Guardians of the Galaxy

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What did everyone think of Thanos?

I wish they didn't do a "full" reveal and still sort of kept him in the dark. I'm also disappointed they made his features more humanesque (and thus, he looks much more like Josh Brolin). The eyebrows and the clear pupils stood out to me like a sore thumb.

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I hope they eventually go back to the Avengers/evil glowing style for the eyes.

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I hope this dude is not all hype it seems marvel can not produce a decent villain beyond loki. They are just so superficial they need to build them up and would mean devoting screen time for them.

And based on that I am NOT in favor of what marvel is doing by teasing him in all these movies. they should be devoting more time to him in each of the previous movies as I kind of find it hard to believe they will tease this character for so long and then only use him once in avengers 3.

You need to give him a back story show why he us such a bad ass all that not just drop the mist anticipated character they have and then he is one and done. It seems like a throw away to me.
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Saw this last night. Loved it SO much. Best non-OT SW movie ever. So entertaining.

I could go off about so many things I loved but I will say the one thing I didn't love was Ronan. Lee Pace just didn't seem that comfortable as the character. So one-dimensional and the movie seemed to flip flop on whether he was a badass or comedic villain. The dance-off sealed his fate as comedic but he was just so generic. Barbossa and Davy Jones were great examples of villains that can be comedic (even if they are the "straight man" to the zany antics of the hero) but still infamous and iconic. Ronan just wasn't that but there was so much else going on and so much awesome (even other great villains like Nebula and Michael Rooker) that his merely passable presence didn't bring the movie down.

That and the "John Stamos" reference which literally no one in my theater laughed at.

Other than those two things GOTG was one of the most visually spectacular and outright enjoyable movies I've seen in a very long time. Drax's deadpan was awesome and Groot's smile after impaling all the bad guys was priceless.

I loved that Star-Lord wore his mask so often. I assumed we'd never see it again after the opening. After the final battle against Ronan's ship I never have any reason to watch Avatar again. :lol
I actually wish I had kids so that I could take them to see this :lol

I saw GOTG on Friday afternoon with my 2 boys. We all loved it. It was really a fun movie. I mean, a talking tree and racoon...what kid isn't going to love that? My personal fave is still Cap:WS, but I enjoyed the hell out of GOTG.
this was a good ass movie and man i didnt think i would like it. Much better than winter soldier for me and way better than every thor movie. Loved how Drx was saying how everyone was his friend and when he got to gamora I laughed out loud. Also the whole steal the leg thing was funny.

I also laughed when the guy fell and he shouts "ow my neck" I dont why that was funny haha

I think i was the only one in my theater that laughed at that part :lol
Marvel villians are weak sauce, literally wouldn't be able to tell roman and the dude from Thor 2 apart.
Marvel villians are weak sauce, literally wouldn't be able to tell roman and the dude from Thor 2 apart.

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How come no one ever says "FUN" after a modern WB/DC movie. :lol

Because they take themselves far too seriously and get overly concerned with trying to be grounded in reality.

Watching something like TDK is to me the cinematic equivalent of spending a wet weekend at the seaside in the middle of winter when everywhere is closed....f'ing depressing.

Guardians is far from being a perfect movie, but it makes me smile and I'll take it over anything DC has to offer.
Saw it yesterday. Good movie. Do Guardians of the Galaxy comics have as much humor as the movie? Im just starting to feel like what's the point of making characters like Spider-Man and Deadpool be funny and have humor throughout their material if every other Marvel character/movie series is going to do the same thing. It looks like people intentionally go see Marvel movies to see how funny they are lately..
2 guys next to me were annoyed that Ronan stopped what he was doing to ask Star Lord what he was doing during the dance off diversion scene.

It didn't bother me one bit. :lol
Hell yeah :hi5:

This means more Cosmic Marvel is on the Horizon, and a bigger budget for GOTG2 :blissy

I really do hope they open up to cosmic marvel. The movie was fresh and the most original we have seen in this summers blockbusters and I would love for them to expand that
If only Ronan had Kevin Bacon knowledge, maybe he wouldn't have been played.