Ask Magazine Vol 2 - Rough Translation

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Super Freak
May 11, 2007
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thought i'd offer a very basic translation of the questions posted here:
this is vol. 2 and had some interesting ____ in it. i'll do 3 and 4 (the latest) in due time.

sorry if everything has been discovered/translated/answered already:

1. Why can't we remove the Falconer Predator's mask?

A: Sorry. We wanted him to have a face but 20th Century Fox refused as he doesn't reveal his face in the movie. If we don't know what kind of face he has, we can't make it. Even if we want to make it, the copyright holder (or actor) will oppose it. It's a shame, but in the figure making process, sometimes you come up against such problems. Other companies also had this limitation in their Falconer figure.

2. Platoon's Chris Taylor and Inglorious Basterd's Hans Landa are both military figures but the prices are very different. Why?

A: It comes down to a lot of parameters behind the scenes fans don't imagine, even if figures do appear similar such as raw materials, no. of parts, edition size, but the biggest influence on the price is how we eventually calculate the royalties to the copyright holder. Sometimes it can be as much as 50%, so between figures there may be a difference of double the amount we have to pay in royalties.

3. After Golgo13 there were no more releases in The Anime Masterpiece line. Is the line over?

A: Sorry for keeping you waiting! We plan to release figures from 2 animes this year.

4. Will you be making figures from Inception?

A: We at HT really liked the movie. We also have an affinity with Warner and Nolan. But in the end we passed on Inception. The reason being the character design. Figures of guys in suits make for weak figures visually. If the characters don't stand out, it's difficult. Speaking frankly, if it's not an awe-inspiring design you fall in love with it's hard to make figures.

5. In Avatar, the Navi are bigger than humans. Will the figures also be bigger?

A: Yes, of course. They won't be 12 inch, they'll be 1/6 scale.

6. In your Video Game Masterpiece Series, do you have any plans to do Metal Gear Solid figures? I'd like to see a Snake with HT's quality.

A: We love MGS! Furthermore, it seems the HT development team have wanted to try their hand at this for some time now. Maybe we should ask Konami soon if they'd like to see figures made!

7. In the Movie Masterpiece series, won't you be doing a Scarecrow from Batman Begins and Dark Knight. I think it's highly anticipated.

A: No comment.

8. Are there any big items like the Batmobile you'd like to try and make?

A: We do! We plan to announce a new 1/6 scale vehicle.

9. How is the HK figure situation? Compared to Japan, what is the market like?

The taste in the 2 markets is fairly similar. There is an established figure culture in both, and perhaps HK is closest to Japan in that respect. One thing that is different, because HK is small, rather than buying online many fans buy from shops.

10. Even after a film has been announced, do you still improve on figures?

A: Exactly we do. Very often, we continue to fine-tune until the very last step. Also, the copyright holder may ask for additions or corrections. But all of HT's figures may differ when compared to the movie.
6. In your Video Game Masterpiece Series, do you have any plans to do Metal Gear Solid figures? I'd like to see a Snake with HT's quality.

A: We love MGS! Furthermore, it seems the HT development team have wanted to try their hand at this for some time now. Maybe we should ask Konami soon if they'd like to see figures made!

Maybe?! No maybe about it! Pick up the god damn phone and make the call HT :impatient: :impatient: :impatient: :impatient: :impatient:

Thanks for the info!
The Navi being 1/6 scale sounds AWESOME!, and Well, we already knew Inception wouldn't be viable.

Thanks for sharing!
Scarecrow has already been confirmed and the 1/6 vehicle they're referring to is most likely the Tron Legacy light cycle. And does the Friend figure from 20th Century Boys count as an anime release?

Still, good info. Thanks, 8th.
Scarecrow has already been confirmed and the 1/6 vehicle they're referring to is most likely the Tron Legacy light cycle. And does the Friend figure from 20th Century Boys count as an anime release?

Still, good info. Thanks, 8th.

yeah, unfortunately i realised this was an old one when i got to that bit about scarecrow :lol so i just carried on. just doing the vol. 3 translation now, should be more recent. some interesting stuff in there...

i found the part about inception figs quite interesting... it was one of the reasons i gave up on the idea of customs from inception. the other being that although the characters were very interesting for the movie, i didn't personally feel any of them were iconic enough on there own. i'd only want to display them as an entire collection, so it showed a love of the movie rather than any character. and i didn't have enough patience to do all of them.
i found the part about inception figs quite interesting... it was one of the reasons i gave up on the idea of customs from inception. the other being that although the characters were very interesting for the movie, i didn't personally feel any of them were iconic enough on there own. i'd only want to display them as an entire collection, so it showed a love of the movie rather than any character. and i didn't have enough patience to do all of them.

That's exactly right. Inception figures just wouldn't be visually interesting enough to warrant the $130+ price tag. Most people would only want a Leo Dicaprio Cobb figure, and the other characters I'm sure wouldn't sell. The movie was great, no doubt, but it doesn't mean the figures from a great movie would sell as well as ones from a terrible movie with interesting character designs (ahem...Predators).

1. Have HT ever come up with any technological innovations? After having these innovations, were you able to produce them.

A. Every time we release a new figure, there is a small innovation included somewhere. The technological learning curve goes on forever, I believe one characteristic of HT is that we always challenge ourselves with new ways to make things. Our biggest innovation might be PERS. To move both eyes together smoothly was very difficult. It was so difficult we even patented it ...(laughs).

2. How does the Japan office and HK office share responsibilities?

A. Development is almost entirely done by the HK office. After that it's case by case but in the end we collaborate on most things. Actually, depending on which office is involved in the copyright contract, they usually lead the licensing and planning for the line. We'd like to be thought of as one international team.

3. Is that it for the Biohazard [Resident Evil] 5 series?

A: We have plans.

4. Do you have any interest in Japanese heroes or SF shows? If released with HT quality, it would be a definite buy.

A: You mean Ultraman or Kamen Rider? Of course, we have a lot of interest. However, we haven't received a [love call] from the copyright holders, other companies are already releasing them, it seems difficult for now. Also, for a big line like this, it's difficult to fit into our short to middle term schedule.

5. I love "Fist of the North Star", especially Raoh. Currently, I don't really like any of the Fist of the North Star figures. I'd love HT to release some with their quality.

A: We agree completely.

(ES: maybe this will be one of the figures they refer to in vol. 2 for the anime masterpiece line)

6. In the Anime Masterpiece or Video Game Masterpiece line, do you have any plans to do Akira Toriyama's Dragonball or Chrono Trigger? I'd love to see them in HT quality.

A: We'd definitely like to do Dragonball the comic, especially minor characters or CapsuleCorp's vehicles would be awesome... But the answer is similar to that above - maybe one day.

7. A while ago, on the next Michael Jackson figure poll on your homepage, it was a shame there was no Captain EO. Is there any chance of a figure?

A: It's a licensing issue, at the present time we can't make him. We also have to get permission from Disney. On top of such a tough double license, there are related legal problems, so it's a shame but we can't touch it for the moment.

8. Out of all the characters you've done to this point, which was the toughest, or which one took the longest?

A: I remember Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean was particularly difficult, because it was the first time the head had to be assembled from many different parts. Having said that, including the most recent heads, to get to a level of satisfaction with something or other, it's always difficult! (laughs)

9. In vol.2 you mentioned you passed on Inception because of the character design, but I believe the Godfather also lacks something in design. Why was a figure of him released?

A: 70s Marlon Brando in a suit is always reminiscent of Vito. In the same way, Golgo 13 in a suit, you immediately know it's Golgo13. Basically, a figure of Leonardo DiCaprio in a suit simply looks like DiCaprio in a suit. You can't tell if it's Inception, Shutter Island or The Departed. The character doesn't stand out... that's the point. Having said that, we believe there'll definitely be a DiCaprio movie one day where he plays a character with an interesting design. He's definitely an actor that must be made.

10. You can't get into "My Collection" [HT Japan's collector profile page] if you don't have lots of figures, right?

A. Not at all! (laughs) If you have an interesting method of display, we'd love to see it.
Thanks again, ES.

Wow they really make it a point how they feel about Inception. I do agree, but I'm pretty sure there are ways around making at least the Cobb character a viable candidate for 1/6. Throw in his snow fortress outfit along with the standard suit. Done.
vol. 4

most of it is details on the exclusive show... nothing interesting, how to get tickets etc. however, i picked out the following (some of it bad news):

Q. How did you decide on the 10th anniversary exclusives line-up?

A: There were lots of factors, it took us a long time to decide. We wanted the characters chosen to appeal to a wide variety of fans, so we chose from a varied range of ideas. On top of that, this is a once only 10th anniversary event, we didn't want to do a variation of existing products, we wanted to do brand new unique items appropriate to the 10th anniversary. They're completely different from the usual event limited editions, we'd love if they represent our seriousness for this event.

Q. Within Japan, will you be selling the limited editions outside of the event? Also, if there are any left over from the show, how will they be sold?

A: They will only be sold at the event. If they don't sell out, we'll look into a way to circulate them. In that case, we expect them to sell for a premium price.

Q: Isn't 2000 a large edition size for each of these?

A: At the Tokyo Toy Show, the figures limited to 500 pieces, they sold out immediately after the doors opened, and we disappointed a lot of fans. We upped it to 2000 so that hopefully we can account for every fan attending the event. A worldwide release of 4000 each is very small when compared to the regular releases for Batman and Michael Jackson figures.... The exclusives this time won't be available outside Japan and HK. Compared to fans abroad, Japanese fans are lucky to be able to get these easily, and to get them before anyone else.

Q: How will the exclusives be released abroad?

A: Outside Japan, they'll only be sold at the HK Hot Toys owned store. Edition sizes are Friend - 500, Demon Batman and Scarecrow set - 2000, Michael Jackson - 2000. HT Store's VIP members will have priority, after that the general public will be able to buy only 1 out of the 3 exclusives.

looks like these really won't be distributed very much at all.
Honestly if HT wanted to make a ton of cash they'd do the Inception actors as True Types. While it would take a bit to bash them together you'd get the HT quality at least in the base figure. I have a feeling that a DiCaprio TT or a Levitt TT would sell no problem.
I figured that was what held them back from Inception-type licenses. Hot Toys figures, in general, just look interesting and nice on a shelf, no matter what the license, and now there is confirmation that this is by design.

Not sure if sticking Inception heads on True Types would have that strong of an impact or not, because again, making figures of these generic looking guys from a good movie isn't going to be a big priority for more than a small subset of collectors, IMO. DiCaprio himself might be a seller, because you would get a cross-section of fans of Inception, Shutter Island, Titanic, Gilbert Grape, etc. all getting one for kit-bashes. And of course, sticking Cillian Murphy would attract Scarecrow fans, while Watanabe would be attractive to folks wanting a "Ra's Al Ghoul". But the others? Not so sure.
A: You mean Ultraman or Kamen Rider? Of course, we have a lot of interest. However, we haven't received a [love call] from the copyright holders, other companies are already releasing them, it seems difficult for now.

Thanks for the great translation. ラブコール is one of those great English loan words used in Japanese - I've seen it used to mean "to be courted" - which is what I think what HT meant. Btw, where did you learn your 日本語?
Bad news for those of us who wanted a scarecrow AND MJ Beat It... Not very funny imo.

2 Bad for us fans, I hope they don't Fly Away at the con, at least the Beat It Mike, I want it Bad, I could Cry and Scream if I'm left Off The Wall. The wait for the outcome of the con would be a Thriller This Time Around.
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Thanks for the great translation. ラブコール is one of those great English loan words used in Japanese - I've seen it used to mean "to be courted" - which is what I think what HT meant. Btw, where did you learn your 日本語?

thanks man :hi5: never seen "love call" before. at first i was worried it was maybe related to booty call. had me questioning how HT get all these great licenses :lol

as for 日本語, from about 2 and a 1/2 yrs in 鹿児島, back when i was 21. the kanji i learnt through self-study when i got back. i really need to go back and revise it though - my vocabulary now is nowhere near what it used to be when i was studying for exams. you?

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