Hot Toys : New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming

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It's called playing the odds, as it is the one variant joker HT have not yet done.

Not sure why that's such a difficult concept to grasp

I'll tell you why it's "such a difficult concept to grasp."

Because using language like "playing the odds" is completely contradictory to language like "it will be the nurse joker. mark my words." One is acknowledging that you think there's a probability that it's a Nurse Joker. The other is being absolutely certain, acting as if you actually have a reason to know.

Is that a "difficult concept" for you to grasp?

I think you all need to admit it - you WANT it to be a Nurse Joker, but you have no actual evidence supporting that conclusion. You make arguments for why it would make sense but, again, that's not evidence. You're twisting what few facts you have (which are very few) to suit your theories, rather than theorizing based on the data.

You even go so far as to determine what Hot Toys' motive is in performing a re-release in this case, even though the people here have been wrong so often before. How many were CERTAIN that the Batman Begins exclusive this summer was going to be a Gordon, or a Ra's, or a LOS Bruce (based only on the fact that it was a BB figure, since that's all we knew for certain at first)? NOBODY thought it would be a re-release of the OC Batman. NOBODY suggested that. But that's what we got (more or less), and everyone was surprised (most happily so). That just goes to show - there's no way to accurately guess what Hot Toys is going to do when information is so limited.

Now I don't care what you think individually, but I do believe there needs to be a voice of reason. Because this groupthink will lead newer members to believe something that simply is not true, based on the misinformed, but trusted, opinions of older members who really should know better. And that will inform their purchasing habits, which is especially problematic as these figures become more and more rare.
One downside to all of this, no matter what comes with him, is that it's a DX. I'd rather get a re-release of V1 Joker, with improved clothes and improved sculpt with no PERS.

That's actually a great idea. A non-PERS re-release would give new collectors the chance to get a great, classic Ledger Joker, but the lack of PERS would keep the original DX01's collectibility.

I really hope that they can make this as good as their other DC figures as of late, (Superman, Batman (89), and Joker (89))

We haven't gotten Batman 89 and Joker yet, so we have no idea if they're going to end up any good. They look good, but so did the Batman Begins exclusive, and how did that release turn out? Plus, The fact that it was a re-relase of a problem-free figure didn't save it. HT has lots of QC problems, and the most recent DC figures have been no stranger to that.

So I just hope that they make this one better than their other DC figures as of late :)

You know what? HT are stupid for not trying to hire Kato, the man is a god with a needle.

And charges an assload. HT needs to make money. There's no way they'd pay what someone like him would demand. Unless they raised their prices for figures by $300, and then of course no one would buy those.
Look at the bid history. That's all shill bidding. No way it'd jump up to $120 with 8 full days left.

Why do you care? They guy is going to end up paying fees on it. But chances are its someone that cant read bidding thinking they are getting the full set.
I hope the Nurse suit is possible. Over on the Mattel boards, the Batman representative said that was the one figure from Dark Knight that's completely off limits for them to do.

That does not surprise me, given how squeamish marketing people in American can be.

If Hot Toys does do a Nurse Joker, it wouldn't shock me if we get a repeat of the OC Batman situation - released only in Asia.

Collectors in America would have to import from a limited supply, which would be pricey.
Why do you care? They guy is going to end up paying fees on it. But chances are its someone that cant read bidding thinking they are getting the full set.

I mean, I don't care, I was just pointing it out, in case people hadn't noticed and thought there was actually a huge demand for such empty boxes.

If it's all just shill bids and nobody actually pays for it (which is what I suspect will happen), then nobody pays any fees (Ebay refunds them when the item doesn't actually get paid for).

I don't know how anyone could be fooled by this auction. It says clearly in the title AND description that it's an empty box. And there aren't any pictures of the figure or anything. Nothing is ambiguous or misleading. Nobody's trying to trick anybody.
I'll tell you why it's "such a difficult concept to grasp."

Because using language like "playing the odds" is completely contradictory to language like "it will be the nurse joker. mark my words." One is acknowledging that you think there's a probability that it's a Nurse Joker. The other is being absolutely certain, acting as if you actually have a reason to know.

Is that a "difficult concept" for you to grasp?

I think you all need to admit it - you WANT it to be a Nurse Joker, but you have no actual evidence supporting that conclusion. You make arguments for why it would make sense but, again, that's not evidence. You're twisting what few facts you have (which are very few) to suit your theories, rather than theorizing based on the data.

You even go so far as to determine what Hot Toys' motive is in performing a re-release in this case, even though the people here have been wrong so often before. How many were CERTAIN that the Batman Begins exclusive this summer was going to be a Gordon, or a Ra's, or a LOS Bruce (based only on the fact that it was a BB figure, since that's all we knew for certain at first)? NOBODY thought it would be a re-release of the OC Batman. NOBODY suggested that. But that's what we got (more or less), and everyone was surprised (most happily so). That just goes to show - there's no way to accurately guess what Hot Toys is going to do when information is so limited.

Now I don't care what you think individually, but I do believe there needs to be a voice of reason. Because this groupthink will lead newer members to believe something that simply is not true, based on the misinformed, but trusted, opinions of older members who really should know better. And that will inform their purchasing habits, which is especially problematic as these figures become more and more rare.

Spoiler Spoiler:

I just think ht need to stop re-release the same figures!!
No doubt it would be cool.

But the more I think about it, the more I worry that if it was a Nurse Joker, somehow there would be issues for a domestic release...
Void, what about those pictures from a while back that showed the BRJ on it from that HT event. Their might be a chance it's a BRJ/Nurse J. set (Either way is fine with me. I'm a Joker nut) :lol
I think they just used that graphic without realising it'll make us nuts think It could be the BRJ

No way it's an improved BRJ IMO

I think their motivation to revisit him has to do with both the money to be made but importantly to try to prove a point after all the insane customs that IMO improved massively upon the DX01 be it the sculpt or the outfit
That joker jester graphic was on the MMS 01 DX box and there wasn't a Bank Robber Joker to be found . . .
My money is on a updated purple suit too. It would be cool to see what they could do with another BRJ though, which is still one of my favorite figures.

I think HT will do a nice job, especially after seeing what they did with the sparrow figure. It's clothing is insane.
That joker jester graphic was on the MMS 01 DX box and there wasn't a Bank Robber Joker to be found . . .

Yeah, there was a couple viral/poster things that teased about upcoming releases at an event a couple months back. I think it had some IM posters and Cap posters in it as well.

The graphics card is from the DX01 though yeah.
That joker jester graphic was on the MMS 01 DX box and there wasn't a Bank Robber Joker to be found . . .


How many ____ing times do we have to mention this??? I think it should be in the title of the thread.
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