Hot Toys has continued to blossom and become the leader and innovator in the 1:6 figure market.
Every new figure released just gets better and better and I can't wait to see the Christopher Reeves Superman figure! :banana
i believe HT set the bars for other companies to follow... look at DID recent Ed Harris Headsculpt from enemy at the gate

most of my collection now are HT figures...if only they start making star wars.. HT will then totally dominate my display shelves! (goodbye medicom/sideshow)
Hot Toys has changed my collecting habits greatly. I've completely lost interest in smaller figures like the star wars 3 3/4 figures to only collecting 12". I do buy some smaller figures like the new MOTU classics but that's just about it. In fact, I am now selling my Marvel Legends collection by small lots to finance my 12" addiction.:D
I agree ! Since I got my only Hot Toys figure (DX Joker) nothing looks as good anymore ... I don't think I'll buy tens of them but I do hope to buy the BD IronMan !
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:lol:lol:lol:lol regardless, just happy to know i wasn't the only one that shares the same enthusiasm towards the Gods of 1/6.

bumping old threads are of course welcomed. :D
I love Hot Toys for an all together different reason.
I love them, because instead of standing still and being just
good, they went out and got the best.

They first went out and made Harue exclusive to them now
for the clothing. They went out and secured J.C. Hong, perhaps
one of the 2 best 1/6 paint app artists in the world. They secured Kojun,
who is by far one of the better sculpt artist in the world.
They secured SH. Kim of Gorae fame, who is perhaps
one of the individuals that influenced the high end level of 1/6 figures the most over the last
7-10 years. If it wasn't for the High end figures his Gorae (1 man company) produced,
the innovations he made and incredible high quality of his sculpts, Hot Toys may not have made these moves.
It was the Gorae line that brought together all of the above people.
All of them crossed paths at one point and in doing so, made their
name synonymous with High End figures.

Put all of that together, plus the other staff they've been building over recent years(Yulli...etc).
It's safe to say, they have stacked the deck with perhaps the best team in the world to
produce the best 1/6 figures, for a long time to come.
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^ Because of that very informative post, this thread already overtakes the old one.

Go Hot Toys. I love ya, but you came into 2010 stumbling. Hope that won't last.
Hot toys in 1/6 scale and sideshow with their premium formats in1/4 scale are the top...if you can't visit madame tussauds then create one in your home with these pieces
currently in china, here's my collection here

(i have more back in NY)




sigh...if only. warner and DC...make it happen!!



joker and bats in the back are BRJ and V1 hybrid, sonar head and V1 hybrid.

post some of your pics fellas.
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