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So how well does Iron Man stay on the stand in the flying positions? Is it something you could leave and be confident he wouldn't topple, or is it more of a quick shot sort of deal?
It is, after all, almost 4am and the only reason I'm up is some ^^^^^^^s are having a party on a Thursday night and woke me up. So have a beer. :duff
That's a good idea. :duff What were we talking about? Something about having a party when we get our Ironman in. Another good idea. :duff Cheers.
Thank you everyone for their kind words. I will update better pics tomorrow when the sky is bright.

To answer some queries, this headsculpt doesn't come with the
'skin' that TF had. It's of similar material and finish wise with the TDK Bruce sculpt. It's however not as harsh as those Bruce Wayne sculpt and still looks great. It just lacks the organic quality that the Aaron Eckhart headsculpt had.

I will not recommend the stand for a prolong flying pose. It does hold Iron Man but not as well as you might think. The stand wasn't designed to support the full weight of a 12inch and it's actually bending a little. I wouldn't be surprised if the plastic stand broke if you put it in a flying pose for to long.

Also, after the initial excitement wore off, this figure doesn't impressed me in the same way that those figure in the TDK line impresses me.

Sure, there is the light up gimmick and those flaps but it's just doesn't have the same impact that the Joker, Batman, and Two Face.

Those figure have amazing tailoring and costuming going for them and it's just like having a miniature of the character in your room. I guess with an actual body wearing those costume, there is this extra points in realism and believability.

Without an actual TT body inside, it's a step back in the realism department for me. It's kinda like the Bat Pod in the sense. There is not actual working gears or mechanism, or drivetrain or suspensions. It's just a really well made high end toy.

I know it sound weird and I think I am not explaining it well but it's just not as real as it could have been. The Mark 1 should win in this department because there is an actual TT inside and that really helps sell the man in an armour concept. Iron Man while still impressive feels more like a very well made high end toy instead of a miniature RDJ in an armour.
I can see that... although don't think they could have pulled this one off with at TT inside, so the compromise is a good one for me.
They could have be then again would you have known it? The option to go over a TT means that the pieces would all have to individually be manufactured and built on top of the under armor, it also means that to keep the stability they'd probably glue everything together anyway in absense of nuts and bolts. The suit is so formfitting that I really doubt you'd be even able to tell.
Yeah but my understanding is that s/he did pre-order with them, so they should have sent one out to Flamebo but instead, from what I can gather, are just selling to people walking off the street instead of filling their direct pre-orders.

I may be getting you wrong and missing your point. It is, after all, almost 4am and the only reason I'm up is some ^^^^^^^s are having a party on a Thursday night and woke me up. So have a beer. :duff

That's what I meant! :) But it's all good. Yeah I just wanted to rant about them not filling their pre-orders instead of giving me a call so I can go pick it up @ their retail store. (I'm from HK but I study oversea and I'm currently not in HK anymore). But like you guys, I'm just really anxious waiting for mine to come in as the reviews for the IM has been thumbs up so far. It's just that they've had my $30(US)dollars ($200HK) since September and as you guys know the HT customer service/communications is not so good.

noisetrigger: Thanks for the (very informative) review and pictures! Congrats on getting the IM so early! :woo
I've got my mk3 & 2 on order with XL-Shop, hope they start shipping soon, I'm sick of checking my email ;)
Anyone got any ideas when they are likely to be ready to ship?
I wonder where they'll go with it next? Rumors are a Bruce Wayne is being done could there be a Tony Stark on the Horizon? Everyone is waiting on the BD Mark 03 assuming it'll be announced and maybe we'll get an accurate Mark 02 facemask (the slider never is seen with the Mark 02, instead what you see is the faceplate being removed or rather picked up and put on and completely unattached from the helmet) with a "BD" Mark 02, I'd love to get one with darker apps covered in "ice" from the Santa Monica flight sequence.
got this from toys2

Your order may be available to ship out in March due to a little bit delay by upcoming Chinese New Year Holiday.
I wonder where they'll go with it next? Rumors are a Bruce Wayne is being done could there be a Tony Stark on the Horizon? Everyone is waiting on the BD Mark 03 assuming it'll be announced and maybe we'll get an accurate Mark 02 facemask (the slider never is seen with the Mark 02, instead what you see is the faceplate being removed or rather picked up and put on and completely unattached from the helmet) with a "BD" Mark 02, I'd love to get one with darker apps covered in "ice" from the Santa Monica flight sequence.

stop giving HT ideas to steal more of our money!!!!:duh:duh:duh:duh
I didn't receive an email from Toys2...I did preorder the morning of the first day they were available. Maybe I got in a small first run???
early on, another email i just got
Yes, it is released in HK with limited quantity and just good enough for HK customers to pick it up.

As Chinese New Year holiday starting in next week, it will have two weeks no production at factory.
So, we expect that our shipment will comes two weeks after Chinese New Year.

Sorry about that. We really out of control on this matter !
If toys2 aint getting it till march, SS is not getting it till end of march or april i would think
early on, another email i just got
Yes, it is released in HK with limited quantity and just good enough for HK customers to pick it up.

As Chinese New Year holiday starting in next week, it will have two weeks no production at factory.
So, we expect that our shipment will comes two weeks after Chinese New Year.

Sorry about that. We really out of control on this matter !

So SS will probably get it 2-3 weeks into March. That isn't really that long away. I was going to buy an in stock one of these off of Ebay, but it would end up costing me about $100 more with shipping, cancellation fees, and with my luck it would probably get stuck in customs. I'll just wait the extra month and a half and buy Snake Eyes with the extra money.