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How is it so iconic? because it was one of the first superhero films? Plus, thats going back to the character and not the argument was that the figure itself, character aside, is no where near comparable to the figure of Cap. Cap is way more intricate and detailed than Supes...he does have a nice base though :slap

Is something that is more intricate inherently superior? HT Superman looks only as complicated as it needs to be.

Also is it really even a contest between Reeve's Superman and Evans Cap as to which one was more important in modern cinema and which one is more recognizable?

All these things aren't necessary to consider when choosing 1/6 figures, but isn't crap like this what message boards are for? :lol

Anyway, I don't think their is anything wrong with HT Cap, it's not just grabbing my interest right now. Value per unit accessory doesn't phase me either.
Is something that is more intricate inherently superior? HT Superman looks only as complicated as it needs to be.

Also is it really even a contest between Reeve's Superman and Evans Cap as to which one was more important in modern cinema and which one is more recognizable?

All these things aren't necessary to consider when choosing 1/6 figures, but isn't crap like this what message boards are for? :lol

Anyway, I don't think their is anything wrong with HT Cap, it's not just grabbing my interest right now. Value per unit accessory doesn't phase me either.


Superman 1 beat Batman 89 by 11 years as the first Superhero movie to be taken seriously, when combined with CR great acting as fumbling Clark, his handsome looks, showing that a man could fly and Brando pwning as Jor-el, well, to be fair, it's almost not fair to the Superhero movies of today to try and capture that magic again, Superman 78 is what it is because of when it came out, nothing else like it existed back then.

Cap, while really good (for me anyways), is now just another Superhero movie in this day and age, and I'm grateful for that (cough Avengers cough WIN cough).

I love Batman Begins and TDK and i'm sure TDKR will also kick ass, but i'm sorry to say this, but Christian Bale's performance as Batman is not what will be remembered of Nolan's Batman movies, it will be Ledger's Joker.

Unless TDKR places Batman front and center again, so lets see what happens there.

What i'm trying to say is that I love 78 Souperman (sorry, i'm hungry) and having a perfect collectible of CR is a dream come true for me, as much as the 89 Batman figure will be.

Now, where is my bad ass Captain America, he looks awesome!
If your measuring stick is price, you gotta go with Cap. If it is the more iconic/important character, I would go with Supes. If it is the fanciest figure, I would go with Sparrow. Having said all that, I think Supes is easily gonna be the top "total package" pick for most fans of comics and movies due to the importance of the figure/character, and the apparent level of perfection in the sculpt. But if you're more of a Marvel guy or Depp-head then you might disagree of course.
If your measuring stick is price, I would go with Cap. If it is the more iconic/important character, I would go with Supes. If it is the fanciest figure, I would go with Sparrow. I think Supes is easily gonna be the top pick for most fans of comics and movies, but if you're more of a Marvel guy or Depp-head then you might disagree of course.

Who's Jack Sparrow, never heard of him. :lol
Y'know, I wish that figure didn't ultimately turn out so well. I'm not a huge fan of those films, but I am a huge fan of the performance, and that figure is just so great that I'm gonna have to bite on it. But of the 3 figures being discussed, Sparrow would definitely be my 3rd priority.
i never said cap or the film was more iconic than the superman films...just that I believe the figure is overall a better figure because of how much "more" there is to it for the price than the relatively plain, albeit accurate, Superman which costs much more

I'm trying to base it solely on the figure, as if I had no idea who Cap or Superman were. If they were bother the same price, I would say that Cap would probably still come out on top but since Supes is on average $50 I would say there is no comparison.

However, figures gain popularity based on the character represent. I would imagine than even a Supes represented less accurately than this one would have a greater appeal than a Cap that was more accurate solely based on popularity.

Hopefully that makes sense lol
As far as sparrow goes, it seems like it would be as intricately made as Cap with great accessories as well...but again, that is reflected in the price as well.

I can't imagine the characters is as popular as either Supes or Cap but because of the accessories and gear it comes with, being a DX and all, and the hefty price tag, its getting thrown in the drawing as well.
i never said cap or the film was more iconic than the superman films...just that I believe the figure is overall a better figure because of how much "more" there is to it for the price than the relatively plain, albeit accurate, Superman which costs much more

I'm trying to base it solely on the figure, as if I had no idea who Cap or Superman were. If they were bother the same price, I would say that Cap would probably still come out on top but since Supes is on average $50 I would say there is no comparison.

However, figures gain popularity based on the character represent. I would imagine than even a Supes represented less accurately than this one would have a greater appeal than a Cap that was more accurate solely based on popularity.

Hopefully that makes sense lol

LOL insert cat LOL
I thought I heard it mentioned in Michael Crawford's review thread that a portion of the cost of the HT Supes figure goes to the Christopher Reeve Foundation . Whether this is true or not, I don't know, but it could explain why a simple figure has a higher than usual price.
Well, i'm more then happy with this figure. :p







