Hot Toys 1/6 Hoth Leia

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I have a very clear memory of walking up London Road in Liverpool after seeing ROTJ as a 10 yr old and shouting to a school friend waiting in line with around 500 other people about who Luke's sister was. Looking back I bet I was really popular with the other folk there. :slap

That being said I'm also in the list of people who don't look at Tarkin as a figure I need to have from a ANH point of view. No Kenner figure so not something that has that nostalgia draw to it. But I'm very drawn to the figure from a Rogue One and, more importantly, a technical point of view for being such a fantastic figure.

People have mentioned here about there being no Hoth or Bespin Han to display with Leia so it takes some of the shine away from the figure... nobody to really display with from a HT point of view. Tarkin has Vader in a two pack along with a DS Gunner in the recent past (and ANH Stormie Han if you want to use it as a regular TK). I've got ESB Vader coming so I'm not as keen to get ANH Vader after selling the previous version, but I think if I knew the DS Trooper was coming I'd be more inclined to pick Tarkin up and display with the Trooper and Gunner.

ROTJ Luke has a new Vader to pit against (Not exactly direct from ROTJ but fair enough), Emperor and Royal Guard as well as the potential releases of Endor Luke & Leia. SSC is rereleasing the Biker Scout to go alongside the ROTJ Luke DX along with the actual Speederbike. It really makes this Leia stand out as something that doesn't have anything direct from HT to display it with (or from SSC to be honest). I don't really put the HT Snowtrooper in that category although that in itself has the SSC Commander to work with it. I'm just hoping their schedule got a little out of whack but a Bespin Han / Hoth Han / Hoth Luke are just round the corner somewhere. Maybe that will help with some people's excitement about this figure.
I know she’ll look even better in hand than these great pics but I wonder if the resemblance to the prototype could be increased with a heavier eye liner applied.

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Spotless Leia thankfully! Great figure it looks awesome!

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Oh yeah- this was Leia's thread, not Tarkin's! :) (nice shots BTW)
I gotta say I absolutely love this figure, but my biggest complaint with it is the fact that the gun is sooooo loose in the hand. Why did they not form the trigger hand to hold it better?
I finally opened my Leia that arrived over the weekend and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her! She's gorgeous and absolutely perfect. I pulled the head out of the neck peg just a little as well and find it really makes a huge difference. The material of the outfit and especially the boots is really cool, and love the different off-white shade of the outer coat. Surprised by all the indifference for this figure after everyone was so excited when she got announced. I guess I was also a little lukewarm in my anticipation once the first pics/videos hit, but in hand I am so pleased. For me, it's Tarkin that I can't get excited about whatsoever. I thought the prototype looked amazing, but the disproportionately large head, hands, and canister things that go into his lapel just makes the figure look like a caricature to me, not like an actual tiny person. I can't even find it in myself to use the $50 off coupon I have on him.
Seems like this is a figure you either love or think missed the mark, at least from what I’ve read. Not very many neutral comments.
For me, it's Tarkin that I can't get excited about whatsoever. I thought the prototype looked amazing, but the disproportionately large head, hands, and canister things that go into his lapel just makes the figure look like a caricature to me, not like an actual tiny person. I can't even find it in myself to use the $50 off coupon I have on him.

Most of the Tarkin stuff is due to camera distortion. I was concerned too, but none of that is apparent in-hand. A couple of the hands may be a touch oversized, but nothing close to what the worst pics have shown. It's all these ultra-close up pics that makes heads and hands looks huge.

Other than one of the HT Sparrows, Tarkin is the closest I have ever seen to a living movie character shrunken down to 1/6. It's a staggeringly good fig in hand.

Seems like this is a figure you either love or think missed the mark, at least from what I’ve read. Not very many neutral comments.

I'm in the neutral corner - I like it, but it has a lot of drawbacks.

I think because Leia has such personality and the sculpt has that classic HT 1000 yard blank stare, you need to do something to bring the fig to life to "read" as ESB Leia. The hands-on-hips pose with head tilted really did that for me. Now that I found that pose, I like the fig a lot more.
People have mentioned here about there being no Hoth or Bespin Han to display with Leia so it takes some of the shine away from the figure... nobody to really display with from a HT point of view.

I tell you..Bespin Han IS coming. When he does, he's gonna want some.

She might sell out by then and people will be paying out the nose to get her.
Well, CF's face was thinner and less round in ESB vs ANH, but this figure takes it too far.

I wasn't a huge Tarkin fan, but Rogue One made me more interested in getting him, and the fact they 110% nailed the likeness, which is very rare for HT, made the figure a must-buy.

Between the sculpt and a really perfectly done uniform and boots, it's probably one of the best, if not the best SW figure HT has ever done.... as sad as that is to say, because I would have MUCH rather they done a perfect Leia Hoth (or any other hero, or even Vader, which HT still hasn't quite nailed) than Tarkin.

Yeah, the face thinness of this Leia seems closer to ROTJ.

Tarkin arrives in a couple days so I’ll get to opine for real then, but you’ve summed it up nicely as far as the figure goes. As a kid Tarkin didn’t necessarily do anything for me either but later I saw the gravitas that Cushing brought to the film — he helps make Vader work. Guinness of course did the same but for the heroes.

If the figure had a middling likeness it would have been an east pass, but considering how nicely it came out it was easy to find room for Tarkin.

I could kind of concur with this. In a mimalist overall general SW collection, I can see how one may opt to leave him out. He's essential though in an ANH collection I think being that I consider him the main antagonist of the film, more than Vader. My overall SW collection though centers mostly on ANH for the OT, so I have him.

Hot Toys has dictated this ANH focus a bit for a lot of OT collectors, as they’ve provided a very nice group of ANH figures. Hoth Leia as someone mentioned has no natural HT pairing. I suspect folks will upgrade certain characters as nicer versions of the main heroes arrive.

But figures like Tarkin, Ben, Emperor, Chewie, R2, and 3PO are basically one and done. It’s great when that sole version of the character is near-flawless (Moff), but frustrating when they miss the mark (Ben).

I still do think that Tarkin comes across more as an ambitious, loyal technocrat that is part of an evil regime than a sinister villain himself. But again I think there’s a sense of realism to that the counters what Vader is up to.
I tell you..Bespin Han IS coming. When he does, he's gonna want some.

She might sell out by then and people will be paying out the nose to get her.

Yeah, the HT Han Bespin announcement is so overdue it's getting freaky. Until that fateful day, we'll give Tan Solo Bespin his moment to shine...



Just got mine. She’s pretty spectacular...


The sculpt looks great from the side-3/4 view.:clap